:tocdepth: 3 .. _tuihexahedron: ========== Hexahedron ========== Manage the hexahedral of the document. Add an hexahedron in the document:: hexa_1 = doc.addHexa(q_A, q_B, q_C, q_D, q_E, q_F) hexa_2 = doc.addHexaVertices(ACE, ACF, ADE, ADF, BCE, BCF, BDE, DBF) Notice: the arguments follow the convention explain in :ref:`annexe` Get the number of all hexahedra of the document:: sum_a = doc.countHexa() Get an hexahedron of the document:: hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i) Get a vertex of an hexahedron:: vertex_i = hexa_i.getVertex(i) Get an edge of an hexahedron:: edge_i = hexa_i.getEdge(i) Get a quad of an hexahedron:: quad_i = hexa_i.getQuad(i) Get the number of used hexahedrons in the model of blocks:: nb_used_hexa = doc.countUsedHexa() Get the hexahedrons used by the model of blocks .. literalinclude:: test_doc/hexa/hexa.py Find an hexahedron in the document:: hexa = doc.findHexa(vertex_1, vertex_2) Add an hexahedron with 5 quads:: doc.addHexa5Quads (qa, qc, qd, qe, qf) Add an hexahedron with 4 quads:: doc.addHexa4Quads (qa, qd, qe, qf) Add an hexahedron with 3 quads:: doc.addHexa3Quads (qa, qd, qe) Add an hexahedron with 2 quads:: doc.addHexa2Quads (qa, qb) More operations: *Hexa* inherits :ref:`Element `. GUI command: :ref:`guihexahedron`