Introduction to Mesh moduleΒΆ
Mesh module of SALOME is destined for:
creating meshes in different ways:
by meshing geometrical models previously created or imported by the Geometry component;
bottom-up, using mesh edition, especially extrusion and revolution;
by generation of the 3D mesh from the 2D mesh not based on the geometry (imported for example);
importing and exporting meshes in various formats;
modifying meshes with a vast array of dedicated operations;
creating groups of mesh elements;
filtering mesh entities (nodes or elements) using Filters functionality for creating groups and applying mesh modifications;
viewing meshes in the VTK viewer and getting info on mesh and its sub-objects;
applying to meshes Quality Controls, allowing to highlight important elements;
taking various measurements of the mesh objects.
There is a set of tools plugged-in the module to extend the basic functionality listed above.
Almost all mesh module functionalities are accessible via Python interface.
It is possible to use the variables predefined in Salome notebook to set parameters of operations.
Mesh module preferences are described in the Mesh preferences section of SALOME Mesh Help.
Example of MESH module usage for engineering tasks
Table of Contents
- About meshes
- Modifying meshes
- Adding nodes and elements
- Adding Quadratic Elements
- Removing nodes and elements
- Translation
- Rotation
- Scale
- Offset mesh
- Symmetry
- Duplicate Nodes or/and Elements
- Sewing meshes
- Merging nodes
- Merging Elements
- Moving nodes
- Diagonal inversion of two triangles
- Uniting two triangles
- Uniting a set of triangles
- Changing orientation of elements
- Orient faces
- Cutting quadrangles
- Cutting triangles
- Cutting a face into triangles
- Splitting volumes
- Split bi-quadratic into linear
- Smoothing
- Extrusion
- Extrusion along Path
- Revolution
- Pattern mapping
- Convert to/from Quadratic Mesh
- Generate boundary elements
- Generate 2D mesh from 3D elements
- Generate flat elements on group boundaries or on faces
- Cut a tetrahedron mesh by a plane
- Grouping elements
- About filters
- About quality controls
- Free nodes
- Double nodes
- Free borders
- Length
- Borders at multi-connection
- Double edge, Double faces and Double volumes
- Free edges
- Free faces
- Bare border faces
- Over-constrained faces
- Length 2D
- Deflection 2D
- Borders at multi-connection 2D
- Area
- Taper
- Aspect Ratio
- Minimum angle
- Warping
- Skew
- Element Diameter 2D
- Aspect ratio 3D
- Volume
- Element Diameter 3D
- Warping 3D
- Bare border volumes
- Over-constrained volumes
- Scalar Bar properties
- Scaled Jacobian
- Adaptation
- Measurements
- Viewing meshes
- Python interface
- Plugins
- Mesh preferences
- Using SALOME NoteBook