SHAPER  9.13.0

Implementation of internal logic of the feature. More...

Data Structures

class  GeomValidators_ConstructionComposite
 A validator of selection. More...
class  GeomValidators_Face
 A validator of selection. More...
class  GeomValidators_Finite
 A validator for finite objects. More...
class  GeomValidators_ShapeType
 A validator for shape types, such as vertex, line, circe or arc. More...
class  ModuleBase_SelectionValidator
 A validator of selection. More...
class  PartSet_DistanceSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Distance constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_LengthSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Length constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_PerpendicularSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Perpendicular constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_ParallelSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Parallel constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_RadiusSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Radius constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_RigidSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Rigid constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_CoincidentSelection
 A class to validate a selection for coincedence constraint operation. More...
class  PartSet_HVDirSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Horizontal and Vertical constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_TangentSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Tangential constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_FilletSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Fillet constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_AngleSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Angle constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_EqualSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Equal constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_CollinearSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Collinear constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_MiddlePointSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_MultyTranslationSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_SplitSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_ProjectionSelection
 A class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation. More...
class  PartSet_IntersectionSelection
 A class to validate a selection for intersection operation. More...
class  PartSet_DifferentObjectsValidator
 A validator which checks that objects selected for feature attributes are different (not the same) More...
class  PartSet_DifferentPointsValidator
 A validator which checks that Point2D selected for feature attributes are different (not the same) It iterates by the feature ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr attributes, finds GeomDataAPI_Point2D attribute in value or attribute of the attributes and if the point of the given attribute is geometrical equal to a point of another attribute, returns false. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForBuild
 A validator for selection base shapes for build features. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForWire
 A validator for selection base shapes for wire. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForFace
 A validator for selection base shapes for face. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForSolids
 A validator for selection base shapes for solid. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorSubShapesSelection
 A validator for selection sub-shapes for SubShape feature. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorFillingSelection
 A validator for selection of Filling feature. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForVertex
 A validator for selection of Vertex feature. More...
class  BuildPlugin_ValidatorExpression
 Validator for the expression of parameter. More...
class  CollectionPlugin_FieldValidator
 Validator for the field. More...
class  CollectionPlugin_GroupOperationAttributeValidator
 Validator for the parameters of operation on groups. More...
class  CollectionPlugin_GroupSelectionValidator
 Validator for prevent adding whole group in other group. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointLines
 A validator for selection lines for point by intersection. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointEdgeAndPlaneNotParallel
 A validator for selection edge and plane for point by intersection. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneThreePoints
 A validator for selection three points for plane. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneLinePoint
 A validator for selection line and point for plane. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneTwoParallelPlanes
 A validator for selection two parallel planes. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorAxisTwoNotParallelPlanes
 A validator for selection two parallel planes. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointThreeNonParallelPlanes
 A validator for selection three non parallel planes. More...
class  ConstructionPlugin_ValidatorNotFeature
 A validator for selection of a result but not a feature. More...
class  ExchangePlugin_FormatValidator
 Validator for the imported formats checking. More...
class  ExchangePlugin_ImportFormatValidator
 Validator for the import format. More...
class  ExchangePlugin_ExportFormatValidator
 Validator for the export format. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorImportResults
 A validator for selection of objects that may be imported: from another part, result bodies. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath
 A validator for selection pipe path. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipeLocations
 A validator for selection pipe locations. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipeLocationsNumber
 Validator for the pipe locations. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorLoftSameTypeShape
 Validator for the same type of shape. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration
 A validator for selection base for generation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGenerationSketchOrSketchObjects
 Validator for the base objects for generation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorCompositeLauncher
 A validator for selection at composite feature start. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorExtrusionDir
 A validator for extrusion direction attribute. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorExtrusionBoundaryFace
 A validator for extrusion from/to face attribute. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanSelection
 Validates selection for boolean operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorFilletSelection
 Validates selection for fillet operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorFillet1DSelection
