Version: 9.12.0
Python Interface
The former name of MG-Tetra mesher is GHS3D and names of the corresponding classes and modules still include "GHS3D".

Python package GHS3DPluginBuilder defines GHS3DPluginBuilder.GHS3D_Algorithm class providing access to the MG-Tetra meshing algorithm and its parameters.

You can get an instance of this class by calling smeshBuilder.Mesh.Tetrahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.MG_Tetra) or smeshBuilder.Mesh.Tetrahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.GHS3D). This call creates an algorithm (if not yet exist), assigns it to the mesh and returns an instance of GHS3DPluginBuilder.GHS3D_Algorithm to the caller.

The class of algorithm has methods to set up meshing parameters.

Below you can see examples of usage of this class for tetrahedral mesh generation.

  1. Construction of Mesh using MG-Tetra algorithm
  2. Adding enforced vertices
  3. Adding enforced mesh
  4. Mesh optimization

Construction of Mesh using MG-Tetra algorithm

Example of mesh generation with MG-Tetra algorithm:

import salome
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
# create a box
box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200., 200., 200.)
geompy.addToStudy(box, "box")
# create a mesh on the box
mgtetraMesh = smesh.Mesh(box,"box: MG-Tetra and MG-CADSurf mesh")
# create a MG_CADSurf algorithm for faces
MG_CADSurf = mgtetraMesh.Triangle(algo=smeshBuilder.MG_CADSurf)
MG_Tetra = mgtetraMesh.Tetrahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.MG_Tetra)
# compute the mesh
ok = mgtetraMesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mgtetraMesh")
volume = smesh.GetVolume(mgtetraMesh)
expected_volume = 200**3
assert (volume-expected_volume)/expected_volume < 1e-12
# End of script

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MG-Tetra mesh without hypothesis

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Adding enforced vertices

Example of enforced vertices with MG-Tetra algorithm:

# An enforced vertex can be added via:
# - the coordinates x,y,z
# - a GEOM vertex or compound (No geometry, TUI only)
# The created enforced nodes can also be stored in
# a group.
# This feature is available only on meshes without geometry.
# Ex1: Add one enforced vertex with coordinates (50,50,100)
# and physical size 2.
import math
import salome
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
import SMESH
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
def isNodeAtCoord(node_id, x, y, z, tol=1e-12):
xn, yn, zn = mgtetraMesh.GetNodeXYZ(node_id)
dist = math.sqrt((x-xn)**2+(y-yn)**2+(z-zn)**2)
print("dist: ", dist)
return dist < tol
# create a box
box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200., 200., 200.)
geompy.addToStudy(box, "box")
# create a mesh on the box
mgtetraMesh = smesh.Mesh(box,"box: MG-Tetra and MG-CADSurf mesh")
# create a MG-CADSurf algorithm for faces
# compute the mesh
ok = mgtetraMesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing MG-CADSurf mesh")
# Make a copy of the 2D mesh
mgtetraMesh_wo_geometry = smesh.CopyMesh( mgtetraMesh, 'MG-Tetra w/o geometry', 0, 0)
# create a MG_Tetra algorithm and hypothesis and assign them to the mesh
MG_Tetra = mgtetraMesh.Tetrahedron( smeshBuilder.MG_Tetra )
MG_Tetra_Parameters = MG_Tetra.Parameters()
# Create the enforced vertex
x1 = 50
y1 = 50
z1 = 100
MG_Tetra_Parameters.SetEnforcedVertex( x1, y1, z1, 2) # no group
# Compute the mesh
ok = mgtetraMesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing MG_Tetra mesh")
# Check that the enforced node is at the enforced coords
node_closest = mgtetraMesh.FindNodeClosestTo(x1, y1, z1)
assert isNodeAtCoord(node_closest, x1, y1, z1)
# Ex2: Add one vertex enforced by a GEOM vertex at (50,50,100)
# with physical size 5 and add it to a group called "My special nodes"
# Create another MG_Tetra hypothesis and assign it to the mesh without geometry
MG_Tetra_Parameters_wo_geometry = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra Parameters', 'GHS3DEngine')
mgtetraMesh_wo_geometry.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra )
mgtetraMesh_wo_geometry.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra_Parameters_wo_geometry )
# Create the enforced vertex
x2 = 50
y2 = 50
z2 = 100
p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y2, z2)
geompy.addToStudy(p2, "p2")
gr_enforced_name = "My special nodes"
MG_Tetra_Parameters_wo_geometry.SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup( p2, 5 , gr_enforced_name)
#MG_Tetra_Parameters.SetEnforcedVertexGeom( p1, 5 ) # no group
# compute the mesh
ok = mgtetraMesh_wo_geometry.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing MG_Tetra mesh without geometry")
# Check that the enforced node is at the enforced coords
gr_enforced_nodes = mgtetraMesh_wo_geometry.GetGroupByName(gr_enforced_name)[0]
assert (gr_enforced_nodes.Size() == 1)
node_enforced = gr_enforced_nodes.GetIDs()[0]
assert isNodeAtCoord(node_enforced, x2, y2, z2)
# Erase all enforced vertices
# End of script

