SHAPER  9.13.0
Data model

Structures for storage and management the application data. More...

Data Structures

class  GeomAPI_Ax1
 The class represents an axis in 3D space. More...
class  GeomAPI_Ax2
 The class represents an axis in 3D space. More...
class  GeomAPI_Ax3
 The class represents a coordinate plane which is 2d plane with X and Y directions and origin. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_BelongsTo
 Filter for objects which are part of specified objects. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_ContinuousFaces
 Filter for face with specific area. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_EdgeSize
 Filter for edges with specific size. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_ExternalFaces
 Filter for faces not shared between solids in compsolid. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_FaceSize
 Filter for face with specific area. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_FeatureEdges
 Filter for edges with feature angle. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_HorizontalFace
 Filter for horizontal faces only. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_OnGeometry
 Filter for objects which have the same underlying geometry as specified objects. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_OnLine
 Filter for objects which belong to selected lines. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_OnPlane
 Filter for objects which belong to selected planes. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_OnPlaneSide
 Filter for objects which lying on the side of selected plane. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_OppositeToEdge
 Filter for edges of quadrangular faces opposite to the selected edge. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_RelativeToSolid
 Filter for objects inside/outside/on the selected solid. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_Selection
 An interface for working with filters in the feature. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_VerticalFace
 Filter for vertical faces only. More...
class  FiltersPlugin_VolumeSize
 Filter for solid with specific volume. More...
class  GeomAPI_AISObject
 Interface for AIS_InteractiveObject. More...
class  GeomAPI_Angle
 Build an angle. More...
class  GeomAPI_Angle2d
 Build an angle in plane. More...
class  GeomAPI_Box
 Box in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_BSpline
 B-spline in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_BSpline2d
 B-spline curve in 2D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Circ
 Circle in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Circ2d
 Circle in 2D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Cone
 Conical surface in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Curve
 Interface to the generic curve object. More...
class  GeomAPI_Cylinder
 Cylindrical surface in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeMapOfShapes
 DataMap of Shape - Map of Shapes defined by TopoDS_Shapes. More...
class  GeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeShape
 DataMap of Shape - Shape defined by TopoDS_Shapes. More...
class  GeomAPI_Dir
 3D direction defined by three normalized coordinates More...
class  GeomAPI_Dir2d
 2D direction defined by three normalized coordinates More...
class  GeomAPI_Edge
 Interface to the edge object. More...
class  GeomAPI_Ellipse
 Ellipse in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Ellipse2d
 Ellipse in 2D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Face
 Interface to the face object. More...
class  GeomAPI_ICustomPrs
 Interface of a class which can provide specific customization of object presentation. More...
class  GeomAPI_IndexedMapOfShape
 IndexedMap of Shape defined by TopoDS_Shape. More...
class  GeomAPI_Interface
 General base class for all interfaces in this package. More...
class  GeomAPI_Lin
 Line in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Lin2d
 Line in 2D. More...
class  GeomAPI_PlanarEdges
 Interface to the set of edges located in one plane. More...
class  GeomAPI_Pln
 3D point defined by three coordinates More...
class  GeomAPI_Pnt
 3D point defined by three coordinates More...
class  GeomAPI_Pnt2d
 2D point defined by two coordinates More...
class  GeomAPI_Shape
 Interface to the topological shape object. More...
class  GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer
 This class is used to explore subshapes on shape. More...
class  GeomAPI_ShapeIterator
 Iterates on the underlying shape underlying a given GeomAPI_Shape object, providing access to its component sub-shapes. More...
class  GeomAPI_Shell
 Interface to the shell object. More...
class  GeomAPI_Solid
 Interface to the solid object. More...
class  GeomAPI_Sphere
 Spherical surface in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Tools
 Provides auxiliary methods for shapes processing. More...
class  GeomAPI_Torus
 Toroidal surface in 3D. More...
class  GeomAPI_Trsf
 Keep the transformation matrix coefficients. More...
class  GeomAPI_Vertex
 Interface to the vertex object. More...
class  GeomAPI_Wire
 Interface to the wire object. More...
class  GeomAPI_WireExplorer
 This class is used to explore edges of wire in the order of connectivity. More...
class  GeomAPI_XY
 2 coordinates: they may represent vector or point or something else More...
class  GeomAPI_XYZ
