Version: 9.12.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2023 CEA, EDF
2 //
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // See or email :
18 //
20 #include "yacsconfig.h"
21 #include "RuntimeSALOME.hxx"
22 #include "Proc.hxx"
23 #include "Logger.hxx"
24 #include "Exception.hxx"
25 #include "Executor.hxx"
26 #include "parsers.hxx"
29 #include "LoadState.hxx"
30 #include "Dispatcher.hxx"
31 #include "LinkInfo.hxx"
32 #include "ObserverAsPlugin.hxx"
33 #include "PythonNode.hxx"
35 #include "KernelBasis.hxx"
36 #include "SALOME_Launcher.hxx"
37 #include "ServiceUnreachable.hxx"
39 #include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
40 #include "SALOME_ModuleCatalog.hh"
41 #include "SALOMESDS_DataServerManager.hxx"
42 #include "Basics_Utils.hxx"
44 #include <iostream>
45 #include <fstream>
46 #include <signal.h>
47 #include <list>
49 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
50 #else
51 #include <argp.h>
52 #endif
54 using YACS::YACSLoader;
55 using namespace YACS::ENGINE;
56 using namespace std;
59 // --- use of glibc argp interface for parsing unix-style arguments
61 const char *argp_program_version ="driver V0.1";
62 const char *argp_program_bug_address ="<>";
63 static char doc[] ="driver -- a SALOME YACS graph executor";
64 static char args_doc[] = "graph.xml";
66 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
67 #else
68 static struct argp_option options[] =
69  {
70  {"display", 'd', "level", 0, "Display dot files: 0=never to 3=very often (default 0)"},
71  {"verbose", 'v', 0, 0, "Produce verbose output" },
72  {"stop-on-error", 's', 0, 0, "Stop on first error" },
73  {"dump-on-error", 'e', "file", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Stop on first error and dump state"},
74  {"dump-final", 'f', "file", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "dump final state"},
75  {"dump", 'g', "nbsec", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "dump state"},
76  {"load-state", 'l', "file", 0, "Load State from a previous partial execution"},
77  {"save-xml-schema", 'x', "file", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "dump xml schema"},
78  {"shutdown", 't', "level", 0, "Shutdown the schema: 0=no shutdown to 3=full shutdown (default 1)"},
79  {"reset", 'r', "level", 0, "Reset the schema before execution: 0=nothing, 1=reset error nodes to ready state (default 0)"},
80  {"kill-port", 'k', "port", 0, "Kill Salome application running on the specified port if the driver process is killed (with SIGINT or SIGTERM)"},
81  {"init_port", 'i', "value", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Initialisation value of a port, specified as bloc.node.port=value."},
82  {"donotsqueeze", 'z', "value", 0, "Desactivate squeeze memory optimization."},
83  { nullptr }
84  };
85 #endif
87 struct arguments
88 {
89  char *args[1];
90  int display = 0;
91  int verbose = 0;
92  int stop = 0;
93  std::string dumpErrorFile;
94  std::string finalDump;
95  int dump = 0;
96  std::string xmlSchema;
97  std::string loadState;
98  int shutdown = 10;
99  int reset = 0;
100  int killPort = 0;
101  bool squeezeMemory = true;
102  std::list<std::string> init_ports;
103 };
105 typedef struct {
106  int nbsec;
107  string dumpFile;
108  string lockFile;
109 } thread_st;
111 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
112 static int
113 #else
114 static error_t
115 #endif
116 parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
117 {
118 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
119 #else
120  // Get the input argument from argp_parse, which we
121  // know is a pointer to our arguments structure.
