
Smash feature implements a boolean operation for smashing a set of main objects by a set of tool objects.

To create a Smash in the active part:

  1. select in the Main Menu Features - > Smash item or

  2. click bool_smash.icon Smash button in the toolbar

The following property panel will be opened:


Smash operation

  • Main Objects contains a list of objects selected in the Object Browser or in the Viewer, which will be smashed by tool objects. If a subshape that belongs to a compsolid/compound was selected, other shapes of this compsolid/compound will be cut from other objects (to avoid self intersection) and added to the result.

  • Tool Objects contains a list of objects selected in the Object Browser or in the Viewer, which will be smashed into main objects. If a subshape that belongs to a compsolid/compound was selected, other shapes of this compsolid/compound will be ignored.

  • Fuzzy Parameter defines the additional tolerance value used to eliminate tiny results.

  • See preview button shows a result of the operation.

Main objects and Tools objects should have the same dimension. There are supported 2-dimensional (face) or 3-dimensional (solid, compsolid) arguments.

TUI Command:

model.addSmash(Part_doc, mainObjects, toolObjects, fuzzy)
  • part – The current part object.

  • list – A list of main objects.

  • list – A list of tool objects.

  • real – Additional tolerance used to eliminate tiny results (optional).


Rotated object.


The Result of the operation will be a shape which is a smash of tool objects from main objects:


Smash created

See Also a sample TUI Script of Create Smash operation.