Version: 9.12.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCAF_ApplicationOCC OCAF-based application
 CCAF_OperationBase operation class for all operations used in CAF package
 CCAF_StudyRepresents study for using in CAF module
 CCAF_ToolsProdives a set of helpful static methods
 CCAM_ApplicationIntroduces an application class which provides modular architecture
 CCAM_DataModelBase class for all data models used in CAM-based applications
 CCAM_DataObjectCAM-based implementation of the data object
 CCAM_ModuleBase implementation of the module in the CAM application architecture
 CCAM_ModuleObjectCAM data model root object
 CCAM_StudyRepresents document object in the CAM application architecture
 CCASCatch_CatchSignalsThis class controls an exception handling
 CCASCatch_ErrorHandlerThis class is an exception handler, private
 CCASCatch_FailureThis class presents an exception to be thrown
 CDDS_DicGroupThis class provides a set of DDS_DicItem objects from one component
 CDDS_DicItemThis class provides an information about datum (phisical characteristic parameter)
 CDDS_DictionaryThis class provides an information about used datums, reading them from XML file
 CDDS_KeyWordsThis class defines the pairs of internal keys and XML tags or attributes names
 CDiffItemThe structure representing difference between source and destination items
 CFuncMsgFunction call in/out tracer
 CGLViewer_AspectLineClass for manage of presentations in GLViewer
 CGLViewer_CoordSystemClass implementing mathematical model of 2D coordinate system
 CImageComposer_ColorMaskOperatorImplementation of the color mask operator
 CImageComposer_CropOperatorImplementation of the cropping operator
 CImageComposer_CutOperatorImplementation of the cutting operator
 CImageComposer_FuseOperatorImplementation of the fusing operator
 CImageComposer_ImageImplementation of image in the global coordinate system
 CImageComposer_OperatorImplementation of the base abstract operation for image composing
 CIMapIndexed map template class
 CIMapConstIteratorIndexed map const iterator template class
 CIMapIteratorIndexed map iterator template class
 CInitEventHelper event class responsible for initializing SALOME_Event mechanism by the main thread ID
 CLightApp_DataObjectBase data object class to build the data model for all the SALOME modules
 CLightApp_ModuleActionAn action, representing the list of modules to be inserted to the toolbar
 CLightApp_ModuleDlgA dialog box allowing to select study operation to be performed on the module activating
 CLightApp_ModuleObjectUsed for optimized access to the data model from the data objects
 CLightApp_OBSelectorObject browser selection handler class
 CLightApp_OperationBase class for all operations Base class for all operations (see SUIT_Operation for more description)
 CLightApp_PyFileValidatorValidator for Python scripts file names
 CLightApp_RootObjectRoot data object for the light (without CORBA) SALOME application
 CLightApp_SwitchOpThis class is intended for controling switching between operation
 CLogWindowWidget, displaying log messages
 COB_BrowserObject browser widget which can be used to handle tree-like data model
 COCCViewer_AxialScaleDlgDialog allowing to assign parameters of axes scaling
 COCCViewer_ClippingDlgDialog allowing to assign parameters of clipping plane
 COCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractorThe class provides mouse dragging operations with AIS_Plane: 1) Sliding plane by dragging it with point 2) Rotating plane around one or both of the rotation axes by dragging its point with "ctrl" key pressed
 CAxisWidgetAxis tab widget of the "Graduated axis" dialog box
 COCCViewer_EnvTextureDlgDialog allowing to assign parameters of environment texture
 COCCViewer_FitterAn object wich provides alternative way to fit scene in a view
 COCCViewer_LightSourceDlgDialog allowing to assign parameters of light source
 COCCViewer_RayTracingDlgDialog allowing to assign parameters of ray tracing
 COCCViewer_ToolTipCustom tooltip for AIS_InteractiveObjects and SelectMgr_EntityOwners in the OCC Viewer
 COCCViewer_ViewportInputFilterThe user input filter of OCC viewports. The class can be used to introduce custom interactive operations in OCC viewer, e.g. manipulating IO. The filter receives events in priority to the viewport itself and can bypass some events if it provides custom handling
 CPlot2d_SetupCurveDlgDialog box for modifying 2d curve settings
 CPlot2d_SetupCurveScaleDlgDialog box for modifying 2d curve scale factor
 CPlot2d_SetupViewDlgDialog box to setup Plot2d view window
 CPlot2d_ViewWindowPlot2d view window
 CProgressEventProgress change custom event
 CPVViewer_Behaviors! PARAVIS behaviors - mimic what is done in Qt/ApplicationComponents/pqParaViewBehaviors.cxx Except a few ones, behaviors are destroyed when the module is destroyed
