Version: 9.12.0
MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh:
Collaboration diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh:

Public Member Functions

std::string advancedRepr () const
void allocateCells (mcIdType nbOfCells=0)
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfKeepCoords (const mcIdType *begin, const mcIdType *end) const
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfKeepCoordsSlice (mcIdType start, mcIdType end, mcIdType step) const
MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshbuildSetInstanceFromThis (std::size_t spaceDim) const
MEDCouplingUMeshbuildUnstructured () const
void checkConsistency (double eps=1e-12) const
void checkConsistencyLight () const
void checkConsistencyOfConnectivity () const
void checkFastEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
void checkFullyDefined () const
MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshclone (bool recDeepCpy) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublecomputeDiameterField () const
DataArrayIdType * computeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell () const
DataArrayIdType * computeFetchedNodeIds () const
DataArrayDoublecomputeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell () const
DataArrayIdType * computeNbOfFacesPerCell () const
DataArrayIdType * computeNbOfNodesPerCell () const
void computeNodeIdsAlg (std::vector< bool > &nodeIdsInUse) const
MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshcopyWithNodalConnectivityPacked (bool &isShallowCpyOfNodalConnn) const
MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshdeepCopy () const
MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshdeepCopyConnectivityOnly () const
void fillCellIdsToKeepFromNodeIds (const mcIdType *begin, const mcIdType *end, bool fullyIn, DataArrayIdType *&cellIdsKeptArr) const
DataArrayDoublegetBoundingBoxForBBTree (double arcDetEps=1e-12) const
std::string getClassName () const override
std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > getDirectChildrenWithNull () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
DataArrayIdType * getNodalConnectivity () const
DataArrayIdType * getNodalConnectivityIndex () const
DataArrayIdType * getNodeIdsInUse (mcIdType &nbrOfNodesInUse) const
void getNodeIdsOfCell (mcIdType cellId, std::vector< mcIdType > &conn) const
mcIdType getNumberOfCells () const
mcIdType getNumberOfNodesInCell (mcIdType cellId) const
void getReverseNodalConnectivity (DataArrayIdType *revNodal, DataArrayIdType *revNodalIndx) const
void getTinySerializationInformation (std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
MEDCouplingMeshType getType () const
void insertNextCell (const mcIdType *nodalConnOfCellBg, const mcIdType *nodalConnOfCellEnd)
void invertOrientationOfAllCells ()
bool isEmptyMesh (const std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo) const
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool isEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
bool isPacked () const
MEDCouplingMeshmergeMyselfWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const
MEDCouplingPointSetmergeMyselfWithOnSameCoords (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other) const
void renumberCells (const mcIdType *old2NewBg, bool check=true)
void renumberNodesInConn (const INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap< mcIdType, mcIdType > &newNodeNumbersO2N)
void renumberNodesInConn (const mcIdType *newNodeNumbersO2N)
void renumberNodesInConn (const std::map< mcIdType, mcIdType > &newNodeNumbersO2N) override
void renumberNodesWithOffsetInConn (mcIdType offset)
void reprQuickOverview (std::ostream &stream) const
void resizeForUnserialization (const std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, DataArrayIdType *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
bool retrievePackedNodalConnectivity (DataArrayIdType *&nodalConn, DataArrayIdType *&nodalConnIndx) const
void serialize (DataArrayIdType *&a1, DataArrayDouble *&a2) const
void setNodalConnectivity (DataArrayIdType *nodalConn, DataArrayIdType *nodalConnIndex)
void shallowCopyConnectivityFrom (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other)
std::string simpleRepr () const
DataArrayIdType * simplexize (int policy)
void unserialization (const std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, const std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, const DataArrayIdType *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, const std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings)
void updateTime () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildBoundaryMesh (bool keepCoords) const
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildFacePartOfMySelfNode (const mcIdType *start, const mcIdType *end, bool fullyIn) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublebuildOrthogonalField () const
