
Caution. This operation is obsolete. Fuse operation should be used instead.

Union feature implements a Boolean operation for creation of a union of selected objects.

To create a Union in the active part:

  1. select in the Main Menu Features - > Union item or

  2. click union_btn.icon Union button in the toolbar

The following property panel will be opened:


Union operation

Here it is necessary to select some objects. Only faces with shared edges or solids with shared faces are allowed for selection.

Fuzzy Parameter defines the additional tolerance value used to eliminate tiny results.

Apply button creates a union shape.

Cancel button cancels the operation.

TUI Command:

model.addUnion(Part_doc, objects, fuzzy)
  • part – The current part object.

  • objects – A list of objects.

  • real – Additional tolerance used to eliminate tiny results (optional).


Result object.


The Result of the operation will be a shape which is a union of selected objects:


Union created

See Also a sample TUI Script of Create Union operation.