smeshstudytools module

This module provides a class SMeshStudyTools to facilitate the use of mesh objects in Salome study.

class smeshstudytools.SMeshStudyTools(studyEditor=None)

This class provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study. The parameter studyEditor defines a StudyEditor object used to access the study. If None, the method returns a StudyEditor object on the current study.


This instance attribute contains the underlying StudyEditor object. It can be used to access the study but the attribute itself should not be modified.


Display the SMESH object associated to the specified entry (the entry is the identifier of an item in the objects browser).


Get the mesh item owning the mesh group meshGroupItem.


meshGroupItem (SObject) – Mesh group belonging to the searched mesh.


The SObject corresponding to the mesh, or None if it was not found.


Returns the MESH object associated to the specified entry, (the entry is the identifier of an item in the objects browser).


Returns the SMESH object associated to the specified SObject, (the SObject is an item in the objects browser).


Returns the MESH object currently selected in the active study.


This function updates the tools so that it works on the specified study.