 Validates selection for 1d-fillet operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPartitionSelection
 Validates selection for partition. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorRemoveSubShapesSelection
 Validates selection for "Remove Sub-Shapes" feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorRemoveSubShapesResult
 Validator for the Remove Sub-Shapes feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionSelection
 Validates selection for "Union" feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionArguments
 Validator for the "Union" feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorConcealedResult
 Validator for the "Recover" feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorCircular
 Verifies the selected object is circular edge or cylindrical face. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanArguments
 Validates that boolean operation have enough arguments. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanSmashSelection
 Verifies the selected object for boolean smash feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_IntersectionSelection
 Verifies the selected object for intersection feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanFuseSelection
 Verifies the selected object for boolean fuse feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanFuseArguments
 Validates that boolean operation have enough arguments. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanCommonSelection
 Verifies the selected object for boolean common feature. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanCommonArguments
 Validates that boolean operation have enough arguments. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorDefeaturingSelection
 Validates selection for fillet operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorSewingSelection
 Validates selection for sewing operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorGlueFacesSelection
 Validates selection for glue faces operation. More...
class  FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorTransform
 A validator of selection. More...
class  IsEqual
 Auxiliary class used in std::find_if. More...
class  GeomValidators_Different
 Validates that attributes are not the same. More...
class  GeomValidators_Intersected
 Validates that selected shapes are intersected. More...
class  GeomValidators_MinObjectsSelected
 Validates number of objects in selection list. More...
class  GeomValidators_NotSelfIntersected
 Validates that selected shapes are not self intersected. More...
class  GeomValidators_ZeroOffset
 Validates that bounding planes not the same or both offsets are not 0. More...
class  ParametersPlugin_VariableValidator
 Validator for the variable name of parameter. More...
class  ParametersPlugin_ExpressionValidator
 Validator for the expression of parameter. More...
class  PartSet_CoincidentAttr
 Validator to check whether there is a coincident constraint between the attribute and attribute of argument. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ExternalValidator
 Validator for the points selection. More...
class  SketchPlugin_DistanceAttrValidator
 Validator for the distance input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_TangentAttrValidator
 Validator for the tangent constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_PerpendicularAttrValidator
 Validator for the perpendicular constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_NotFixedValidator
 Validator for the rigid constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_EqualAttrValidator
 Validator for the equal constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_MirrorAttrValidator
 Validator for the mirror constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_CoincidenceAttrValidator
 Validator for the coincidence constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_CopyValidator
 Validator for the constraints which create features. More...
class  SketchPlugin_SolverErrorValidator
 Validator for the solver error. More...
class  SketchPlugin_FilletVertexValidator
 Validator for the point for fillet creation. More...
class  SketchPlugin_MiddlePointAttrValidator
 Validator for the middle point constraint input. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ArcTangentPointValidator
 Validator for the point where the tangent arc is building. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ArcTransversalPointValidator
 Validator for the point where the transversal arc is building. More...
class  SketchPlugin_SplitValidator
 Validator for the entity of the following type: More...
class  SketchPlugin_TrimValidator
 Validator for the entity of the following type: More...
class  SketchPlugin_IntersectionValidator
 Validator for the attribute to be intersected with the sketch plane. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ProjectionValidator
 Validator for the attribute to be projected onto the sketch plane. More...
class  SketchPlugin_DifferentReferenceValidator
 Validator for attributes of a sketch feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_DifferentPointReferenceValidator
 Validator for attributes of a sketch feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_CirclePassedPointValidator
 Validator for passed point of MacroCircle feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ThirdPointValidator
 Validator for the third point of MacroCircle feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ArcEndPointValidator
 Validator for the end point of MacroArc feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ArcEndPointIntersectionValidator
 Validator for the end point of MacroArc feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_HasNoConstraint
 Validator for checking whether the feature has constraint. More...
class  SketchPlugin_ReplicationReferenceValidator
 Validator checking that the replications features (Mirror, Multi-Rotation, Mutli-Translation) do not refer to the shapes they produce. More...
class  SketchPlugin_SketchFeatureValidator
 Validator for checking whether the feature referred by attribute is a sketch feature. More...
class  SketchPlugin_MultiRotationAngleValidator
 Validator for checking whether the angle of MultiRotation is in range [0, 360]. More...
class  SketchPlugin_BSplineValidator
 Validator for checking poles/weights of B-spline curve. More...
class  SketchPlugin_CurveFittingValidator
 Validator for the selected vertices for the curve fitting feature. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of internal logic of the feature.

Validators are used for checking validity of the feature: each argument, dependencies between the arguments. Validators are defined in the configuration files and may be also used for selection filters (ModuleBase_SelectionValidator), passing configurable parameters from XML file to the feature implementation (like in ExchangePlugin_ImportFormatValidator).