122  struct arguments *myArgs = (arguments*)state->input;
124  switch (key)
125  {
126  case 'd':
127  myArgs->display = atoi(arg);
128  break;
129  case 't':
130  myArgs->shutdown = atoi(arg);
131  break;
132  case 'r':
133  myArgs->reset = atoi(arg);
134  break;
135  case 'v':
136  myArgs->verbose = 1;
137  break;
138  case 's':
139  myArgs->stop = 1;
140  break;
141  case 'e':
142  myArgs->stop = 1;
143  if (arg)
144  myArgs->dumpErrorFile = arg;
145  else
146  myArgs->dumpErrorFile = "dumpErrorState.xml";
147  break;
148  case 'f':
149  if (arg)
150  myArgs->finalDump = arg;
151  else
152  myArgs->finalDump = "finalDumpState.xml";
153  break;
154  case 'g':
155  if (arg)
156  myArgs->dump = atoi(arg);
157  else
158  myArgs->dump = 60;
159  break;
160  case 'l':
161  myArgs->loadState = arg;
162  break;
163  case 'x':
164  if (arg)
165  myArgs->xmlSchema = arg;
166  else
167  myArgs->xmlSchema = "saveSchema.xml";
168  break;
169  case 'k':
170  myArgs->killPort = atoi(arg);
171  break;
172  case 'i':
173  if (arg)
174  myArgs->init_ports.push_back(std::string(arg));
175  break;
176  case 'z':
177  myArgs->squeezeMemory = ! ( bool( atoi(arg) ) );
178  break;
179  case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
180  if (state->arg_num >=1) // Too many arguments.
181  argp_usage (state);
182  myArgs->args[state->arg_num] = arg;
183  break;
185  case ARGP_KEY_END:
186  if (state->arg_num < 1) // Not enough arguments.
187  argp_usage (state);
188  break;
190  default:
191  return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
192  }
193 #endif
194  return 0;
195 }
197 // Our argp parser.
198 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
199 #else
200 static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc };
201 #endif
203 void timer(std::string msg)
204 {
205 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
206 #else
207  struct timeval tv;
208  gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
209  long t=tv.tv_sec*1000+tv.tv_usec/1000;
210  static long t0=t;
211  gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
212  std::cerr << msg << tv.tv_sec*1000+tv.tv_usec/1000-t0 << " ms" << std::endl;
213 #endif
214 }
216 Proc* p=0;
217 static struct arguments myArgs;
219 void Handler(int theSigId)
220 {
221  if(p)
222  {
223  p->cleanNodes();
224  //if requested save state
225  bool isFinalDump = !myArgs.finalDump.empty();
226  if (isFinalDump)
227  {
230  p->accept(&vst);
231  vst.closeFileDump();
232  }
233  //if requested shutdown schema
234  if(myArgs.shutdown < 999)
235  {
237  }
238  }
239  if (myArgs.killPort)
240  {
241  ostringstream command;
242  command << " " << myArgs.killPort;
243  int status = system(command.str().c_str());
244  if (status == 0)
245  cerr << "Salome application on port " << myArgs.killPort << " is killed" << endl;
246  else
247  cerr << "Error: Can't kill Salome application on port " << myArgs.killPort << endl;
248  }
249  _exit(1);
250 }
252 void * dumpState(void *arg)
253 {
254  thread_st *st = (thread_st*)arg;
257 #ifdef WIN32
258  Sleep(st->nbsec);
259 #else
260  sleep(st->nbsec);
261 #endif
262  string cmd = "touch " + st->lockFile;
263  system(cmd.c_str());
265  vst.openFileDump(st->dumpFile);
266  p->accept(&vst);
267  vst.closeFileDump();
268  cmd = "rm -f " + st->lockFile;
269  system(cmd.c_str());
271  }
272  delete st;
273  return NULL;
274 }
276 #ifndef WIN32
277 typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
279 {
280  struct sigaction context, ocontext;
281  context.sa_handler = handler;
282  sigemptyset(&context.sa_mask);
283  context.sa_flags = 0;
284  if (sigaction(sig, &context, &ocontext) == -1)
285  return SIG_ERR;
286  return ocontext.sa_handler;
287 }
288 #endif
290 bool parse_init_port(const std::string& input, std::string& node, std::string& port, std::string& value)
291 {
292  bool ok = true;
293  size_t pos_eq = input.find('=');
294  if(pos_eq == std::string::npos || pos_eq == input.size())
295  return false;
296  value = input.substr(pos_eq+1);
297  size_t pos_dot = input.rfind('.', pos_eq);
298  if(!pos_dot || pos_dot == std::string::npos || pos_dot >= pos_eq-1)
299  return false;
300  port = input.substr(pos_dot+1, pos_eq-pos_dot-1);
301  node = input.substr(0, pos_dot);
302  return true;
303 }
306 {
307  setSSLMode(true);
308  KERNEL::getLauncherSA();
309 }
312 {
313  // shutdown data server scopes
314  try
315  {
317  runTime->loadModulCatalog();
318  CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = runTime->getOrb();
319  if (orb)
320  {
321  SALOME_NamingService_Wrapper namingService(orb);
322  CORBA::Object_var objDSM(namingService.Resolve(SALOMESDS::DataServerManager::NAME_IN_NS));
323  SALOME::DataServerManager_var dsm(SALOME::DataServerManager::_narrow(objDSM));
324  if ( !CORBA::is_nil(dsm) )
325  dsm->shutdownScopes();
326  }
327  }
328  catch(const CORBA::Exception& )
329  {
330  // ignore and continue
331  }
332  catch(ServiceUnreachable& e)
333  {
334  // ignore and continue
335  }
336 }
338 int main (int argc, char* argv[])
339 {
340  // Parse our arguments; every option seen by parse_opt will be reflected in arguments.
