SHAPER  9.13.0
XGUI_Workshop Class Reference

Class which defines a configuration of the application (Workshop) and launches it. More...

Inheritance diagram for XGUI_Workshop:
Inheritance graph

Public Slots

void updateCommandStatus ()
 Update of commands status. More...
void updateHistory ()
 update history list (undo/redo commands) More...
bool onSave ()
 Save current document. More...
bool onSaveAs ()
 Save current document to a file selected by user. More...
void onUndo (int times=1)
 Undo last command. More...
void onRedo (int times=1)
 Redo previous command. More...
void onWidgetStateChanged (int thePreviousState)
 Validates the operation to change the "Apply" button state. More...
void onValuesChanged ()
 Calls activate of the current widget again. More...
void onWidgetObjectUpdated ()
 Listens the corresponded signal of model widget and updates Apply button state by feature. More...
void showPanel (QDockWidget *theDockWidget)
 Show dock widget panel. More...
void hidePanel (QDockWidget *theDockWidget)
 Hide dock widget panel. More...
void showObjectBrowser ()
 Show object Browser. More...
void hideObjectBrowser ()
 Hide object Browser. More...
void closeDocument ()
 Close document. More...
void onOpen ()
 Open document from file. More...
void onNew ()
 Create a new document. More...
void onImportPart ()
 Import part structure from a file. More...
void onImportShape ()
 Import shape from a file. More...
void onImportImage ()
 Import image from a file. More...
void onExportPart ()
 Export features to a file. More...
void onExportShape ()
 Export a shape to a file. More...
void onExit ()
 Exit application. More...
void onPreferences ()
 Open preferences dialog box. More...
void onAutoApply ()
 A slot calleon toggle of auto-compute button. More...
void onTrihedronVisibilityChanged (bool theState)
 Activates/deactivates the trihedron in the viewer AIS context. More...
void onTransparencyValueChanged ()
 Apply the current transparency value if preview in transparency dialog is switched on. More...


void salomeViewerSelection ()
 Emitted when selection happens in Salome viewer. More...
void commandStatusUpdated ()
 the signal about the workshop actions states are updated. More...
void applicationStarted ()
 the application is started More...
void updateUndoHistory (const QList< ActionInfo > &)
 Signal to update Undo history list. More...
void updateRedoHistory (const QList< ActionInfo > &)
 Signal to update Redo history list. More...