DataArrayIdType * checkTypeConsistencyAndContig (const std::vector< mcIdType > &code, const std::vector< const DataArrayIdType * > &idsPerType) const
DataArrayDoublecomputeCellCenterOfMass () const
DataArrayIdType * findBoundaryNodes () const
void findCommonCells (int compType, mcIdType startCellId, DataArrayIdType *&commonCellsArr, DataArrayIdType *&commonCellsIArr) const
std::set< INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType > getAllGeoTypes () const
mcIdType getCellContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps) const
const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel & getCellModel () const
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType getCellModelEnum () const
void getCellsContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps, std::vector< mcIdType > &elts) const
DataArrayIdType * getCellsInBoundingBox (const double *bbox, double eps) const
DataArrayIdType * getCellsInBoundingBox (const INTERP_KERNEL::DirectedBoundingBox &bbox, double eps)
std::vector< mcIdType > getDistributionOfTypes () const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureField (bool isAbs) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureFieldOnNode (bool isAbs) const
int getMeshDimension () const
mcIdType getNodalConnectivityLength () const
mcIdType getNumberOfCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType getTypeOfCell (mcIdType cellId) const
std::string getVTKDataSetType () const
std::string getVTKFileExtension () const
DataArrayIdType * giveCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
void splitProfilePerType (const DataArrayIdType *profile, std::vector< mcIdType > &code, std::vector< DataArrayIdType * > &idsInPflPerType, std::vector< DataArrayIdType * > &idsPerType, bool smartPflKiller=true) const
void writeVTKLL (std::ostream &ofs, const std::string &cellData, const std::string &pointData, DataArrayByte *byteData) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
virtual bool areAllNodesFetched () const
bool areCellsFrom2MeshEqual (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other, mcIdType cellId, double prec) const
bool areCoordsEqual (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec) const
bool areCoordsEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool areCoordsEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec) const
DataArrayIdType * buildNewNumberingFromCommonNodesFormat (const DataArrayIdType *comm, const DataArrayIdType *commIndex, mcIdType &newNbOfNodes) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPart (const mcIdType *start, const mcIdType *end) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartAndReduceNodes (const mcIdType *start, const mcIdType *end, DataArrayIdType *&arr) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelf (const mcIdType *start, const mcIdType *end, bool keepCoords=true) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfNode (const mcIdType *start, const mcIdType *end, bool fullyIn) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfSlice (mcIdType start, mcIdType end, mcIdType step, bool keepCoords=true) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRange (mcIdType beginCellIds, mcIdType endCellIds, mcIdType stepCellIds) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRangeAndReduceNodes (mcIdType beginCellIds, mcIdType endCellIds, mcIdType stepCellIds, mcIdType &beginOut, mcIdType &endOut, mcIdType &stepOut, DataArrayIdType *&arr) const
DataArrayIdType * buildPermArrayForMergeNode (double precision, mcIdType limitNodeId, bool &areNodesMerged, mcIdType &newNbOfNodes) const
void changeSpaceDimension (int newSpaceDim, double dftVal=0.)
void checkDeepEquivalOnSameNodesWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayIdType *&cellCor) const
void checkDeepEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayIdType *&cellCor, DataArrayIdType *&nodeCor) const
void checkFastEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
void copyTinyStringsFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
void duplicateNodesInCoords (const mcIdType *nodeIdsToDuplicateBg, const mcIdType *nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd)
void findCommonNodes (double prec, mcIdType limitNodeId, DataArrayIdType *&comm, DataArrayIdType *&commIndex) const
void findNodesOnLine (const double *pt, const double *vec, double eps, std::vector< mcIdType > &nodes) const
void findNodesOnPlane (const double *pt, const double *vec, double eps, std::vector< mcIdType > &nodes) const
void getBoundingBox (double *bbox) const
double getCaracteristicDimension () const
DataArrayIdType * getCellIdsFullyIncludedInNodeIds (const mcIdType *partBg, const mcIdType *partEnd) const
DataArrayIdType * getCellIdsLyingOnNodes (const mcIdType *begin, const mcIdType *end, bool fullyIn) const
