Version: 9.12.0
Transforming geometrical objects

The objects created in Salome can be processed with Transformation operations, which can be classified into:

  • Boolean operations, which allow combining objects with boolean logical operators.
  • Transformation operations, which modify shape or location of the selected object.

  • Features, which allow adding or removing matter from an object.

  • Operations with Blocks.

  • Partition operation, which creates a compound by intersection of several shapes with a tool object or a plane.
  • Archimede operation, which creates a plane corresponding to the modelled waterline of the object plunged into water.
  • Get shapes on shape operation, a special case of Explode operation.
  • Get shared shapes operation, a special case of Explode operation.
  • Transfer Data operation, which copies non-topological data from one shape to another.
  • Extract and Rebuild operation, which extracts sub-shapes from the main shape.

  • Restore presentation parameters. This cross-operation functionality allows the resulting shape to inherit colors and sub-shapes from its parent shapes.