Create cartesian grids

To create a Cartesian Grid in the Main Menu select Model -> Construction -> Make Grid.

Three kinds of grid can be created:

Simple cartesian grid

To create a simple cartesian grid, select radio button Simple:


Dialogue Box for a Simple cartesian grid

The following data are required:

  • nb X: The number of hexahedra along the X axis

  • nb Y: The number of hexahedra along the Y axis

  • nb Z: The number of hexahedra along the Z axis

The result of this action is:


Simple Cartesian Grid

TUI command: Simple Cartesian Grid

Uniform cartesian grid

To create an uniform cartesian grid, select radio button Uniform:


Dialogue Box for an Uniform cartesian grid

The following data are required:

  • origin: The vertex of the origin

  • vec X : The X vector

  • vec Y : The Y vector

  • vec Z : The Z vector

  • len X : The length of an hexahedra on the X axis

  • len Y : The length of an hexahedra on the Y axis

  • len Z : The length of an hexahedra on the Z axis

  • nb X : The number of hexahedra on the X axis

  • nb Y : The number of hexahedra on the Y axis

  • nb Z : The number of hexahedra on the Z axis

Clicking on “Apply” on the previous dialog box will produce the following grid (Uniform hexahedra, different sizes on the three axis):


Unfiorm cartesian grid

TUI command: Uniform Cartesian Grid

Custom cartesian grid

To create a Custom cartesian grid, select radio button Custom:


Dialogue Box for a Custom cartesian grid

The following data are required:

  • origin: The vertex of the origin

  • vec X : The X vector

  • vec Y : The Y vector

  • vec Z : The Z vector

  • X : A list of x values in ascendant order

  • Y : A list of y values in ascendant order

  • Z : A list of z values in ascendant order

A value on each axis gives the length of an hexahedra on that axis from the origin of the grid. For example the first value in the list of x values is the length on X axis of the first hexahedra from the origin.

The result of this action is:


Custom cartesian grid

TUI command: Custom Cartesian Grid