:tocdepth: 3 .. _tuicomponent: ========= Component ========= Acces to HexaBlock component in python language:: import hexablock Add a new empty document in the session:: doc = hexablock.addDocument(name) Add a new document loaded from a *xml* file:: doc2 = hexablock.loadDocument(filename) Get the number of opened document in the session:: nd = hexablock.countDocument() Get the document number *i*:: doc_i = hexablock.getDocument(i) Remove a document in the session:: hexablock.removeDocument(doc_i) Get a document from the current study:: doc = hexablock.getFromStudy(doc_entry) Add a document in the current study:: hexablock.addToStudy(doc) A tool to dump a model of block:: hexablock.dump(doc, [mesh, [full]]) - doc: the document to dump - mesh: an optional mesh of this document - full: - False: to have a short dump (by default) - True: to have a full dump GUI command: :ref:`guicomponent`