DataArrayDoublegetCoordinatesAndOwner () const
void getCoordinatesOfNode (mcIdType nodeId, std::vector< double > &coo) const
DataArrayDoublegetCoords ()
const DataArrayDoublegetCoords () const
const DataArrayDoublegetDirectAccessOfCoordsArrIfInStructure () const
std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > getDirectChildrenWithNull () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
DataArrayIdType * getNodeIdsNearPoint (const double *pos, double eps) const
void getNodeIdsNearPoints (const double *pos, mcIdType nbOfPoints, double eps, DataArrayIdType *&c, DataArrayIdType *&cI) const
mcIdType getNumberOfNodes () const
int getSpaceDimension () const
void getTinySerializationInformation (std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool isEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
virtual DataArrayIdType * mergeNodes (double precision, bool &areNodesMerged, mcIdType &newNbOfNodes)
virtual DataArrayIdType * mergeNodesCenter (double precision, bool &areNodesMerged, mcIdType &newNbOfNodes)
void recenterForMaxPrecision (double eps)
virtual void renumberNodes (const mcIdType *newNodeNumbers, mcIdType newNbOfNodes)
virtual void renumberNodesCenter (const mcIdType *newNodeNumbers, mcIdType newNbOfNodes)
void resizeForUnserialization (const std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, DataArrayIdType *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
void rotate (const double *center, const double *vector, double angle)
void scale (const double *point, double factor)
void serialize (DataArrayIdType *&a1, DataArrayDouble *&a2) const
void setCoords (const DataArrayDouble *coords)
void translate (const double *vector)
void tryToShareSameCoords (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double epsilon)
virtual void tryToShareSameCoordsPermute (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double epsilon)
void unserialization (const std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, const std::vector< mcIdType > &tinyInfo, const DataArrayIdType *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, const std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings)
void updateTime () const
virtual DataArrayIdType * zipConnectivityTraducer (int compType, mcIdType startCellId=0)
void zipCoords ()
virtual DataArrayIdType * zipCoordsTraducer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
virtual bool areCompatibleForMerge (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const
void checkGeoEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int levOfCheck, double prec, DataArrayIdType *&cellCor, DataArrayIdType *&nodeCor) const
virtual MCAuto< DataArrayDoublecomputeMeshCenterOfMass () const
virtual void copyTinyInfoFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, FunctionToEvaluate func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticNamedCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::vector< std::string > &varsOrder, const std::string &func) const
virtual void getCellsContainingPoints (const double *pos, mcIdType nbOfPoints, double eps, MCAuto< DataArrayIdType > &elts, MCAuto< DataArrayIdType > &eltsIndex) const
virtual void getCellsContainingPointsLinearPartOnlyOnNonDynType (const double *pos, mcIdType nbOfPoints, double eps, MCAuto< DataArrayIdType > &elts, MCAuto< DataArrayIdType > &eltsIndex) const
std::string getDescription () const
std::string getName () const
double getTime (int &iteration, int &order) const
std::string getTimeUnit () const
std::string getVTKFileNameOf (const std::string &fileName) const
virtual bool isEqual (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
bool isStructured () const
void setDescription (const std::string &descr)
void setName (const std::string &name)
void setTime (double val, int iteration, int order)
void setTimeUnit (const std::string &unit)
std::string writeVTK (const std::string &fileName, bool isBinary=true) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly
bool decrRef () const
int getRCValue () const
void incrRef () const
RefCountObjectOnlyoperator= (const RefCountObjectOnly &other)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::BigMemoryObject
std::string debugHeapMemorySize () const
std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > getAllTheProgeny () const
std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > getDirectChildren () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySize () const
std::string getHeapMemorySizeStr () const
bool isObjectInTheProgeny (const BigMemoryObject *obj) const
virtual ~BigMemoryObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::TimeLabel
void declareAsNew () const
std::size_t getTimeOfThis () const
TimeLabeloperator= (const TimeLabel &other)
 TimeLabel (const TimeLabel &other)=default

