Use Edges/Faces to be Created ManuallyΒΆ

The algorithms Use Edges to be Created Manually and Use Faces to be Created Manually allow creating a 1D or a 2D mesh in a python script (using AddNode, AddEdge and AddFace commands) and then using such sub-meshes in the construction of a 2D or a 3D mesh.

For example, you want to use standard algorithms to generate 1D and 3D meshes and to create 2D mesh by your python code. For this, you

  1. create a mesh object, assign a 1D algorithm,

  2. invoke Compute command, which computes a 1D mesh,

  3. assign Use Faces to be Created Manually and a 3D algorithm,

  4. run your python code, which creates a 2D mesh,

  5. invoke Compute command, which computes a 3D mesh.


  • Use Edges to be Created Manually and Use Faces to be Created Manually algorithms should be assigned before mesh generation by the Python code.

  • Nodes and elements created in your script must be assigned to geometry entities by calling SetMeshElementOnShape, SetNodeOnVertex, SetNodeOnEdge etc. in order to be used by an algorithm of upper dimension.

Consider trying a sample script demonstrating the usage of Use Faces to be Created Manually algorithm for construction of a 2D mesh using Python commands.


See also the sample script creating the mesh shown in the image in a Shrink mode.