Public Member Functions

 XGUI_Workshop (XGUI_SalomeConnector *theConnector=0)
 Constructor. More...
void startApplication ()
 Starting of the application. More...
void activateModule ()
 Activates the module controls. Should be called after module creation. More...
void deactivateModule ()
 Deactivates the module controls. Should be called after module creation. More...
AppElements_MainWindow * mainWindow () const
 Returns main window (Desktop) of the application. More...
AppElements_Workbench * addWorkbench (const QString &theName)
 Creates and adds a new workbench (menu group) with the given name and returns it. More...
XGUI_SelectionMgrselector () const
 Returns selection manager object. More...
XGUI_SelectionActivateselectionActivate () const
 Returns selection activating object. More...
XGUI_Displayerdisplayer () const
 Returns displayer. More...
XGUI_OperationMgroperationMgr () const
 Returns operation manager. More...
XGUI_ErrorMgrerrorMgr () const
 Returns error manager. More...
XGUI_ActionsMgractionsMgr () const
 Returns an actions manager. More...
XGUI_ActiveControlMgractiveControlMgr () const
 Returns an active control manager. More...
XGUI_MenuMgrmenuMgr () const
 Returns an actions manager. More...
XGUI_PropertyPanelpropertyPanel () const
 Returns property panel widget. More...
XGUI_InspectionPanelinspectionPanel () const
 Returns property panel widget. More...
XGUI_FacesPanelfacesPanel () const
 Returns panel for hide object faces. More...
XGUI_ContextMenuMgrcontextMenuMgr () const
 Returns context menu manager object. More...
XGUI_SalomeConnectorsalomeConnector () const
 Returns an object which provides interface to Salome Module (LightApp_Module) More...
ModuleBase_IViewersalomeViewer () const
 Provides an object which provides interface to Salome Viewer. More...
bool isSalomeMode () const
 Returns true if the application works as SALOME module. More...
XGUI_ObjectsBrowserobjectBrowser () const
 Returns Object browser. More...
void salomeViewerSelectionChanged ()
 This method is called by Salome module when selection is changed. More...
XGUI_ViewerProxyviewer () const
 Returns viewer which unifies access as to Salome viewer as to standalone viewer. More...
XGUI_ModuleConnectormoduleConnector () const
 Returns the module connector. More...
QMainWindow * desktop () const
 Returns a desktop. More...
virtual bool prepareForDisplay (const std::set< ObjectPtr > &theObjects) const
 If faces panel made the object hidden, show message box whether the object should be restored (removed from the panel) and displayed, if answer is No, returns false. More...
void deleteObjects ()
 Delete features. More...
void cleanHistory ()
 Searches for selected features unused in other (not selected) features. More...
bool canMoveFeature ()
 Returns true if the selected feature can be moved to the position after the current feature. More...
void moveObjects (const bool theSplit)
 Move selected features to be after the current feature. More...
void recoverFeature ()
 Start a "Recover" feature on the selected one. More...
bool canBeShaded (const ObjectPtr &theObject) const
 Returns true if the object can be shaded. More...
bool canChangeProperty (const QString &theActionName) const
 Returns true if there is at least one selected body/construction/group result. More...
void changeColor (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Change color of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects. More...
void changeAutoColor (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Change Autocolor of the results if it is possible The operation is available for group results theObjects a list of selected objects. More...
void changeDeflection (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Change deflection of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects. More...
void changeTransparency (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Change transparency of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects. More...
void changeIsoLines (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Change number of iso-lines for the given objects theObjects a list of selected objects. More...
void showObjects (const QObjectPtrList &theList, bool isVisible)
 Show the given features in 3d Viewer. More...
void showOnlyObjects (const QObjectPtrList &theList)
 Show the given features in 3d Viewer. More...
void setDisplayMode (const QObjectPtrList &theList, int theMode)
 Set display mode for the given objects. More...
void toggleEdgesDirection (const QObjectPtrList &theList)
 Toggle visualisation of edges direction. More...
void toggleBringToFront (const QObjectPtrList &theList)
 Toggle state of display priority (normal/in front) More...
void setViewerSelectionMode (int theMode)
 Set selection mode in viewer. More...
void activateObjectsSelection (const QObjectPtrList &theList)
 Activates current selection mode for the given list of objects. More...
ModuleBase_IModulemodule () const
 Returns current module. More...
QString currentDataFile () const
 Returns current file. More...
void setCurrentDataFile (const QString &theDir)
 Returns current file. More...
void saveDocument (const QString &theName, std::list< std::string > &theFileNames)
 Save the current document into a directory. More...
bool abortAllOperations ()
 If there is an active (uncommitted) operation shows a prompt to abort it and performs abortion if user agreed. More...
void operationStarted (ModuleBase_Operation *theOperation)
 Updates workshop state according to the started operation, e.g. More...
bool deleteFeatures (const QObjectPtrList &theFeatures)
 Delete features. More...
void deactivateActiveObject (const ObjectPtr &theObject, const bool theUpdateViewer)
 Deactivates the object, if it is active and the module returns that the activation of selection for the object is not possible currently(the current operation uses it) More...
bool isFeatureOfNested (const FeaturePtr &theFeature)
 Returns true if the action of the feature is created to contain Accept/Cancel button. More...
void setStatusBarMessage (const QString &theMessage)
 Shows the message in the status bar. More...
void fillPropertyPanel (ModuleBase_Operation *theOperation)
 Update the property panel content by the XML description of the operation and set the panel into the operation. More...
void connectToPropertyPanel (const bool isToConnect)
 Connects or disconnects to the value changed signal of the property panel widgets. More...
QIntList viewerSelectionModes () const
 Returns defailt selection mode in 3d viewer. More...
void highlightResults (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Highlights result objects in Object Browser according to features found in the given list. More...
void highlightFeature (const QObjectPtrList &theObjects)
 Highlights feature objects in Object Browser according to features found in the given list. More...
const Config_DataModelReaderdataModelXMLReader () const
 Returns Data Model XML reader which contains information about Data structure configuration. More...
void openFile (const QString &theDirectory)
 Closes all in the current session and load the directory. More...
void updateAutoComputeState ()
void deactivateCurrentSelector ()
void updateColorScaleVisibility ()
 The method updates a Color Scale object in the viewer. More...
void updateGroupsText ()
 The method updates a Text of Group names in the viewer. More...
void showHelpPage (const QString &thePage) const