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MG-Tetra mesh with enforced vertex
MG-Tetra mesh with enforced vertex from GEOM vertex

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Adding enforced mesh

Example of enforced meshes with MG-Tetra algorithm:

# It is possible to constrain MG-Tetra with another mesh or group.
# The constraint can refer to the nodes, edges or faces.
# This feature is available only on 2D meshes without geometry.
# The constraining elements are called enforced elements for the mesh.
# They can be recovered using groups if necessary.
# In the following examples, a box and a cylinder are meshed in 2D.
# The mesh of the cylinder will be used as a constraint for the
# 3D mesh of the box.
import salome
import GEOM
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200)
geompy.addToStudy( box, "box" )
cylindre = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(50, 50)
geompy.TranslateDXDYDZ(cylindre, 100, 100, 30)
face_cyl = geompy.ExtractShapes(cylindre, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], True)[1]
geompy.addToStudy( cylindre, 'cylindre' )
geompy.addToStudyInFather( cylindre, face_cyl, 'face_cyl' )
p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(20, 20, 20)
p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(180, 180, 20)
c = geompy.MakeCompound([p1,p2])
geompy.addToStudy( p1, "p1" )
geompy.addToStudy( p2, "p2" )
geompy.addToStudy( c, "c" )
# Create the 2D algorithm and hypothesis
MG_CADSurf = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-CADSurf', 'BLSURFEngine')
# For the box
MG_CADSurf_Parameters = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-CADSurf Parameters', 'BLSURFEngine')
MG_CADSurf_Parameters.SetPhysicalMesh( 1 )
MG_CADSurf_Parameters.SetPhySize( 200 )
# For the cylinder
MG_CADSurf_Parameters2 = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-CADSurf Parameters', 'BLSURFEngine')
MG_CADSurf_Parameters2.SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
# Create the 3D algorithm and hypothesis
MG_Tetra = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra', 'GHS3DEngine')
MG_Tetra_Parameters_node = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra Parameters', 'GHS3DEngine')
#MG_Tetra_Parameters_node.SetToMeshHoles( 1 )
MG_Tetra_Parameters_edge = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra Parameters', 'GHS3DEngine')
#MG_Tetra_Parameters_edge.SetToMeshHoles( 1 )
MG_Tetra_Parameters_face = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra Parameters', 'GHS3DEngine')
MG_Tetra_Parameters_face.SetToMeshHoles( 1 ) # to mesh inside the cylinder
MG_Tetra_Parameters_mesh = smesh.CreateHypothesis('MG-Tetra Parameters', 'GHS3DEngine')
MG_Tetra_Parameters_mesh.SetToMeshHoles( 1 ) # to mesh inside the cylinder
# Create the mesh on the cylinder
Mesh_cylindre = smesh.Mesh(cylindre)
Mesh_cylindre.AddHypothesis( MG_CADSurf )
Mesh_cylindre.AddHypothesis( MG_CADSurf_Parameters2 )
# Create some groups
face_cyl_faces = Mesh_cylindre.GroupOnGeom(face_cyl,'group_face_cyl', SMESH.FACE)
face_cyl_edges = Mesh_cylindre.GroupOnGeom(face_cyl,'group_edge_cyl', SMESH.EDGE)
face_cyl_nodes = Mesh_cylindre.GroupOnGeom(face_cyl,'group_node_cyl', SMESH.NODE)
ok = Mesh_cylindre.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing Mesh_cylindre with MG_CADSurf")
# Create the mesh on the cylinder
Mesh_box_tri = smesh.Mesh(box,"Mesh_box_tri")
Mesh_box_tri.AddHypothesis( MG_CADSurf )
Mesh_box_tri.AddHypothesis( MG_CADSurf_Parameters )
ok = Mesh_box_tri.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing Mesh_box_tri with MG_CADSurf")
# Create 4 copies of the 2D mesh to test the 3 types of contraints (NODE, EDGE, FACE)
# from the whole mesh and from groups of elements.
# Then the 3D algo and hypothesis are assigned to them.
mesh_mesh = smesh.CopyMesh( Mesh_box_tri, 'Enforced by faces of mesh', 0, 0)
mesh_mesh.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra )
mesh_mesh.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra_Parameters_mesh)
mesh_node = smesh.CopyMesh( Mesh_box_tri, 'Enforced by group of nodes', 0, 0)
mesh_node.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra )
mesh_node.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra_Parameters_node)
mesh_edge = smesh.CopyMesh( Mesh_box_tri, 'Enforced by group of edges', 0, 0)
mesh_edge.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra )
mesh_edge.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra_Parameters_edge)
mesh_face = smesh.CopyMesh( Mesh_box_tri, 'Enforced by group of faces', 0, 0)
mesh_face.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra )
mesh_face.AddHypothesis( MG_Tetra_Parameters_face)
# Add the enforced elements
MG_Tetra_Parameters_mesh.SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup(Mesh_cylindre.GetMesh(),SMESH.FACE,"faces from cylinder")
MG_Tetra_Parameters_node.SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup(face_cyl_nodes,SMESH.NODE,"nodes from face_cyl_nodes")
MG_Tetra_Parameters_edge.SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup(face_cyl_edges,SMESH.EDGE,"edges from face_cyl_edges")
MG_Tetra_Parameters_face.SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup(face_cyl_faces,SMESH.FACE,"faces from face_cyl_faces")
#Compute the meshes
ok = mesh_node.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mesh_node")
ok = mesh_edge.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mesh_edge")
ok = mesh_face.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mesh_face")
ok = mesh_mesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mesh_mesh")
def getNbNodes(mesh):
nb_nodes = mesh.NbNodes()
# group
nb_nodes = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
return nb_nodes
def checkEnforcedMesh(mesh, enforced_group, result_group, tol=1e-7):
name = "Check " + mesh.GetName()
# test nb nodes are the same between enforced group and the result group
if getNbNodes(enforced_group) != getNbNodes(enforced_group):
raise Exception("Enforce mesh failed for %s, wrong nummber of nodes"%name)
# test that all nodes are imposed at the same place by finding coincident nodes in a compound mesh
mesh_check = smesh.Concatenate([enforced_group, result_group], 0, name=name)
ll_coincident_nodes = mesh_check.FindCoincidentNodes(tol)
coincident_nodes = [item for sublist in ll_coincident_nodes for item in sublist]
mesh_check.MakeGroupByIds("coincident_nodes", SMESH.NODE, coincident_nodes)
mesh_nodes = mesh_check.GetNodesId()
if len(ll_coincident_nodes) != getNbNodes(enforced_group):
non_coincident_nodes = list(set(mesh_nodes) - set(coincident_nodes))
mesh_check.MakeGroupByIds("non_coincident_nodes", SMESH.NODE, non_coincident_nodes)
raise Exception("Enforce mesh failed for %s"%name)
checkEnforcedMesh(mesh_node, face_cyl_nodes, mesh_node.GetGroupByName("nodes from face_cyl_nodes")[0])
checkEnforcedMesh(mesh_edge, face_cyl_edges, mesh_edge.GetGroupByName("edges from face_cyl_edges")[0])
checkEnforcedMesh(mesh_face, face_cyl_faces, mesh_face.GetGroupByName("faces from face_cyl_faces")[0])
checkEnforcedMesh(mesh_mesh, Mesh_cylindre.GetMesh(), mesh_mesh.GetGroupByName("faces from cylinder")[0])
# End of script