341 #if defined WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
342 #else
343  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &myArgs);
344  std::cerr << "graph = " << myArgs.args[0];
345  std::cerr << " options: display=" << myArgs.display;
346  std::cerr << " verbose="<<myArgs.verbose;
347  std::cerr << " stop-on-error=" << myArgs.stop;
348  std::cerr << " shutdown=" << myArgs.shutdown;
349  std::cerr << " reset=" << myArgs.reset;
350  if (myArgs.killPort)
351  std::cerr << " kill-port=" << myArgs.killPort;
352  if (myArgs.stop)
353  std::cerr << " dumpErrorFile=" << myArgs.dumpErrorFile << std::endl;
354  else
355  std::cerr << std::endl;
356  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it;
357  for(it=myArgs.init_ports.begin(); it != myArgs.init_ports.end(); it++)
358  {
359  std::cerr << (*it) << std::endl;
360  }
361 #endif
363 #ifndef WIN32
364  setsig(SIGINT,&Handler);
365  setsig(SIGTERM,&Handler);
366 #endif
368  InitializeSSL();
370  timer("Starting ");
372  RuntimeSALOME::UseCpp + RuntimeSALOME::UseSalome;
373  RuntimeSALOME::setRuntime(flags, argc, argv);
375  // Try to load the session catalog if it exists
376  try
377  {
379  runTime->loadModulCatalog();
380  CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = runTime->getOrb();
381  if (orb)
382  {
383  SALOME_NamingService_Wrapper namingService(orb);
384  CORBA::Object_var obj = namingService.Resolve("/Kernel/ModulCatalog");
385  SALOME_ModuleCatalog::ModuleCatalog_var aModuleCatalog = SALOME_ModuleCatalog::ModuleCatalog::_narrow(obj);
386  if (! CORBA::is_nil(aModuleCatalog))
387  {
388  CORBA::String_var anIOR = orb->object_to_string( aModuleCatalog );
389  YACS::ENGINE::Catalog* aCatalog = runTime->loadCatalog( "session", );
390  runTime->addCatalog(aCatalog);
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  catch(ServiceUnreachable& e)
395  {
396  //Naming service unreachable don't add catalog
397  }
400  Executor executor;
402  try
403  {
404  timer("Elapsed time before load: ");
405  p=loader.load(myArgs.args[0]);
406  if(p==0)
407  {
408  std::cerr << "The imported file is probably not a YACS schema file" << std::endl;
409  return 1;
410  }
412  {
413  std::list<Node *> allNodes = p->getAllRecursiveNodes();
414  for(auto node : allNodes)
415  {
416  PythonNode *nodePy = dynamic_cast<PythonNode *>(node);
417  if( nodePy )
418  {
419  nodePy->setSqueezeStatus( true );
420  }
421  }
422  }
423  // Initialize the ports
424  for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it=myArgs.init_ports.begin(); it != myArgs.init_ports.end(); it++)
425  {
426  std::string node, port, value;
427  if(parse_init_port((*it), node, port, value))
428  {
429  std::cerr << "Initialization node=" << node
430  << " port=" << port
431  << " value=" << value << std::endl;
433  std::string init_state;
434  init_state = p->setInPortValue(node, port, value);
435  if(
436  {
437  std::cerr << "Error on initialization:" << init_state << std::endl;
438  return 1;
439  }
440  }
441  else
442  {
443  std::cerr << "Error on parsing initialization string:" << (*it) << std::endl;
444  return 1;
445  }
446  }
448  //Get the parser logger
449  Logger* logger=p->getLogger("parser");
450  //Print errors logged if any
451  if(!logger->isEmpty())
452  {
453  std::cerr << "The imported file has errors" << std::endl;
454  std::cerr << logger->getStr() << std::endl;
455  }