Static Public Attributes

static QString MOVE_TO_END_COMMAND = QObject::tr("Move to the end")
 A constant string used for "Move to end" command definition It is used for specific processing of Undo/Redo for this command. More...
static QString MOVE_TO_END_SPLIT_COMMAND = QObject::tr("Move to the end and split")
 A constant string used for "Move to end and split" command definition It is used for specific processing of Undo/Redo for this command. More...

Protected Member Functions

void setGrantedFeatures (ModuleBase_Operation *theOperation)
 Sets the granted operations for the parameter operation. More...

Detailed Description

Class which defines a configuration of the application (Workshop) and launches it.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XGUI_Workshop()

XGUI_Workshop::XGUI_Workshop ( XGUI_SalomeConnector theConnector = 0)


theConnectora Salome connector object. Used only if the workshop is launched in Salome environment

If version of OCCT is 7.4.0 or more then it means that this is version of SALOME older then 9.4.0

Member Function Documentation

◆ startApplication()

void XGUI_Workshop::startApplication ( )

Starting of the application.

◆ activateModule()

void XGUI_Workshop::activateModule ( )

Activates the module controls. Should be called after module creation.

◆ deactivateModule()

void XGUI_Workshop::deactivateModule ( )

Deactivates the module controls. Should be called after module creation.

◆ mainWindow()

AppElements_MainWindow* XGUI_Workshop::mainWindow ( ) const

Returns main window (Desktop) of the application.

◆ addWorkbench()

AppElements_Workbench * XGUI_Workshop::addWorkbench ( const QString &  theName)

Creates and adds a new workbench (menu group) with the given name and returns it.

◆ selector()

XGUI_SelectionMgr* XGUI_Workshop::selector ( ) const

Returns selection manager object.

◆ selectionActivate()

XGUI_SelectionActivate* XGUI_Workshop::selectionActivate ( ) const

Returns selection activating object.

◆ displayer()

XGUI_Displayer* XGUI_Workshop::displayer ( ) const

Returns displayer.

◆ operationMgr()

XGUI_OperationMgr* XGUI_Workshop::operationMgr ( ) const

Returns operation manager.

◆ errorMgr()

XGUI_ErrorMgr* XGUI_Workshop::errorMgr ( ) const

Returns error manager.

◆ actionsMgr()

XGUI_ActionsMgr* XGUI_Workshop::actionsMgr ( ) const

Returns an actions manager.

◆ activeControlMgr()

XGUI_ActiveControlMgr* XGUI_Workshop::activeControlMgr ( ) const

Returns an active control manager.

◆ menuMgr()

XGUI_MenuMgr* XGUI_Workshop::menuMgr ( ) const

Returns an actions manager.

◆ propertyPanel()

XGUI_PropertyPanel* XGUI_Workshop::propertyPanel ( ) const

Returns property panel widget.

◆ inspectionPanel()

XGUI_InspectionPanel* XGUI_Workshop::inspectionPanel ( ) const

Returns property panel widget.

◆ facesPanel()

XGUI_FacesPanel* XGUI_Workshop::facesPanel ( ) const

Returns panel for hide object faces.

◆ contextMenuMgr()

XGUI_ContextMenuMgr* XGUI_Workshop::contextMenuMgr ( ) const

Returns context menu manager object.

◆ salomeConnector()

XGUI_SalomeConnector* XGUI_Workshop::salomeConnector ( ) const

Returns an object which provides interface to Salome Module (LightApp_Module)

◆ salomeViewer()

ModuleBase_IViewer * XGUI_Workshop::salomeViewer ( ) const

Provides an object which provides interface to Salome Viewer.