Static Public Member Functions

static DataArrayIdType * AggregateNodalConnAndShiftNodeIds (const std::vector< const DataArrayIdType * > &nodalConns, const std::vector< mcIdType > &offsetInNodeIdsPerElt)
static std::vector< mcIdType > BuildAPolygonFromParts (const std::vector< std::vector< mcIdType > > &parts)
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshMerge1DGTUMeshes (const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh *mesh1, const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh *mesh2)
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshMerge1DGTUMeshes (std::vector< const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * > &a)
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshMerge1DGTUMeshesOnSameCoords (std::vector< const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * > &a)
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshNew ()
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshNew (const MEDCouplingUMesh *m)
static MEDCoupling1DGTUMeshNew (const std::string &name, INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh
static MEDCouplingUMeshAggregateOnSameCoordsToUMesh (const std::vector< const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh * > &parts)
static MEDCoupling1GTUMeshNew (const MEDCouplingUMesh *m)
static MEDCoupling1GTUMeshNew (const std::string &name, INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
static MEDCouplingPointSetBuildInstanceFromMeshType (MEDCouplingMeshType type)
static DataArrayIdType * ComputeNbOfInteractionsWithSrcCells (const MEDCouplingPointSet *srcMesh, const MEDCouplingPointSet *trgMesh, double eps)
static DataArrayDoubleMergeNodesArray (const MEDCouplingPointSet *m1, const MEDCouplingPointSet *m2)
static DataArrayDoubleMergeNodesArray (const std::vector< const MEDCouplingPointSet * > &ms)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
static INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType GetCorrespondingPolyType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static int GetDimensionOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static mcIdType GetNumberOfNodesOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static const char * GetReprOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsLinearGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsStaticGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh1, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh2)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (std::vector< const MEDCouplingMesh * > &meshes)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::BigMemoryObject
static std::size_t GetHeapMemorySizeOfObjs (const std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > &objs)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh
 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh ()
 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh (const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh &other, bool recDeepCpy)
 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh (const std::string &name, const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel &cm)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
void checkConsistencyLight () const
 MEDCouplingPointSet ()
 MEDCouplingPointSet (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, bool deepCpy)
void project2DCellOnXY (const mcIdType *startConn, const mcIdType *endConn, std::vector< double > &res) const
void rotate2D (const double *center, double angle)
void rotate3D (const double *center, const double *vect, double angle)
 ~MEDCouplingPointSet ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
 MEDCouplingMesh ()
 MEDCouplingMesh (const MEDCouplingMesh &other)
virtual ~MEDCouplingMesh ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::RefCountObject
 RefCountObject ()
 RefCountObject (const RefCountObject &other)
virtual ~RefCountObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly
 RefCountObjectOnly ()
 RefCountObjectOnly (const RefCountObjectOnly &other)
virtual ~RefCountObjectOnly ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::TimeLabel
void forceTimeOfThis (const TimeLabel &other) const
 TimeLabel ()
void updateTimeWith (const TimeLabel &other) const
virtual ~TimeLabel ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
static bool intersectsBoundingBox (const double *bb1, const double *bb2, int dim, double eps)
static bool intersectsBoundingBox (const INTERP_KERNEL::DirectedBoundingBox &bb1, const double *bb2, int dim, double eps)
static bool isButterfly2DCell (const std::vector< double > &res, bool isQuad, double eps)
- Protected Attributes inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh
const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel * _cm
- Protected Attributes inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet

Member Function Documentation

◆ New() [1/3]

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::New ( const std::string &  name,
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType  type 

◆ New() [2/3]

◆ New() [3/3]

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::New ( )

useless constructor only for CORBA -> not swigged

Referenced by MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::BuildInstanceFromMeshType(), New(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::New().

◆ getClassName()

std::string MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getClassName ( ) const

Reimplemented from MEDCoupling::BigMemoryObject.

◆ clone()

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::clone ( bool  recDeepCpy) const

◆ deepCopy()

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::deepCopy ( ) const

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References clone().

◆ deepCopyConnectivityOnly()

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::deepCopyConnectivityOnly ( ) const

This method behaves mostly like MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::deepCopy method, except that only nodal connectivity arrays are deeply copied. The coordinates are shared between this and the returned instance.

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * - A new object instance holding the copy of this (deep for connectivity, shallow for coordiantes)
See also

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References checkConsistencyLight(), and clone().

◆ updateTime()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::updateTime ( ) const

This method should be called on high level classes as Field or Mesh to take into account modifications done in aggregates objects.

Implements MEDCoupling::TimeLabel.

References MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::updateTime(), and MEDCoupling::TimeLabel::updateTimeWith().

Referenced by invertOrientationOfAllCells(), renumberNodesInConn(), and renumberNodesWithOffsetInConn().