 3 coordinates: they may represent vector or point or something else More...
class  GeomData_Dir
 Attribute that contains direction. More...
class  GeomData_Point
 Attribute that contains 3D point. More...
class  GeomData_Point2D
 Attribute that contains 2D point. More...
class  GeomData_Point2DArray
 Attribute that contains an array of 2D points. More...
class  GeomDataAPI_Dir
 Attribute that contains 3D direction coordinates. More...
class  GeomDataAPI_Point
 Attribute that contains 3D point coordinates. More...
class  GeomDataAPI_Point2D
 Attribute that contains 2D point coordinates. More...
class  GeomDataAPI_Point2DArray
 Attribute that contains array of 2D point coordinates. More...
class  Model_Application
 Realization of Open CASCADE application abstraction. More...
class  Model_AttributeBoolean
 Attribute that contains real value with double precision. More...
class  Model_AttributeDocRef
 Attribute that contains reference to another document. More...
class  Model_AttributeDouble
 Attribute that contains real value with double precision. More...
class  Model_AttributeDoubleArray
 API for the attribute that contains several double in the array inside. More...
class  Model_AttributeImage
 API for the attribute that contains image inside. More...
class  Model_AttributeIntArray
 API for the attribute that contains several integers in the array inside. More...
class  Model_AttributeInteger
 Attribute that contains integer. More...
class  Model_AttributeRefAttr
 Attribute that contains reference to an attribute of a feature (located in the same document). More...
class  Model_AttributeRefAttrList
 Attribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document) or references to attributes of the features (list of AttributeRefAttr) More...
class  Model_AttributeReference
 Attribute that contains reference to feature (located in the same document). More...
class  Model_AttributeRefList
 Attribute that contains list of references to features, may be located in different documents. More...
class  Model_AttributeSelection
 Attribute that contains reference to the sub-shape of some result, the selected shape. More...
class  Model_AttributeSelectionList
 Attribute that contains list of references to the sub-shapes with possibility to manage them. More...
class  Model_AttributeString
 Attribute that contains std (null terminated) string. More...
class  Model_AttributeStringArray
 API for the attribute that contains several strings in the array inside. More...
class  Model_AttributeTables
 API for the attribute that contains tables of some values type. More...
class  Model_AttributeValidator
 The geneneric validator for the attribute. More...
class  Model_BodyBuilder
 Extra API for the ResultBody that allows to work with naming. More...
class  Model_Data
 General object of the application that allows to get/set attributes from the document and compute result of an operation. More...
class  Model_Document
 Document for internal data structure of any object storage. More...
class  Model_Expression
 Implementation of ModelAPI_Expression. More...
class  Model_ExpressionDouble
 Implementation of ModelAPI_ExpressionDouble. More...
class  Model_ExpressionInteger
 Implementation of ModelAPI_ExpressionInteger. More...
class  Model_FeatureValidator
 The geneneric validator for the whole feature. More...
class  Model_FiltersFactory
 Manages registering of filters. More...
class  Model_Objects
 Manager of objects of the document. More...
class  Model_ResultBody
 The body (shape) result of a feature. More...
class  Model_ResultConstruction
 The construction element result of a feature. More...
class  Model_ResultField
 The fields result. More...
class  Model_ResultGroup
 The groups result. More...
class  Model_ResultParameter
 Result of parameter expression. More...
class  Model_ResultPart
 The Part document, result of a creation of new part feature. More...
class  Model_Session
 Object that knows (from the initial XML file) which plugin contains which feature, loads and stores reference to loaded plugins by the feature functionality request. More...
class  Model_Update
 Updates the results of features when it is needed. More...
class  Model_ValidatorsFactory
 Manages the registered validators. More...
class  ModelAPI_Attribute
 Generic attribute of the Object. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean
 Attribute that contains boolean value. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeDocRef
 Attribute that contains reference to another document. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeDouble
 Attribute that contains real value with double precision. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeDoubleArray
 API for the attribute that contains several double in the array inside. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeImage
 API for the attribute that contains binary data. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeIntArray
 API for the attribute that contains several integers in the array inside. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeInteger
 API for the attribute that contains integer (int). More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr
 Attribute that contains reference to an attribute of a feature or reference to a feature (switchable) More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttrList
 Attribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document) or references to attributes of the features (list of AttributeRefAttr) More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeReference
 Attribute that contains reference to feature (located in the same document). More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeRefList
 Attribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document). More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeSelection
 Attribute that contains reference to the sub-shape of some result, the selected shape. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList
 Attribute that contains list of references to the sub-shapes with possibility to manage them. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeString
 API for the attribute that contains std (null terminated) string. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeStringArray
 API for the attribute that contains several strings in the array inside. More...
class  ModelAPI_AttributeTables
 API for the attribute that contains tables of some values type. More...
class  ModelAPI_BodyBuilder
 Extra API for the ResultBody that allows to work with naming. More...
class  ModelAPI_CompositeFeature
 Feature that consists of other features: like sketcher with edges inside. More...
class  ModelAPI_Data
 General object of the application that allows to get/set attributes from the document and compute result of an operation. More...
class  ModelAPI_Document
 Document for internal data structure of any object storage. More...
class  ModelAPI_Entity
 Represents a common parent class for Objects and documents. More...
class  ModelAPI_Expression
 Expression for calculated values. More...
class  ModelAPI_ExpressionDouble
 Expression for calculated double values. More...
class  ModelAPI_ExpressionInteger
 Expression for calculated integer values. More...
class  ModelAPI_Feature
 Feature function that represents the particular functionality of this operation. More...
class  ModelAPI_FeatureValidator
 The geneneric validator for the whole feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ViewFilter
 A general interface class filters definition. More...
class  ModelAPI_FiltersFactory
 Manages registering of filters. More...
class  ModelAPI_FiltersFeature
 An interface for working with filters in the feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_Folder
 Folder feature (groups the features). More...
class  ModelAPI_IReentrant
 Interface of a class which can process specific messages. More...
class  ModelAPI_Object
 Represents any object in the data model and in the object browser. More...
class  ModelAPI_Plugin
 Interface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager. More...
class  ModelAPI_Result
 The result of a feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultBody
 The body (shape) result of a feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultConstruction
 The construction element result of a feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultField
 The fields result. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultGroup
 The groups result. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultParameter
 The construction element result of a feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ResultPart
 The Part document, result of a creation of new part feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_Session
 Object that knows (from the initial XML file) which plugin contains which feature, loads and stores reference to loaded plugins by the feature functionality request. More...
class  ModelAPI_Validator
 Allows to validate the attribute value of a feature or the whole feature. More...
class  ModelAPI_ValidatorsFactory
 Manages the registered validators. More...
class  Selector_Selector
 Base class for all kinds of selection algorithms. More...
class  Selector_AlgoWithSubs
 Kind of selection algorithm: generic algorithm that contains sub-algorithms inside. More...
class  Selector_Container
 Kind of selection algorithm: selected shape is a container of sub-shapes that must be named one by one. More...
class  Selector_FilterByNeighbors
 Kind of selection algorithm: selected shape is identified by neighbor faces of the same type. More...
class  Selector_Intersect
 Kind of selection algorithm: sub-shape is intersection of higher level objects. More...
class  Selector_Modify
 Kind of selection algorithm: sub-shape is modification of primitive at some final stage. More...
class  Selector_NameGenerator
 An interface for generation of the naming name basing on the current selection and document information. More...
class  Selector_NExplode
 Sort shapes by their centers of mass, using formula X*999 + Y*99 + Z*0.9. More...
class  Selector_Primitive
 Kind of selection algorithm: exact referencing to alone shape in the data structure. More...
class  Selector_WeakName
 Kind of selection algorithm: if other algorithms fail, this stores the geometrical index of the selected shape. More...

Detailed Description

Structures for storage and management the application data.

Data structures are unified and splitted in universal ModelAPI package. The OCCT specialized implementation of ModelAPI interfaces is located in the Model. The geometrical primitives interfaces in GeomAPI package are supported by geometrical persistence elements in GeomDatAPI interface and has OCCT-specific implementation in GeomData package.