456  //Don't execute if there are errors
457  if(logger->hasErrors())
458  {
459  if(!p->isValid())
460  {
461  std::string report=p->getErrorReport();
462  std::cerr << "The schema is not valid and can not be executed" << std::endl;
463  std::cerr << report << std::endl;
464  }
465  delete p;
468  r->fini();
469  delete r;
470  delete disp;
471  return 1;
472  }
473  timer("Elapsed time after load: ");
475  if(!p->isValid())
476  {
477  std::string report=p->getErrorReport();
478  std::cerr << "The schema is not valid and can not be executed" << std::endl;
479  std::cerr << report << std::endl;
482  r->fini();
483  delete r;
484  delete disp;
485  return 1;
486  }
487  timer("Elapsed time after validation: ");
489  // Check consistency
491  p->checkConsistency(info);
492  if(info.areWarningsOrErrors())
493  {
494  std::cerr << "The schema is not consistent and can not be executed" << std::endl;
495  std::cerr << info.getGlobalRepr() << std::endl;
498  r->fini();
499  delete r;
500  delete disp;
501  return 1;
502  }
503  timer("Elapsed time after check consistency: ");
505  //execution
506  bool isXmlSchema = !myArgs.xmlSchema.empty() ;
507  if (isXmlSchema)
508  {
511  p->accept(&vss);
512  vss.closeFileSchema();
513  }
515  bool fromScratch = myArgs.loadState.empty() ;
516  if (!fromScratch)
517  {
518  p->init();
519  p->exUpdateState();
520  stateParser* rootParser = new stateParser();
521  stateLoader myStateLoader(rootParser, p);
522  myStateLoader.parse(myArgs.loadState);
523  if(myArgs.reset>0)
524  {
526  p->exUpdateState();
527  }
528  }
530  if (myArgs.stop)
531  {
532  if ( !myArgs.dumpErrorFile.empty() )
533  executor.setStopOnError(true, myArgs.dumpErrorFile);
534  else
535  executor.setStopOnError(false, myArgs.dumpErrorFile);
536  }
537  if(myArgs.display>0)
538  {
539  std::ofstream f("toto");
540  p->writeDot(f);
541  f.close();
542  }
544  bool isDump = (myArgs.dump != 0);
545  pthread_t th;
546  if (isDump)
547  {
548  thread_st *st = new thread_st;
549  st->nbsec = myArgs.dump;
550  st->dumpFile = string("dumpState_") + myArgs.args[0];
551  string rootFile = st->dumpFile.substr(0,st->dumpFile.find("."));
552  st->lockFile = rootFile + ".lock";
553  pthread_create(&th,NULL,&dumpState,(void*)st);
554  }
556  cerr << "+++++++++++++++++++ start calculation +++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
557  executor.RunW(p,myArgs.display, fromScratch);
558  cerr << "+++++++++++++++++++ end calculation +++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
559  cerr << "Proc state : " << Node::getStateName(p->getEffectiveState()) << endl;
560  timer("Elapsed time after execution: ");
562  // Return 0 if SCHEMA OK
564  // Return 2 for YACS SCHEMA ERROR/FAILED
565  int return_value = 0;
567  if(p->getEffectiveState() != YACS::DONE)
568  {
569  std::string report=p->getErrorReport();
570  std::cerr << "Execution has ended in error" << std::endl;
571  std::cerr << report << std::endl;
572  return_value = 2;
573  }
575  if(myArgs.display>0)
576  {
577  std::ofstream g("titi");
578  p->writeDot(g);
579  g.close();
580  }
582  if (isDump)
583  {
584  pthread_join(th,NULL);
585  }
587  bool isFinalDump = !myArgs.finalDump.empty() ;
588  if (isFinalDump)
589  {
592  p->accept(&vst);
593  vst.closeFileDump();
594  }
595  if(myArgs.shutdown < 999)
596  {
598  shutdownServers();
599  }
600  delete p;
603  r->fini();
604  delete r;
605  delete disp;