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Mesh optimization

Example of mesh optimization with MG-Tetra Optimization:

import salome
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
import SMESH
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
# create a disk
disk = geompy.MakeDiskR(100., 1, theName="disk")
# triangulate the disk
mesh = smesh.Mesh( disk )
cadsurf = mesh.Triangle( smeshBuilder.MG_CADSurf )
cadsurf.SetQuadAllowed( True )
ok = mesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing mesh")
# extrude the 2D mesh into a prismatic mesh
mesh.ExtrusionSweepObject( mesh, [0,0,10], 7 )
# split prisms into tetrahedra
mesh.SplitVolumesIntoTetra( mesh )
# copy the mesh into a new mesh, since only a mesh not based of geometry
# can be optimized using MG-Tetra Optimization
optMesh = smesh.CopyMesh( mesh, "optimization" )
# add MG-Tetra Optimization
mg_opt = optMesh.Tetrahedron( smeshBuilder.MG_Tetra_Optimization )
mg_opt.SetSmoothOffSlivers( True )
mg_opt.SetOptimizationLevel( smeshBuilder.Strong_Optimization )
# run optimization
ok = optMesh.Compute()
if not ok:
raise Exception("Error when computing optimization mesh")
print("Nb tetra before optimization", mesh.NbTetras())
print("Nb tetra after optimization", optMesh.NbTetras())
# Check that aspect ratio 3D of optimized mesh is better than original mesh
min_aspectratio_orig, max_aspectratio_orig = mesh.GetMinMax(SMESH.FT_AspectRatio3D)
min_aspectratio_optim, max_aspectratio_optim = optMesh.GetMinMax(SMESH.FT_AspectRatio3D)
assert (min_aspectratio_orig - min_aspectratio_optim)/min_aspectratio_orig < 0.5
assert (max_aspectratio_orig - max_aspectratio_optim)/max_aspectratio_orig < 0.5
# End of script

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