 CPVViewer_CorePure static class gathering most of the interactions with ParaView's API and ParaView's start sequence
 CPVViewer_InitSingletonThis class deals with initialization of SALOME_Session to make it a PV based application
 CPVViewer_OutputWindowVtkOutputWindow implementation that redirects VTK output messages to dedicated sinals which are then handled by SALOME log window
 CPVViewer_ViewWindowPVGUI view window
 CPyModuleHelperThis class implements API helper for all the Python-based SALOME GUI modules
 CPyViewer_ViewerPython view model
 CPyViewer_ViewManagerPython viewer view manager
 CPyViewer_ViewWindowPython view window
 CQDSA set of usefull static functions
 CQDS_DatumBase class for all controls using the data dictionary
 CQDS_DoubleValidatorA validator for floating point values
 CQDS_IntegerValidatorA validator for integer values
 CQDS_StringValidatorA validator for string values
 CQObjectFor more information see QT documentation
 CQtxA set of helpful utility functions
 CQtxAbstractRubberBandAnalog of class QRubberBand with possibility of creation non-rectangular contour for selection
 CQtxActionGeneric action class
 CQtxActionGroupGroups actions together
 CQtxActionMenuMgrMain menu actions manager
 CQtxActionMgrManages a set of actions accessible by unique identifier
 CQtxActionSetAn action class which is represented in the menu bar (or toolbar) as a group of items (which can be customized)
 CQtxActionToolMgrToolbar actions manager
 CQtxBackgroundDialogDialog box that can be used to set-up the background data
 CQtxBackgroundToolImplementation of the widget managing background data
 CQtxBiColorToolImplementation of the widget managing a couple of colors
 CQtxColorButtonImplements a widget for color preference items editing
 CQtxColorScaleColor Scale widget
 CQtxComboBoxEnhanced version of Qt combo box class
 CQtxDialogGeneric dialog box class
 CQtxDockActionDockable windows & toolbars list action
 CQtxDockWidgetEnhanced dockable widget class
 CQtxDoubleSpinBoxEnhanced version of the Qt's double spin box
 CQtxDoubleValidatorValidator for double numbers with possibility to fix up the invalid value
 CQtxEvalExprString expression evaluator
 CQtxEvalParserExpression parser
 CQtxEvalSetGeneric class for all the operations sets used in expressions
 CQtxEvalSetArithmeticProvides set of arithmetical operations for the parser
 CQtxEvalSetBaseGeneric class. Provides functionality for standard operations sets
 CQtxEvalSetConstProvides different standard constants
 CQtxEvalSetLogicProvides set of logical operations for the parser
 CQtxEvalSetMathProvides a set of more complex operations (mathematical functions) for the parser (sqrt, sin, cos, etc)
 CQtxEvalSetSetsProvides set of operations with sequences for the parser
 CQtxEvalSetStringProvides set of string operations for the parser
 CQtxFontEditWidget for font preference items editing
 CQtxGridBoxA container widget with possibility to automatically layout child widgets
 CQtxGroupBoxEnhanced group box widget
 CQtxInfoPanelInfo panel which allows presenting welcome, useful hints and other information dynamically, e.g. in the dock panel of main application's window
 CQtxIntSpinBoxEnhanced version of the Qt's spin box
 CQtxIntValidatorValidator for integer numbers with possibility to fix up the invalid value
 CQtxListActionAction with associated list of items
 CQtxLogoMgrProvides a way to install logo pictures to the application main window
 CQtxMainWindowEnhanced main window which supports dockable menubar and status bar plus geometry saving/restoring
 CQtxMenuThe class QtxMenu represents the popup menu with the title
 CQtxMRUActionMenu action which provides most recent used items support
 CQtxMultiActionThe class QtxMultiAction implements modifiable action
 CQtxPageNamedPrefItemBase class for implementation of the named preference items (items with text labels)
 CQtxPagePrefBackgroundItemGUI implementation of the resources item to store background data
 CQtxPagePrefBiColorItemGUI implementation of the resources item to store a bi-color value
 CQtxPagePrefCheckItemGUI implementation of the resources check box item (boolean)
 CQtxPagePrefColorItemGUI implementation of the resources color item
 CQtxPagePrefDateTimeItemGUI implementation of resources date/time item
 CQtxPagePrefEditItemGUI implementation of the resources line edit box item for string, integer and double values
 CQtxPagePrefFontItemGUI implementation of the resources font item
 CQtxPagePrefFrameItemGUI implementation of the frame widget container
 CQtxPagePrefGroupItemGUI implementation of the group widget container
 CQtxPagePrefItemBase class for implementation of all the widget-based preference items