607  return return_value;
608  }
609  catch (YACS::Exception& e)
610  {
611  cerr << "Caught a YACS exception" << endl;
612  cerr << e.what() << endl;
615  r->fini();
616  delete r;
617  delete disp;
618  return 1;
619  }
620  catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)
621  {
622  cerr << "Caught an io failure exception" << endl;
623  return 1;
624  }
625  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
626  {
627  cerr << "Caught a CORBA::SystemException.:" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" ;
628  CORBA::Any tmp;
629  tmp <<= ex;
630  CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = tmp.type();
631  const char *p = tc->name();
632  if ( *p != '\0' )
633  cerr <<p;
634  else
635  cerr << tc->id();
636  cerr << endl;
637  return 1;
638  }
639  catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe)
640  {
641  cerr << "Caught omniORB::fatalException:" << endl;
642  cerr << " file: " << fe.file() << endl;
643  cerr << " line: " << fe.line() << endl;
644  cerr << " mesg: " << fe.errmsg() << endl;
645  return 1;
646  }
647  catch(...)
648  {
649  cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl;
650  return 1;
651  }
652 }
void display(CORBA::Any *data)
Definition: CORBAPorts.cxx:144
static timeval tv
Definition: chrono.hxx:71
CORBA::Object_ptr Resolve(const char *Path) override
void init(bool start=true)
Initialize the bloc.
Definition: Bloc.cxx:95
void exUpdateState()
Update the bloc state.
Definition: Bloc.cxx:153
class for YACS catalogs.
Definition: Catalog.hxx:42
std::list< Node * > getAllRecursiveNodes()
Get all children nodes elementary and composed including this node.
virtual std::string getErrorReport()
returns a string that contains an error report if the node is in error
virtual void shutdown(int level)
Stop all pending activities of the composed node.
virtual void resetState(int level)
Reset the state of the node and its children depending on the parameter level.
virtual void cleanNodes()
Clean the composed node in case of not clean exit.
void checkConsistency(LinkInfo &info) const
Base class for dispatcher in observer pattern.
Definition: Dispatcher.hxx:74
static Dispatcher * getDispatcher()
Definition: Dispatcher.cxx:55
Threaded Executor.
Definition: Executor.hxx:63
void setStopOnError(bool dumpRequested=false, std::string xmlFile="")
ask to stop execution on the first node found in error
Definition: Executor.cxx:399
void RunW(Scheduler *graph, int debug=0, bool fromScratch=true)
Definition: Executor.cxx:1833
Class that deal with list of semantics links for high level analysis.
Definition: LinkInfo.hxx:83
static const unsigned char ALL_DONT_STOP
Definition: LinkInfo.hxx:127
std::string getGlobalRepr() const
Definition: LinkInfo.cxx:118
bool areWarningsOrErrors() const
Definition: LinkInfo.cxx:199
Class for logging error messages.
Definition: Logger.hxx:38
virtual bool hasErrors()
Definition: Logger.cxx:101
virtual bool isEmpty()
Definition: Logger.cxx:96
virtual std::string getStr()
Definition: Logger.cxx:85
static std::string getStateName(YACS::StatesForNode state)
Return the name of a state.
Definition: Node.cxx:820
virtual int isValid()
indicates if the node is valid (returns 1) or not (returns 0)
Definition: Node.cxx:723
virtual YACS::StatesForNode getEffectiveState() const
Return the node state in the context of its father.
Definition: Node.cxx:537
Base class for all schema objects.
