Extrude and join quadrangles

Extrude Quadrangles

To extrude from quadrangles in the Main Menu select Model -> Operation -> Extrude Quadrangles.

From a list of quadrangles, a set of hexahedra is created.

Simple Extrude

The dialogue box to make a simple extrude of quadrangles is:


Simple Extrude From Quadrangles


  • Quad(s) : the list of quadrangles to be extruded.

  • Nb layers : the number of layers of hexahedra resulting from the extrusion.

The direction of the extrusion is the vertical axis (Z axis).

TUI command: Simple Extrude

Uniform Extrude

The dialogue box to make a uniform extrude of quadrangles is:


Uniform Extrude From Quadrangles


  • Quad(s) : the list of quadrangles to be extruded.

  • dircection: the direction of the extrusion.

  • length : the length of hexahedra resulting from the extrusion.

  • Nb layers : the number of layers of hexahedra resulting from the extrusion.

TUI command: Uniform Extrude

Custom Extrude

The dialogue box to make a custom extrude of quadrangles is:


Custom Extrude From Quadrangles


  • Quad(s) : the list of quadrangles to be extruded.

  • direction : the direction of the extrusion.

  • height : a list of heights (in ascendant order because the size is computed from the origin) to specify the size of each layer of extrusion.

TUI command: Custom Extrude

Join Quadrangles

To join quadrangles in the Main Menu select Model -> Operation -> Join Quadrangles.

Uniform Join Quadrangles


Uniform Join Quadrangles Dialog Box


  • Quad(s) : the set of quadrangles to be joined and from which hexahedra will be created.

  • From point a: a vertex belonging to the first quadrangle of the set of quadrangles.

  • From point b: a vertex, consecutive to previous Point a, belonging to the first quadrangle.

  • Quadrangle : a quadrangle from the set of targeted quadrangles.

  • To point a : the target vertex (in the target quadrangle) for From point a.

  • To point b : the target vertex (in the target quadrangle) for From point b.

  • Nb layers : number of layers of hexahedra issued from the operation.

TUI command: Uniform Join

Custom Join Quadrangles


Custom Join Quadrangles Dialog Box


  • Quad(s) : the set of quadrangles to be joined and from which hexahedra will be created.

  • From point a: a vertex belonging to the first quadrangle of the set of quadrangles.

  • From point b: a vertex, consecutive to previous Point a, belonging to the first quadrangle.

  • Quadrangle : a quadrangle from the set of targeted quadrangles.

  • To point a : the target vertex (in the target quadrangle) for From point a.

  • To point b : the target vertex (in the target quadrangle) for From point b.

  • height : a list of heights to specify the size of each layer of hexahedra issued from the operation.

TUI command: Custom Join