◆ getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren()

std::size_t MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren ( ) const

◆ getDirectChildrenWithNull()

std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getDirectChildrenWithNull ( ) const

◆ getType()

MEDCouplingMeshType MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getType ( ) const

◆ isEqualIfNotWhy()

bool MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::isEqualIfNotWhy ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec,
std::string &  reason 
) const

◆ isEqualWithoutConsideringStr()

bool MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::isEqualWithoutConsideringStr ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec 
) const

◆ checkFastEquivalWith()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkFastEquivalWith ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec 
) const

Checks if this and other meshes are geometrically equivalent with high probability, else an exception is thrown. The meshes are considered equivalent if (1) meshes contain the same number of nodes and the same number of elements of the same types (2) three cells of the two meshes (first, last and middle) are based on coincident nodes (with a specified precision).

[in]other- the mesh to compare with.
[in]prec- the precision used to compare nodes of the two meshes.
Ifthe two meshes do not match.

Reimplemented from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::checkFastEquivalWith().

◆ checkConsistencyLight()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkConsistencyLight ( ) const

If this pass this method, you are sure that connectivity arrays are not null, with exactly one component, no name, no component name, allocated. In addition you are sure that the length of nodal connectivity index array is bigger than or equal to one. In addition you are also sure that length of nodal connectivity is coherent with the content of the last value in the index array.

Reimplemented from MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh.

References MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::checkConsistencyLight(), and checkConsistencyOfConnectivity().

Referenced by buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoords(), buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoordsSlice(), checkConsistency(), computeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell(), computeNbOfFacesPerCell(), computeNbOfNodesPerCell(), deepCopyConnectivityOnly(), isPacked(), reprQuickOverview(), and simpleRepr().

◆ checkConsistency()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkConsistency ( double  eps = 1e-12) const

◆ getNumberOfCells()

◆ computeNbOfNodesPerCell()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeNbOfNodesPerCell ( ) const

This method returns a newly allocated array containing this->getNumberOfCells() tuples and 1 component. For each cell in this the number of nodes constituting cell is computed. For each polyhedron cell, the sum of the number of nodes of each face constituting polyhedron cell is returned. So for pohyhedrons some nodes can be counted several times in the returned result.

a newly allocated array

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References checkConsistencyLight(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellModelEnum().

◆ computeNbOfFacesPerCell()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeNbOfFacesPerCell ( ) const

This method returns a newly allocated array containing this->getNumberOfCells() tuples and 1 component. For each cell in this the number of faces constituting (entity of dimension this->getMeshDimension()-1) cell is computed.

a newly allocated array

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References checkConsistencyLight(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellModelEnum().

◆ computeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell ( ) const

This method computes effective number of nodes per cell. That is to say nodes appearing several times in nodal connectivity of a cell, will be counted only once here whereas it will be counted several times in MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeNbOfNodesPerCell method.

DataArrayIdType * - new object to be deallocated by the caller.
See also

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References checkConsistencyLight(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellModelEnum().

◆ getNodeIdsOfCell()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodeIdsOfCell ( mcIdType  cellId,
std::vector< mcIdType > &  conn 
) const

◆ simpleRepr()

◆ advancedRepr()

◆ computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()

◆ renumberCells()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::renumberCells ( const mcIdType *  old2NewBg,
bool  check = true 

◆ mergeMyselfWith()

MEDCouplingMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::mergeMyselfWith ( const MEDCouplingMesh other) const

◆ buildUnstructured()

◆ simplexize()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::simplexize ( int  policy)

Do nothing for the moment, because there is no policy that allows to split polygons, polyhedrons ... into simplexes

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getNumberOfCells().