Definition: Proc.hxx:44
std::string setInPortValue(std::string nodeName, std::string portName, std::string value)
Definition: Proc.cxx:288
virtual Logger * getLogger(const std::string &name)
Definition: Proc.cxx:431
virtual void accept(Visitor *visitor)
Definition: Proc.cxx:199
virtual void writeDot(std::ostream &os) const
Dump to the input stream a dot representation of the node.
Definition: Proc.cxx:86
void setSqueezeStatus(bool sqStatus)
Definition: PythonNode.hxx:111
static void setRuntime(long flags=UsePython+UseCorba+UseXml+UseCpp+UseSalome, int argc=0, char *argv[]=NULL)
CORBA::ORB_ptr getOrb() const
virtual void addCatalog(Catalog *catalog)
Add a catalog of types and nodes to the runtime.
Definition: Runtime.cxx:323
virtual Catalog * loadCatalog(const std::string &sourceKind, const std::string &path)
Load a catalog of calculation to use as factory.
Definition: Runtime.cxx:285
void openFileSchema(std::string xmlDump)
void openFileDump(const std::string &xmlDump)
class for parse an xml file, use a dedicated parser, to load a saved state of a SALOME execution.
Definition: LoadState.hxx:54
virtual void parse(std::string xmlState)
Definition: LoadState.cxx:917
specialized parser to load SALOME execution saved states.
Definition: LoadState.hxx:81
void shutdownServers()
Definition: driver.cxx:311
static struct arguments myArgs
Definition: driver.cxx:217
Proc * p
Definition: driver.cxx:216
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: driver.cxx:338
bool parse_init_port(const std::string &input, std::string &node, std::string &port, std::string &value)
Definition: driver.cxx:290
static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
Definition: driver.cxx:116
void * dumpState(void *arg)
Definition: driver.cxx:252
void Handler(int theSigId)
Definition: driver.cxx:219
sighandler_t setsig(int sig, sighandler_t handler)
Definition: driver.cxx:278
const char * argp_program_version
Definition: driver.cxx:61
void(* sighandler_t)(int)
Definition: driver.cxx:277
static char args_doc[]
Definition: driver.cxx:64
void InitializeSSL()
Definition: driver.cxx:305
const char * argp_program_bug_address
Definition: driver.cxx:62
static struct argp argp
Definition: driver.cxx:200
static struct argp_option options[]
Definition: driver.cxx:68
void timer(std::string msg)
Definition: driver.cxx:203
static char doc[]
Definition: driver.cxx:63
void YACSLIBENGINE_EXPORT UnLoadObserversPluginIfAny()
YACSLIBENGINE_EXPORT Runtime * getRuntime()
Definition: Runtime.cxx:61
void YACSLIBENGINE_EXPORT LoadObserversPluginIfAny(ComposedNode *rootNode, Executor *executor)
Definition: define.hxx:34
Definition: define.hxx:51
Definition: define.hxx:46
Definition: define.hxx:49
Definition: define.hxx:43
Definition: define.hxx:50
Definition: define.hxx:45
Definition: define.hxx:52
std::string finalDump
Definition: driver.cxx:94
int killPort
Definition: driver.cxx:100
std::list< std::string > init_ports
Definition: driver.cxx:102
std::string xmlSchema
Definition: driver.cxx:96
int stop
Definition: driver.cxx:92
int display
Definition: driver.cxx:90
std::string dumpErrorFile
Definition: driver.cxx:93
int dump
Definition: driver.cxx:95
bool squeezeMemory
Definition: driver.cxx:101
int reset
Definition: driver.cxx:99
char * args[1]
Definition: driver.cxx:89
int shutdown
Definition: driver.cxx:98
std::string loadState
Definition: driver.cxx:97
int verbose
Definition: driver.cxx:91
int nbsec
Definition: driver.cxx:106
string lockFile
Definition: driver.cxx:108
string dumpFile
Definition: driver.cxx:107
CORBA::ORB_ptr orb
Definition: yacsSrv.cxx:39
YACS::YACSLoader::YACSLoader * loader
Definition: yacs_clt.cxx:31