Visualiser une instance de MEDCoupling dans ParaViS à travers CORBA

import medcoupling as mc
from MEDCouplingCorba import MEDCouplingUMeshServant

# Creating a mesh
arr = mc.DataArrayDouble(11)
m = mc.MEDCouplingCMesh()
m = m.buildUnstructured()

# Making it available on the CORBA bus
ref_m = MEDCouplingUMeshServant._this(m)
import CORBA
orb = CORBA.ORB_init()
ior = orb.object_to_string(ref_m)

# Displaying it in ParaVis
import salome
print("About to import module 'pvsimple' ...")
import pvsimple as pvs
print("Module 'pvsimple' was imported!")

# From here, we use the standard ParaView API:
src1 = pvs.ParaMEDCorbaPluginSource()
src1.IORCorba = ior       # This is where we need the CORBA reference of the object created
dr = pvs.Show(src1)