 CQtxPagePrefLabelItemLabel item which can be used in the preferences editor dialog box
 CQtxPagePrefListItemGUI implementation of the list container preference item
 CQtxPagePrefMgrGUI implementation of the QtxPreferenceMgr class: preferences manager
 CQtxPagePrefPathItemGUI implementation of the resources file/directory path item
 CQtxPagePrefPathListItemGUI implementation of the resources files/directories list item
 CQtxPagePrefSelectItemGUI implementation of the resources selector item (string, integer or double values list)
 CQtxPagePrefSpaceItemSimple spacer item which can be used in the preferences editor dialog box
 CQtxPagePrefSpinItemGUI implementation of the resources spin box item (for integer or double value)
 CQtxPagePrefTabsItemGUI implementation of the tab widget container
 CQtxPagePrefTextItemGUI implementation of the resources text box edit item (for large text data)
 CQtxPagePrefToolBoxItemGUI implementation of the tool box container preference item
 CQtxPathDialogSimple convenience dialog to enter a path to the file or to the directory
 CQtxPathEditWidget for file or directory path preference items editing
 CQtxPathListEditWidget for files or directories paths list preference items editing
 CQtxPopupMgrPopup menu manager
 CQtxPopupSelectionThis class is a part of the popup menu management system
 CQtxPreferenceItemBase class for implementing of all the preference items
 CQtxPreferenceMgrClass for managing preferences items
 CQtxResourceMgrApplication resources manager
 CQtxSearchToolContext search tool
 CQtxSplashSplash screen that can be shown during application startup
 CQtxSplitDlgUsed for arranging views(menu item "Window->Arrange Views") and for creating sub-views of current view(button "Create sub-views")
 CQtxToolBarEnhanced toolbar class
 CQtxToolButtonDrop-down tool button that behaves like a drop-down combo-box
 CQtxTranslatorExtended version of QTranslator
 CQtxTreeViewTree view class with possibility to display columns popup menu
 CQtxTreeViewSearcherA QTreeView class based searcher
 CQtxWebBrowserThe QtxWebBrowser provides a window that can display html pages from local file system
 CQtxWorkspaceA workspace widget which can be used in the MDI application as top-level widget in the application main window
 CQtxWorkspaceActionImplements actions group for menu Windows with standard operations, like "Cascade", "Tile", "Tile Horizontally", etc
 CQtxWorkstackWorkstack widget
 CQtxWorkstackActionImplements actions group for menu Windows with standard operations, like "Split vertical", "Split horizontal", etc
 CQtxWorkstackAreaWorkstack widget workarea
 CQtxWorkstackChildWorkarea child widget container
 CQtxWorkstackDragWorkstack drag object
 CQtxWorkstackSplitterWorkstack splitter
 CQtxWorkstackTabBarWorkstack tab bar widget
 CQValueListFor more documentation see QT documentation. QT class
 CRefCountBase counter class what children using in SmartPtr class how template
 CSALOME_ActorThe class is a basic one for all SALOME VTK presentation
 CSALOME_CustomEventGeneric event class for user-defined events
 CSALOME_EventThe class which encapsulates data and functionality required for posting component-specific events to perform arbitrary operations in the main GUI thread
 CSALOME_PYQT_ModuleThis class implements GUI module for CORBA engine-based Python SALOME modules
 CSALOME_PYQT_ModuleLightThis class implements GUI module for "light-weight" (no-CORBA-engine) Python-based SALOME modules
 CSALOME_PYQT_SelectorObject browser selection handler class
 CSALOME_SelectionThe class represents selection which can be used in Python
 CSalomeApp_ApplicationApplication containing SalomeApp module or LightApp module
 CSalomeApp_DataModelDescription : Base class of data model
 CSalomeApp_DataObjectImplementation of the data object for use in CORBA-based SALOME modules
 CSalomeApp_ExitDlgDescribes a dialog box shown on question about quit application
 CSalomeApp_LoadStudiesDlgDialog box which allows selecting study to be loaded from the list
 CSalomeApp_ModuleBase class for all salome modules
 CSalomeApp_ModuleObjectThis class is used for optimized access to the SALOMEDS-based data model from SalomeApp_DataObject class instances
 CSalomeApp_RootObjectRoot data object for the CORBA-based SALOME application
 CSalomeApp_SavePointObjectRepresents persistent visual_state object
 CSalomeApp_SavePointRootObjectRepresents parent object for visual_state objects
 CSALOMEGUI_SwigPython interface module for SALOME GUI
 CSalomePyQtThe class provides utility functions which can be used in the Python to operate with the SALOME GUI
 CSession_ServerCheckThe class Session_ServerCheck is used to check SALOME servers availability
 CSgPyQtUserDefinedContentA Wrapper for UserDefinedContent class