◆ isSalomeMode()

bool XGUI_Workshop::isSalomeMode ( ) const

Returns true if the application works as SALOME module.

◆ objectBrowser()

XGUI_ObjectsBrowser* XGUI_Workshop::objectBrowser ( ) const

Returns Object browser.

◆ salomeViewerSelectionChanged()

void XGUI_Workshop::salomeViewerSelectionChanged ( )

This method is called by Salome module when selection is changed.

◆ viewer()

XGUI_ViewerProxy* XGUI_Workshop::viewer ( ) const

Returns viewer which unifies access as to Salome viewer as to standalone viewer.

◆ moduleConnector()

XGUI_ModuleConnector* XGUI_Workshop::moduleConnector ( ) const

Returns the module connector.

the instance of connector

◆ desktop()

QMainWindow * XGUI_Workshop::desktop ( ) const

Returns a desktop.

a desktop instance

◆ prepareForDisplay()

bool XGUI_Workshop::prepareForDisplay ( const std::set< ObjectPtr > &  theObjects) const

If faces panel made the object hidden, show message box whether the object should be restored (removed from the panel) and displayed, if answer is No, returns false.

theObjecta model object
boolean state if the object should not be displayed

◆ deleteObjects()

void XGUI_Workshop::deleteObjects ( )

Delete features.

◆ cleanHistory()

void XGUI_Workshop::cleanHistory ( )

Searches for selected features unused in other (not selected) features.

If one or several selected features are found, a warning message proposes to delete them. It contains the list of features to be deleted.

◆ canMoveFeature()

bool XGUI_Workshop::canMoveFeature ( )

Returns true if the selected feature can be moved to the position after the current feature.

boolean value

◆ moveObjects()

void XGUI_Workshop::moveObjects ( const bool  theSplit)

Move selected features to be after the current feature.

◆ recoverFeature()

void XGUI_Workshop::recoverFeature ( )

Start a "Recover" feature on the selected one.

◆ canBeShaded()

bool XGUI_Workshop::canBeShaded ( const ObjectPtr &  theObject) const

Returns true if the object can be shaded.

If the object is a compsolid result, the method checks subobjects of the result

boolean value

◆ canChangeProperty()

bool XGUI_Workshop::canChangeProperty ( const QString &  theActionName) const

Returns true if there is at least one selected body/construction/group result.

theActionNametext of the checked action
boolean value

◆ changeColor()

void XGUI_Workshop::changeColor ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Change color of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects.

◆ changeAutoColor()

void XGUI_Workshop::changeAutoColor ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Change Autocolor of the results if it is possible The operation is available for group results theObjects a list of selected objects.

◆ changeDeflection()

void XGUI_Workshop::changeDeflection ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Change deflection of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects.

◆ changeTransparency()

void XGUI_Workshop::changeTransparency ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Change transparency of the results if it is possible The operation is available for construction, body and group results theObjects a list of selected objects.

◆ changeIsoLines()

void XGUI_Workshop::changeIsoLines ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Change number of iso-lines for the given objects theObjects a list of selected objects.

◆ showObjects()

void XGUI_Workshop::showObjects ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList,
bool  isVisible 

Show the given features in 3d Viewer.

◆ showOnlyObjects()

void XGUI_Workshop::showOnlyObjects ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList)

Show the given features in 3d Viewer.

◆ setDisplayMode()

void XGUI_Workshop::setDisplayMode ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList,
int  theMode 

Set display mode for the given objects.

theLista list of displayed objects
theModea mode to set (see XGUI_Displayer)

◆ toggleEdgesDirection()

void XGUI_Workshop::toggleEdgesDirection ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList)

Toggle visualisation of edges direction.

◆ toggleBringToFront()

void XGUI_Workshop::toggleBringToFront ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList)

Toggle state of display priority (normal/in front)

◆ setViewerSelectionMode()

void XGUI_Workshop::setViewerSelectionMode ( int  theMode)

Set selection mode in viewer.

