Group Intersection

Group intersection produces a group of elements present in all the selected groups. To create a Group Intersection in the active part:

  1. select in the Main Menu Features - > Group Intersection item or

  2. click group_intersection.icon Group Intersection button in the toolbar:

The following property panel appears.


Create a group intersection operation

Input fields:

  • Name defines the name of the group, by default, it is GroupIntersection_n.

  • The list of selected groups of the same type. Multiple selection can be done manually in OCC 3D Viewer by mouse click with Shift button pressed or by rectangle selection. To delete entities from the list, select them and call pop-up menu Delete item.

Note, that operation is valid only for the groups of the same type.

TUI Command:

[model.selection("COMPOUND", "Group_1"), model.selection("COMPOUND", "Group_2")])
  • part – The current part object

  • list – A list of selected groups


Created group.

See Also a sample TUI Script of Create Group Intersection operation.