static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | line (std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theStart, std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theEnd) |
| Creates linear edge by two points. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | line (double theDX, double theDY, double theDZ) |
| Creates linear edge by three dimensions. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | line (const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Lin > theLin) |
| Creates linear edge by GeomAPI_Lin. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | cylinderAxis (std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Shape > theCylindricalFace) |
| Creates edge - axis of the given cylindrical face. The result axis edge is infinite. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | lineCircle (std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theCenter, std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > theNormal, double theRadius, double theRotationAngle=0.) |
| Creates linear edge in a form of a circle by a point and a circle radius. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | lineCircle (std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Circ > theCircle) |
| Creates linear edge in a form of a circle by GeomAPI_Circle. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | lineCircleArc (std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theCenter, std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theStartPoint, std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > theEndPoint, std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > theNormal) |
| Creates linear edge in a form of a circle arc by a three points. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | ellipse (const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > &theCenter, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > &theNormal, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > &theMajorAxis, const double theMajorRadius, const double theMinorRadius) |
| Creates elliptic edge. More...
static std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Edge > | ellipticArc (const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > &theCenter, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > &theNormal, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Dir > &theMajorAxis, const double theMajorRadius, const double theMinorRadius, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > &theStart, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt > &theEnd) |
| Creates elliptic edge. More...
static GeomEdgePtr | bsplineOnPlane (const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Ax3 > &thePlane, const std::list< std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Pnt2d > > &thePoles, const std::list< double > &theWeights, const std::list< double > &theKnots, const std::list< int > &theMults, const int theDegree, const bool thePeriodic) |
| Creates planar B-spline edge. More...
static GeomEdgePtr | bsplineOnPlane (const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Ax3 > &thePlane, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_BSpline2d > &theCurve) |
| Creates planar B-spline edge. More...
Allows to create face-shapes by different parameters.