If theMode=-1 then activate default mode

theModethe selection mode (according to TopAbs_ShapeEnum)

◆ activateObjectsSelection()

void XGUI_Workshop::activateObjectsSelection ( const QObjectPtrList &  theList)

Activates current selection mode for the given list of objects.

◆ module()

ModuleBase_IModule* XGUI_Workshop::module ( ) const

Returns current module.

◆ currentDataFile()

QString XGUI_Workshop::currentDataFile ( ) const

Returns current file.

◆ setCurrentDataFile()

void XGUI_Workshop::setCurrentDataFile ( const QString &  theDir)

Returns current file.

◆ saveDocument()

void XGUI_Workshop::saveDocument ( const QString &  theName,
std::list< std::string > &  theFileNames 

Save the current document into a directory.

theName- path to the directory
theFileNames- returned file names created in this directory

◆ abortAllOperations()

bool XGUI_Workshop::abortAllOperations ( )

If there is an active (uncommitted) operation shows a prompt to abort it and performs abortion if user agreed.

Returns true if

  • operation aborted successfully
  • there is no active operation

◆ operationStarted()

void XGUI_Workshop::operationStarted ( ModuleBase_Operation theOperation)

Updates workshop state according to the started operation, e.g.

visualizes the property panel and connect to it.

theOpertiona started operation

< No need for property panel

◆ deleteFeatures()

bool XGUI_Workshop::deleteFeatures ( const QObjectPtrList &  theFeatures)

Delete features.

Delete the referenced features. There can be a question with a list of referenced objects.

theFeaturesa list of objects to be deleted

◆ deactivateActiveObject()

void XGUI_Workshop::deactivateActiveObject ( const ObjectPtr &  theObject,
const bool  theUpdateViewer 

Deactivates the object, if it is active and the module returns that the activation of selection for the object is not possible currently(the current operation uses it)

theObjectan object
theUpdateViewera boolean flag to update viewer immediately

◆ isFeatureOfNested()

bool XGUI_Workshop::isFeatureOfNested ( const FeaturePtr &  theFeature)

Returns true if the action of the feature is created to contain Accept/Cancel button.

theFeaturea feature

◆ setStatusBarMessage()

void XGUI_Workshop::setStatusBarMessage ( const QString &  theMessage)

Shows the message in the status bar.

theMessagea message

◆ fillPropertyPanel()

void XGUI_Workshop::fillPropertyPanel ( ModuleBase_Operation theOperation)

Update the property panel content by the XML description of the operation and set the panel into the operation.

theOperationan operation

◆ connectToPropertyPanel()

void XGUI_Workshop::connectToPropertyPanel ( const bool  isToConnect)

Connects or disconnects to the value changed signal of the property panel widgets.

isToConnecta boolean value whether connect or disconnect

◆ viewerSelectionModes()

QIntList XGUI_Workshop::viewerSelectionModes ( ) const

Returns defailt selection mode in 3d viewer.

◆ highlightResults()

void XGUI_Workshop::highlightResults ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Highlights result objects in Object Browser according to features found in the given list.

◆ highlightFeature()

void XGUI_Workshop::highlightFeature ( const QObjectPtrList &  theObjects)

Highlights feature objects in Object Browser according to features found in the given list.

◆ dataModelXMLReader()

const Config_DataModelReader* XGUI_Workshop::dataModelXMLReader ( ) const

Returns Data Model XML reader which contains information about Data structure configuration.

◆ openFile()

void XGUI_Workshop::openFile ( const QString &  theDirectory)

Closes all in the current session and load the directory.

theDirectorya path to directory

◆ updateColorScaleVisibility()

void XGUI_Workshop::updateColorScaleVisibility ( )

The method updates a Color Scale object in the viewer.

◆ updateGroupsText()

void XGUI_Workshop::updateGroupsText ( )

The method updates a Text of Group names in the viewer.

◆ salomeViewerSelection

void XGUI_Workshop::salomeViewerSelection ( )

Emitted when selection happens in Salome viewer.

◆ commandStatusUpdated

void XGUI_Workshop::commandStatusUpdated ( )

the signal about the workshop actions states are updated.

