Version: 9.13.0
VTK Namespace Reference


struct  ActorCollectionCopy
struct  TSetFunction
struct  TSetVisibility
struct  TVertex
struct  TColorFunctorBase
struct  TPropertyColor
struct  TColors2Color
struct  TPointColors2Color
struct  TCellColors2Color


typedef int MarkerType
 Type of standard marker for advanced rendering of vtk points. More...
typedef int MarkerScale
 Scale of standard marker for advanced rendering of vtk points. More...
typedef std::list< unsigned short > MarkerTexture
typedef std::pair< std::string, MarkerTextureMarkerData
typedef std::map< int, MarkerDataMarkerMap


template<typename TActor , typename TFunction >
TFunction ForEach (vtkActorCollection *theCollection, TFunction theFun)
template<typename TActor , typename TPredicate , typename TFunction >
TFunction ForEachIf (vtkActorCollection *theCollection, TPredicate thePredicate, TFunction theFun)
template<typename TActor , typename TPredicate >
TActor * Find (vtkActorCollection *theCollection, TPredicate thePredicate)
bool LoadTextureData (const QString &theFileName, VTK::MarkerScale theMarkerScale, VTK::MarkerTexture &theMarkerTexture)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > MakeVTKImage (const VTK::MarkerTexture &theMarkerTexture, bool theWhiteForeground)
QImage ConvertToQImage (vtkImageData *theImageData)
int GetUniqueId (const VTK::MarkerMap &theMarkerMap)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > MakeTexture (const char *theMainTexture, const char *theAlphaTexture)
template<class TCoordinates >
void DrawPoints (TCoordinates *theStartPoints, vtkCellArray *theCells, TColorFunctorBase *theColorFunctor, TVertex *theVertexArr, vtkIdType &theCellId, vtkIdType &theVertexId, TBall *theBallArr, vtkDataArray *theDiamArray, double theBallScale)
template<class TCoordinates >
void DrawCellsPoints (vtkPolyData *theInput, vtkPoints *thePoints, TColorFunctorBase *theColorFunctor, TVertex *theVertexArr, TBall *theBallArr, double theBallScale)


const MarkerType MT_NONE = 0
const MarkerType MT_POINT = 1
const MarkerType MT_PLUS = 2
const MarkerType MT_STAR = 3
const MarkerType MT_O = 4
const MarkerType MT_X = 5
const MarkerType MT_O_POINT = 6
const MarkerType MT_O_PLUS = 7
const MarkerType MT_O_STAR = 8
const MarkerType MT_O_X = 9
const MarkerType MT_USER = 10
const MarkerScale MS_NONE = 0
const MarkerScale MS_10 = 1
const MarkerScale MS_15 = 2
const MarkerScale MS_20 = 3
const MarkerScale MS_25 = 4
const MarkerScale MS_30 = 5
const MarkerScale MS_35 = 6
const MarkerScale MS_40 = 7
const MarkerScale MS_45 = 8
const MarkerScale MS_50 = 9
const MarkerScale MS_55 = 10
const MarkerScale MS_60 = 11
const MarkerScale MS_65 = 12
const MarkerScale MS_70 = 13

Typedef Documentation

◆ MarkerData

typedef std::pair<std::string, MarkerTexture> VTK::MarkerData

◆ MarkerMap

typedef std::map<int, MarkerData> VTK::MarkerMap

◆ MarkerScale

typedef int VTK::MarkerScale

Scale of standard marker for advanced rendering of vtk points.

◆ MarkerTexture

typedef std::list<unsigned short> VTK::MarkerTexture

◆ MarkerType

typedef int VTK::MarkerType

Type of standard marker for advanced rendering of vtk points.

Function Documentation

◆ ConvertToQImage()

QImage VTK::ConvertToQImage ( vtkImageData *  theImageData)

◆ DrawCellsPoints()

template<class TCoordinates >
void VTK::DrawCellsPoints ( vtkPolyData *  theInput,
vtkPoints *  thePoints,
TColorFunctorBase theColorFunctor,
TVertex theVertexArr,
TBall *  theBallArr,
double  theBallScale 

References DrawPoints().

◆ DrawPoints()

template<class TCoordinates >
void VTK::DrawPoints ( TCoordinates *  theStartPoints,
vtkCellArray *  theCells,
TColorFunctorBase theColorFunctor,
TVertex theVertexArr,
vtkIdType &  theCellId,
vtkIdType &  theVertexId,
TBall *  theBallArr,
vtkDataArray *  theDiamArray,
double  theBallScale 

◆ Find()

template<typename TActor , typename TPredicate >
TActor* VTK::Find ( vtkActorCollection *  theCollection,
TPredicate  thePredicate 

Find actor from collection, that can be dynamicaly cast to TActor,
and method thePredicate(someActor) return true)

Return values

◆ ForEach()

template<typename TActor , typename TFunction >
TFunction VTK::ForEach ( vtkActorCollection *  theCollection,
TFunction  theFun 

For each actor(for ex: someActor) from theCollection(that can be dynamic cast to type TActor)\n Call method theFun(someActor)

◆ ForEachIf()

template<typename TActor , typename TPredicate , typename TFunction >
TFunction VTK::ForEachIf ( vtkActorCollection *  theCollection,
TPredicate  thePredicate,
TFunction  theFun 

For each actor(for ex: someActor) from theCollection(that can be dynamic cast to type TActor and
method thePredicate(someActor) return true)
Call method theFun(someActor)

◆ GetUniqueId()

int VTK::GetUniqueId ( const VTK::MarkerMap theMarkerMap)

◆ LoadTextureData()

bool VTK::LoadTextureData ( const QString &  theFileName,
VTK::MarkerScale  theMarkerScale,
VTK::MarkerTexture theMarkerTexture 

References MS_NONE.

◆ MakeTexture()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> VTK::MakeTexture ( const char *  theMainTexture,
const char *  theAlphaTexture 

◆ MakeVTKImage()

vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > VTK::MakeVTKImage ( const VTK::MarkerTexture theMarkerTexture,
bool  theWhiteForeground 

Variable Documentation

◆ MS_10

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_10 = 1

◆ MS_15

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_15 = 2

◆ MS_20

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_20 = 3

◆ MS_25

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_25 = 4

◆ MS_30

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_30 = 5

◆ MS_35

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_35 = 6

◆ MS_40

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_40 = 7

◆ MS_45

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_45 = 8

◆ MS_50

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_50 = 9

◆ MS_55

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_55 = 10

◆ MS_60

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_60 = 11

◆ MS_65

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_65 = 12

◆ MS_70

const MarkerScale VTK::MS_70 = 13


const MarkerScale VTK::MS_NONE = 0


const MarkerType VTK::MT_NONE = 0

◆ MT_O

const MarkerType VTK::MT_O = 4


const MarkerType VTK::MT_O_PLUS = 7


const MarkerType VTK::MT_O_POINT = 6


const MarkerType VTK::MT_O_STAR = 8

◆ MT_O_X

const MarkerType VTK::MT_O_X = 9


const MarkerType VTK::MT_PLUS = 2


const MarkerType VTK::MT_POINT = 1


const MarkerType VTK::MT_STAR = 3


const MarkerType VTK::MT_USER = 10

◆ MT_X

const MarkerType VTK::MT_X = 5