 CSmartPtrTemplate class that provides automatic casting for hold RefCount based objects
 CSPV3D_CADSelectionSPV3D_CADSelection handles various selection modes available on RenderViews
 CSPV3D_ViewManagerExtend SUIT_ViewManager to deal with SPV3D_ViewModel
 CSPV3D_ViewModelExtends two interfaces #SPV3D_ViewModelBase and SALOME_View
 CSPV3D_ViewWindowDefine a container for SALOME PV3D view window
 CStatusLabelStatus bar customization label. Used to workaroubd desktop resizing bug
 CStyle_ModelSALOME style model
 CStyle_PrefDlgSALOME style prefences dialog box class
 CStyle_ResourceMgrSALOME style resources manager
 CStyle_SalomeSALOME style class
 CStyle_ToolsA set of utility functions used by SALOME style to draw widgets
 CSUIT_AccelManager of keyboard accelerator bindings
 CSUIT_CameraPropertiesBase class for Camera Properties
 CSUIT_DataBrowserObject browser customization
 CSUIT_DataObjectData object representing the data instance in the tree-like hierarchy
 CSUIT_DataOwnerPtrListManage list of SUIT_DataOwnerPtr
 CSUIT_FileDlgAn extension of the Qt Open/Save file dialog box
 CSUIT_FileValidatorProvides functionality to check the file or directory existance and permissions
 CSUIT_ItemDelegateAn SUIT_DataObject-based item delegate class
 CSUIT_MessageBoxMessage dialog box for SUIT-based application
 CSUIT_OperationBase class for all operations
 CSUIT_OverrideCursorClass used for management cursors
 CSUIT_ProxyModelProxy model which can be used above the SUIT_TreeModel class to enable custom sorting/filtering of the data
 CSUIT_ShortcutMgrClass which manages shortcuts customization
 CSUIT_TreeModelImplementation of the model/view API based on the tree of SUIT_DataObject class instances
 CSVTK_ActorThis class used for internal SVTK package purpose (highlight and prehighlight)
 CSVTK_AreaPickerRectangular picker class
 CSVTK_ControllerIncrementControl the value of increment in arithmetic progression mode
 CSVTK_ControllerOnKeyDownControl the behaviour of KeyDown event in SALOME way
 CAxisWidgetAxis tab widget of the "Graduated axis" dialog box
 CSVTK_GeomControllerIncrementControl the value of increment in geometric progression mode
 CSVTK_InteractorStyleIntroduce SALOME way of user interaction
 CSVTK_KeyFreeInteractorStyleIntroduce new style of interaction (keyboard free)
 CSVTK_RenderWindowInteractorExtends QVTK_RenderWindowInteractor functionality
 CSVTK_SelectionEventThe structure is used for passing all infromation necessary for claculation of the selection
 CSVTK_SelectorDefine an abstract interface for selection in SVTK package
 CSVTK_SignalHandlerMain purpose of the class is to provide a way to customize SVTK_ViewWindow
 CSVTK_ViewThis class is introduced just for compatibility with old code
 CSVTK_ViewerExtends two interfaces SVTK_ViewModelBase and SALOME_View
 CSVTK_ViewManagerExtend SUIT_ViewManager to deal with SVTK_Viewer
 CSVTK_ViewModelBaseTo define minimal interface for SVTK_ViewWindow initialization
 CSVTK_ViewWindowDefine a container for SALOME VTK view window
 CTMemFun1ArgEventTemplate class for event which calls the function with one argument and returning result
 CTMemFun2ArgEventTemplate class for event which calls the function with two arguments and returning result
 CTMemFunEventTemplate class for event which calls the function without arguments and returning result
 CToolsGUIUtility class
 CToolsGUI_CatalogGeneratorDlgA dialog box which allows converting the IDL files to the XML description
 CToolsGUI_RegWidgetSALOME Registry tool window
 CTVoidMemFun1ArgEventTemplate class for event which calls the function with one argument and without return value
 CTVoidMemFun2ArgEventTemplate class for event which calls the function with two arguments and without return value
 CTVoidMemFunEventTemplate class for event which calls the function without arguments and without return value
 CUserDefinedContentThe class represents base class for user defined widget that can be inserted to the Preferences dialog
 CvtkAbstractPropPickerFor more information see VTK documentation
 CvtkLODActorFor more information see VTK documentation
 CvtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithmFor more information see VTK documentation
 CVTKViewer_AppendFilterThis class used same as vtkAppendFilter. See documentation on VTK for more information
 CVTKViewer_GeometryFilterThis class used same as vtkGeometryFilter. See documentation on VTK for more information
 CVTKViewer_MarkerDlgDialog for specifying of point marker parameters
 CVTKViewer_MarkerWidgetWidget for specifying point marker parameters
 CVTKViewer_PolyDataMapperOpenGL Point Sprites PolyData Mapper
 CVTKViewer_TransformDescribes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix
 CVTKViewer_XAxisX Axis actor
 CVTKViewer_YAxisY Axis actor
 CVTKViewer_ZAxisZ Axis actor