◆ applicationStarted

void XGUI_Workshop::applicationStarted ( )

the application is started

◆ updateUndoHistory

void XGUI_Workshop::updateUndoHistory ( const QList< ActionInfo > &  )

Signal to update Undo history list.

◆ updateRedoHistory

void XGUI_Workshop::updateRedoHistory ( const QList< ActionInfo > &  )

Signal to update Redo history list.

◆ updateCommandStatus

void XGUI_Workshop::updateCommandStatus ( )

Update of commands status.

◆ updateHistory

void XGUI_Workshop::updateHistory ( )

update history list (undo/redo commands)

◆ onSave

bool XGUI_Workshop::onSave ( )

Save current document.

◆ onSaveAs

bool XGUI_Workshop::onSaveAs ( )

Save current document to a file selected by user.

◆ onUndo

void XGUI_Workshop::onUndo ( int  times = 1)

Undo last command.

◆ onRedo

void XGUI_Workshop::onRedo ( int  times = 1)

Redo previous command.

◆ onWidgetStateChanged

void XGUI_Workshop::onWidgetStateChanged ( int  thePreviousState)

Validates the operation to change the "Apply" button state.

thePreviousStatethe previous state of the widget

◆ onValuesChanged

void XGUI_Workshop::onValuesChanged ( )

Calls activate of the current widget again.

It is possible that selection filters are differs in the new state of paged container

◆ onWidgetObjectUpdated

void XGUI_Workshop::onWidgetObjectUpdated ( )

Listens the corresponded signal of model widget and updates Apply button state by feature.

◆ showPanel

void XGUI_Workshop::showPanel ( QDockWidget theDockWidget)

Show dock widget panel.

<! Restore ability to close panel from the window's menu

◆ hidePanel

void XGUI_Workshop::hidePanel ( QDockWidget theDockWidget)

Hide dock widget panel.

<! Do not allow to show empty property panel

◆ showObjectBrowser

void XGUI_Workshop::showObjectBrowser ( )

Show object Browser.

◆ hideObjectBrowser

void XGUI_Workshop::hideObjectBrowser ( )

Hide object Browser.

◆ closeDocument

void XGUI_Workshop::closeDocument ( )

Close document.

◆ onOpen

void XGUI_Workshop::onOpen ( )

Open document from file.

◆ onNew

void XGUI_Workshop::onNew ( )

Create a new document.

◆ onImportPart

void XGUI_Workshop::onImportPart ( )

Import part structure from a file.

◆ onImportShape

void XGUI_Workshop::onImportShape ( )

Import shape from a file.

◆ onImportImage

void XGUI_Workshop::onImportImage ( )

Import image from a file.

◆ onExportPart

void XGUI_Workshop::onExportPart ( )

Export features to a file.

◆ onExportShape

void XGUI_Workshop::onExportShape ( )

Export a shape to a file.

◆ onExit

void XGUI_Workshop::onExit ( )

Exit application.

◆ onPreferences

void XGUI_Workshop::onPreferences ( )

Open preferences dialog box.

◆ onAutoApply

void XGUI_Workshop::onAutoApply ( )

A slot calleon toggle of auto-compute button.

◆ onTrihedronVisibilityChanged

void XGUI_Workshop::onTrihedronVisibilityChanged ( bool  theState)

Activates/deactivates the trihedron in the viewer AIS context.

◆ onTransparencyValueChanged

void XGUI_Workshop::onTransparencyValueChanged ( )

Apply the current transparency value if preview in transparency dialog is switched on.

◆ setGrantedFeatures()

void XGUI_Workshop::setGrantedFeatures ( ModuleBase_Operation theOperation)

Sets the granted operations for the parameter operation.

Firstly, it finds the nested features and set them into the operation. Secondly, it asks the module about ids of granted operations.

theOperationan operation

Field Documentation


QString XGUI_Workshop::MOVE_TO_END_COMMAND = QObject::tr("Move to the end")

A constant string used for "Move to end" command definition It is used for specific processing of Undo/Redo for this command.


QString XGUI_Workshop::MOVE_TO_END_SPLIT_COMMAND = QObject::tr("Move to the end and split")

A constant string used for "Move to end and split" command definition It is used for specific processing of Undo/Redo for this command.