This is the complete list of members for MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg, including all inherited members.
abortCommand() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
activate(const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
activateSelection() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | protectedvirtual |
ActivateThisDialog() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
addInStudy(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const char *theName) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
addSubshapesToStudy() | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
buildPrs() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | protectedvirtual |
buttonClose() const | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
buttonHelp() const | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
centralWidget() const | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
checkViewWindow() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
clearShapeBuffer(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr) | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
ClickOnCancel() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
ClickOnHelp() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
commitCommand(const char *=0) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
createOperation() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtual |
DeactivateActiveDialog() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
display(const ObjectList &, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
display(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
displayPreview(const bool display, const bool activate=false, const bool update=true, const bool toRemoveFromEngine=true, const double lineWidth=-1, const int displayMode=-1, const int color=-1, const bool append=false) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
displayPreview(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr obj, const bool append=false, const bool activate=false, const bool update=true, const double lineWidth=-1, const int displayMode=-1, const int color=-1) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
displayPreview(const SALOME_Prs *prs, const bool append=false, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
enterEvent(QEvent *) | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
erase(const ObjectList &, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
erase(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
erasePreview(const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
execute(ObjectList &objects) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
extractPrefix() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
findObjectInFather(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFather, const QString &theName) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
findObjectInFather(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFather, int theIndex) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
GEOMBase_Helper(SUIT_Desktop *, SUIT_ViewWindow *aVW=0) | GEOMBase_Helper | |
getActiveView() | GEOMBase_Helper | static |
getDesktop() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getDisplayer() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
getEntry(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr) const | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
getFather(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObj) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
getGeomEngine() | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedstatic |
getNewObjectName(int CurrObj=-1) const | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
getObjectName(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr object) const | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
getOperation() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getParameters(double &, double &, double &) | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
getPrefix(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr=GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil()) const | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getPreview() const | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotected |
getSelected(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getSelected(const QList< TopAbs_ShapeEnum > &types) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getSelected(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type, int count, bool strict=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getSelected(const QList< TopAbs_ShapeEnum > &types, int count, bool strict=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
getSourceObjects() | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
getStudy() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
globalSelection(const int=GEOM_ALLOBJECTS, const bool=false) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
globalSelection(const TColStd_MapOfInteger &, const bool=false) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
globalSelection(const TColStd_MapOfInteger &, const QList< int > &, const bool=false) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
hasCommand() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
hideSourceObjects(QList< GEOM::GeomObjPtr > theObjectList) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
Init() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
isApplyAndClose() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
isDisableBrowsing() const | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
isDisplayResult() const | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
isOptimizedBrowsing() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
isPreview | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
IsPreview() | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotected |
isValid(QString &) | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | protectedvirtual |
isWaitCursorEnabled() const | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
LineEditReturnPressed() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
localSelection(const ObjectList &, const std::list< int >) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(const ObjectList &, const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const std::list< int >) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(const std::string &, const std::string &, const std::list< int >) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(const std::list< int >) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
localSelection(const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
mainFrame() const | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg(GeometryGUI *, QWidget *) | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | |
MeasureGUI_Skeleton(GeometryGUI *, QWidget *=0, bool=false, Qt::WindowFlags=0) | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | |
myCommand | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myDesktop | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myDisplayer | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
myGeomGUI | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
myHelpFileName | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
myIsApplyAndClose | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myIsDisableBrowsing | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myIsDisplayResult | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myIsOptimizedBrowsing | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myIsWaitCursorEnabled | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myLength | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
myMainFrame | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
myObj | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
myOperation | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myPrefix | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myPreview | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
mySelBtn | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
mySelected | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
mySelEdit | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
mySurface | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
myTolerance | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
myViewWindow | GEOMBase_Helper | private |
myVolume | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | private |
onAccept(const bool publish=true, const bool useTransaction=true, bool erasePreviewFlag=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
openCommand() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
prepareSelection(const ObjectList &, const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
prepareSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const int) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
processObject() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | protectedvirtual |
PrsList typedef | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
redisplay(const ObjectList &, const bool=true, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
redisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const bool=true, const bool=true) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
redisplayPreview() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protected |
restoreSubShapes(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
SelectionIntoArgument() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | protectedvirtual |
selectObjects(ObjectList &objects) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
SetEditCurrentArgument() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton | protectedvirtualslot |
setIsApplyAndClose(const bool theFlag) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
setIsDisableBrowsing(const bool theFlag) | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
setIsDisplayResult(const bool theFlag) | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
setIsOptimizedBrowsing(const bool theFlag) | GEOMBase_Helper | protectedvirtual |
SetIsPreview(const bool thePreview) | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotected |
setIsWaitCursorEnabled(const bool theFlag) | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotectedvirtual |
setPrefix(const QString &prefix) | GEOMBase_Helper | inlineprotected |
showError() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
showError(const QString &msg) | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
toleranceChanged(double) | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | privateslot |
updateObjBrowser() const | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
updateViewer() | GEOMBase_Helper | protected |
~GEOMBase_Helper() | GEOMBase_Helper | virtual |
~MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg() | MeasureGUI_PropertiesDlg | |
~MeasureGUI_Skeleton() | MeasureGUI_Skeleton |