◆ reprQuickOverview()

◆ shallowCopyConnectivityFrom()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::shallowCopyConnectivityFrom ( const MEDCouplingPointSet other)

◆ mergeMyselfWithOnSameCoords()

MEDCouplingPointSet * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::mergeMyselfWithOnSameCoords ( const MEDCouplingPointSet other) const

◆ buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoords()

MEDCouplingPointSet * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoords ( const mcIdType *  begin,
const mcIdType *  end 
) const

◆ buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoordsSlice()

MEDCouplingPointSet * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::buildPartOfMySelfKeepCoordsSlice ( mcIdType  start,
mcIdType  end,
mcIdType  step 
) const

◆ computeNodeIdsAlg()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeNodeIdsAlg ( std::vector< bool > &  nodeIdsInUse) const

◆ getReverseNodalConnectivity()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getReverseNodalConnectivity ( DataArrayIdType *  revNodal,
DataArrayIdType *  revNodalIndx 
) const

◆ checkFullyDefined()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkFullyDefined ( ) const

◆ isEmptyMesh()

bool MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::isEmptyMesh ( const std::vector< mcIdType > &  tinyInfo) const

◆ computeFetchedNodeIds()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeFetchedNodeIds ( ) const

Finds nodes not used in any cell and returns an array giving a new id to every node by excluding the unused nodes, for which the array holds -1. The result array is a mapping in "Old to New" mode.

DataArrayIdType * - a new instance of DataArrayIdType. Its length is this->getNumberOfNodes(). It holds for each node of this mesh either -1 if the node is unused or a new id else. The caller is to delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
Ifthe coordinates array is not set.
Ifthe nodal connectivity of cells is not defined.
Ifthe nodal connectivity includes an invalid id.
See also
MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse, areAllNodesFetched

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References checkConsistency(), computeNodeIdsAlg(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes().

◆ getNodeIdsInUse()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse ( mcIdType &  nbrOfNodesInUse) const

Finds nodes not used in any cell and returns an array giving a new id to every node by excluding the unused nodes, for which the array holds -1. The result array is a mapping in "Old to New" mode.

[out]nbrOfNodesInUse- number of node ids present in the nodal connectivity.
DataArrayIdType * - a new instance of DataArrayIdType. Its length is this->getNumberOfNodes(). It holds for each node of this mesh either -1 if the node is unused or a new id else. The caller is to delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
Ifthe coordinates array is not set.
Ifthe nodal connectivity of cells is not defined.
Ifthe nodal connectivity includes an invalid id.
See also
MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeFetchedNodeIds, areAllNodesFetched

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References getNumberOfCells(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes().

◆ renumberNodesWithOffsetInConn()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::renumberNodesWithOffsetInConn ( mcIdType  offset)

This method renumbers only nodal connectivity in this. The renumbering is only an offset applied. So this method is a specialization of renumberNodesInConn. WARNING, this method does not check that the resulting node ids in the nodal connectivity is in a valid range !

[in]offset- specifies the offset to be applied on each element of connectivity.
See also

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References getNumberOfCells(), and updateTime().

◆ renumberNodesInConn() [1/3]

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::renumberNodesInConn ( const INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap< mcIdType, mcIdType > &  newNodeNumbersO2N)

Same than renumberNodesInConn(const mcIdType *) except that here the format of old-to-new traducer is using map instead of array. This method is dedicated for renumbering from a big set of nodes the a tiny set of nodes which is the case during extraction of a big mesh.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

◆ renumberNodesInConn() [2/3]

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::renumberNodesInConn ( const std::map< mcIdType, mcIdType > &  newNodeNumbersO2N)

Same than renumberNodesInConn(const mcIdType *) except that here the format of old-to-new traducer is using map instead of array. This method is dedicated for renumbering from a big set of nodes the a tiny set of nodes which is the case during extraction of a big mesh.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

◆ renumberNodesInConn() [3/3]

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::renumberNodesInConn ( const mcIdType *  newNodeNumbersO2N)

Changes ids of nodes within the nodal connectivity arrays according to a permutation array in "Old to New" mode. The node coordinates array is not changed by this method. This method is a generalization of shiftNodeNumbersInConn().

This method performs no check of validity of new ids. Use it with care !
[in]newNodeNumbersO2N- a permutation array, of length this->getNumberOfNodes(), in "Old to New" mode. See Array indexing and numbering for more info on renumbering modes.
Ifthe nodal connectivity of cells is not defined.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References getNumberOfCells(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes(), and updateTime().

