Mirror copy

Mirror copy operation mirrors sketch entities across a line.

To create a Mirror copy in the active Sketch:

  1. select in the Main Menu Sketch - > Mirror copy item or

  2. click mirror.icon Mirror copy button in Sketch toolbar:

Property panel:


Mirror copy

Input fields:

  • Mirror line is the mirror line selected in the view.

  • Segments is the list of segments (lines, circles, arcs) selected in the view.

TUI Command:

Sketch_1.addMirror(MirrorLine, Objects)
  • object – A mirror line.

  • listg – A list of objects.


Result object.


Created Mirror copy appears in the view.

The original and the mirror copy objects are marked with a special sign.
Copy object is drawn with a thinner line.

Mirror copy created

See Also a sample TUI Script of Create Mirror copy operation.