◆ fillCellIdsToKeepFromNodeIds()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::fillCellIdsToKeepFromNodeIds ( const mcIdType *  begin,
const mcIdType *  end,
bool  fullyIn,
DataArrayIdType *&  cellIdsKeptArr 
) const

Keeps from this only cells which constituing point id are in the ids specified by [begin,end). The resulting cell ids are stored at the end of the 'cellIdsKept' parameter. Parameter fullyIn specifies if a cell that has part of its nodes in ids array is kept or not. If fullyIn is true only cells whose ids are fully contained in [begin,end) tab will be kept.

[in]begininput start of array of node ids.
[in]endinput end of array of node ids.
[in]fullyIninput that specifies if all node ids must be in [begin,end) array to consider cell to be in.
[in,out]cellIdsKeptArrarray where all candidate cell ids are put at the end.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References getNumberOfCells().

◆ getNumberOfNodesInCell()

mcIdType MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNumberOfNodesInCell ( mcIdType  cellId) const

◆ getBoundingBoxForBBTree()

DataArrayDouble * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getBoundingBoxForBBTree ( double  arcDetEps = 1e-12) const

This method aggregate the bbox of each cell and put it into bbox parameter.

[in]arcDetEps- a parameter specifying in case of 2D quadratic polygon cell the detection limit between linear and arc circle. (By default 1e-12) For all other cases this input parameter is ignored.
DataArrayDouble * - newly created object (to be managed by the caller) this number of cells tuples and 2*spacedim components.
Ifthis is not fully set (coordinates and connectivity).
Ifa cell in this has no valid nodeId.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::_coords, checkFullyDefined(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getConstPointer(), getNumberOfCells(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getSpaceDimension(), and MEDCoupling::DataArrayDouble::New().

◆ computeDiameterField()

MEDCouplingFieldDouble * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::computeDiameterField ( ) const

Returns the cell field giving for each cell in this its diameter. Diameter means the max length of all possible SEG2 in the cell.

a new instance of field containing the result. The returned instance has to be deallocated by the caller.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

◆ invertOrientationOfAllCells()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::invertOrientationOfAllCells ( )

This method invert orientation of all cells in this. After calling this method the absolute value of measure of cells in this are the same than before calling. This method only operates on the connectivity so coordinates are not touched at all.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet.

References checkConsistencyOfConnectivity(), MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellModelEnum(), getNumberOfCells(), and updateTime().

◆ checkConsistencyOfConnectivity()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkConsistencyOfConnectivity ( ) const

◆ allocateCells()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::allocateCells ( mcIdType  nbOfCells = 0)

◆ insertNextCell()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::insertNextCell ( const mcIdType *  nodalConnOfCellBg,
const mcIdType *  nodalConnOfCellEnd 

Appends at the end of this a cell having nodal connectivity array defined in [ nodalConnOfCellBg, nodalConnOfCellEnd ).

[in]nodalConnOfCellBg- the begin (included) of nodal connectivity of the cell to add.
[in]nodalConnOfCellEnd- the end (excluded) of nodal connectivity of the cell to add.
Ifthe length of the input nodal connectivity array of the cell to add is not equal to number of nodes per cell relative to the unique geometric type attached to this.
Ifthe nodal connectivity array in this is null (call MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh::allocateCells before).

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh.

◆ setNodalConnectivity()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::setNodalConnectivity ( DataArrayIdType *  nodalConn,
DataArrayIdType *  nodalConnIndex 

◆ getNodalConnectivity()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodalConnectivity ( ) const
DataArrayIdType * - the internal reference to the nodal connectivity. The caller is not responsible to deallocate it.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh.

Referenced by shallowCopyConnectivityFrom().

◆ getNodalConnectivityIndex()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodalConnectivityIndex ( ) const
DataArrayIdType * - the internal reference to the nodal connectivity index. The caller is not responsible to deallocate it.

Referenced by MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::AggregateOnSameCoordsToUMesh(), and shallowCopyConnectivityFrom().

◆ copyWithNodalConnectivityPacked()

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::copyWithNodalConnectivityPacked ( bool &  isShallowCpyOfNodalConnn) const

See the definition of the nodal connectivity pack here. This method tries to build a new instance geometrically equivalent to this, by limiting at most the number of new object (nodal connectivity). Geometrically the returned mesh is equal to this. So if this is already packed, the return value is a shallow copy of this.

Whatever the status of pack of this, the coordinates array of the returned newly created instance is the same than those in this.

[out]isShallowCpyOfNodalConnn- tells if the returned instance share the same pair of nodal connectivity arrays (true) or if nodal connectivity arrays are different (false)
a new object to be managed by the caller.
See also
MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::retrievePackedNodalConnectivity, MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::isPacked

References MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::_cm, MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getCoords(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getName(), and retrievePackedNodalConnectivity().

◆ retrievePackedNodalConnectivity()

bool MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::retrievePackedNodalConnectivity ( DataArrayIdType *&  nodalConn,
DataArrayIdType *&  nodalConnIndx 
) const

This method allows to compute, if needed, the packed nodal connectivity pair. Indeed, it is possible to store in this a nodal connectivity array bigger than ranges covered by nodal connectivity index array. It is typically the case when nodalConnIndx starts with an id greater than 0, and finishes with id less than number of tuples in this->_conn.

If this looks packed (the front of nodal connectivity index equal to 0 and back of connectivity index equal to number of tuple of nodal connectivity array) true will be returned and respectively this->_conn and this->_conn_indx (with ref counter incremented). This is the classical case.

If nodal connectivity index points to a subpart of nodal connectivity index the packed pair of arrays will be computed (new objects) and returned and false will be returned.

This method return 3 elements.

[out]nodalConn- a pointer that can be equal to this->_conn if true is returned (general case). Whatever the value of return parameter this pointer can be seen as a new object, that is to managed by the caller.
[out]nodalConnIndx- a pointer that can be equal to this->_conn_indx if true is returned (general case). Whatever the value of return parameter this pointer can be seen as a new object, that is to managed by the caller.
bool - an indication of the content of the 2 output parameters. If true, this looks packed (general case), if true, this is not packed then output parameters are newly created objects.
ifthis does not pass MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::checkConsistencyLight test

References isPacked().

Referenced by copyWithNodalConnectivityPacked().

◆ isPacked()

bool MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::isPacked ( ) const

◆ Merge1DGTUMeshes() [1/2]

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::Merge1DGTUMeshes ( const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh mesh1,
const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh mesh2 

Referenced by mergeMyselfWith().

◆ Merge1DGTUMeshes() [2/2]

◆ Merge1DGTUMeshesOnSameCoords()

MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::Merge1DGTUMeshesOnSameCoords ( std::vector< const MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh * > &  a)
Ifpresence of a null instance in the input vector a.
Ifa is empty

Referenced by mergeMyselfWithOnSameCoords().

◆ AggregateNodalConnAndShiftNodeIds()

DataArrayIdType * MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::AggregateNodalConnAndShiftNodeIds ( const std::vector< const DataArrayIdType * > &  nodalConns,
const std::vector< mcIdType > &  offsetInNodeIdsPerElt 

This method performs an aggregation of nodalConns (as DataArrayIdType::Aggregate does) but in addition of that a shift is applied on the values contained in nodalConns using corresponding offset specified in input offsetInNodeIdsPerElt. But it also manage the values -1, that have a semantic in MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh class (separator for polyhedron).

[in]nodalConns- a list of nodal connectivity arrays same size than offsetInNodeIdsPerElt.
[in]offsetInNodeIdsPerElt- a list of offsets to apply.
DataArrayIdType * - A new object (to be managed by the caller) that is the result of the aggregation.
IfnodalConns or offsetInNodeIdsPerElt are empty.
IfnodalConns and offsetInNodeIdsPerElt have not the same size.
Ifpresence of null pointer in nodalConns.
Ifpresence of not allocated or array with not exactly one component in nodalConns.

◆ BuildAPolygonFromParts()

std::vector< mcIdType > MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::BuildAPolygonFromParts ( const std::vector< std::vector< mcIdType > > &  parts)

◆ buildSetInstanceFromThis()

◆ getTinySerializationInformation()

◆ resizeForUnserialization()

void MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::resizeForUnserialization ( const std::vector< mcIdType > &  tinyInfo,
DataArrayIdType *  a1,
DataArrayDouble a2,
std::vector< std::string > &  littleStrings 
) const

◆ serialize()

◆ unserialization()