Implementation of specific features of the application is concentrated in plugins. More...
Data Structures | |
class | ConnectorPlugin.ConnectorPlugin |
The main class for management the construction features as plugin. More... | |
class | ConnectorPlugin_ExportFeature.ExportFeature |
Feature to export all shapes and groups into the GEOM module. More... | |
class | ConnectorPlugin_PublishToStudyFeature.PublishToStudyFeature |
Feature to export all shapes and groups into the GEOM module. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Compound |
Feature for creation of compound from different kinds of shapes. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_CompSolid |
Feature for creation of compsolid from solids or compsolids. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Edge |
Feature for creation of edge from sketch edge or existing edges. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Face |
Feature for creation of face from sketch edges or existing wires. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Filling |
Feature for creation of face from list of edges (1D objects). More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Interpolation |
Feature for creation of interpolation curve from set of points. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management the build features as plugin. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Polyline |
Feature for creation of polyline from set of points. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Shape |
Base class containing common methods for shape creating operations. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Shell |
Feature for creation of shell from faces and shells. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Solid |
Feature for creation of solid from faces or shells. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_SubShapes |
Feature for adding or removing sub-shapes from shape. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Vertex |
Feature for creation of vertex from sketch vertex or existing vertices. More... | |
class | BuildPlugin_Wire |
Feature for creation of wire from sketch edges or existing wires. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_Field |
Feature for selection of sub-shapes of some shapes and assigning data on them. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_Group |
Feature for selection of sub-shapes of some shapes. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupAddition |
Merge several groups of same shape type into single group. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupIntersection |
Merge several groups of same shape type into single group. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupMerge |
Merge several groups of same or different shape type, \the validator being used for the shape type. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupOperation |
Base class for operations on groups. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupShape |
Merge several groups of different shape type into a single shape. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_GroupSubstraction |
Remove all elements in "objects" groups which contain in "tools" groups. More... | |
class | CollectionPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management the 3D features as plugin. More... | |
class | ConstructionPlugin_Axis |
Feature for creation of the new axis in PartSet. More... | |
class | ConstructionPlugin_Plane |
Feature for creation of the new planar surface in PartSet. More... | |
class | ConstructionPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management the construction features as plugin. More... | |
class | ConstructionPlugin_Point |
Feature for creation of the new part in PartSet. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_Dump |
Store full model as a Python script. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature |
Feature for export shapes to the external files in CAD formats. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_ExportPart |
Feature for export some results of a Part to the binary format for the further import. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_ImportFeature |
Feature for import shapes from the external files in CAD formats. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_ImportPart |
Feature for import the structure of Part into the current document. More... | |
class | ExchangePlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management import and export operations as plugin. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Boolean |
Feature for applying of Boolean operations on Solids. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BooleanCommon |
Feature for applying of Boolean Common operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BooleanCut |
Feature for applying of Boolean Cut operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BooleanFill |
Feature for applying of Boolean Fill operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BooleanFuse |
Feature for applying of Boolean Fuse operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BooleanSmash |
Feature for applying of Boolean Smash operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BoundingBox |
Persistence feature to create the bounding box. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_BoundingBoxBase |
Base feature to inspect properties of bounding box and create that box for the selected shape. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Chamfer |
Feature for applying the Chamfer operations on Solids. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_CommonSharedFaces |
Feature to check the shared faces of solid. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_CompositeBoolean |
Interface for the composite boolean feature. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_CompositeSketch |
Interface for the composite sketch feature. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Copy |
This feature copies the selected results and sub-results (for the whole feature selected all results of this feature are copied). More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Defeaturing |
Feature for the removal of the unwanted parts or features from the model. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Extrusion |
Feature for creation of extrusion from the planar face. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionBoolean |
Interface for the composite extrusion feature. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionCut |
This feature allows to create sketch, extrude faces from this sketch and cut result from other objects in a single operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionFuse |
This feature allows to create sketch, extrude faces from this sketch and fuse result with other objects in a single operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Fillet |
Feature for applying the Fillet operations on Solids. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Fillet1D |
Feature for appling fillet on vertices of 3D wire. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_FusionFaces |
Feature for fusion of connected faces. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_GeometryCalculation |
Feature for geometry calculation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_GlueFaces |
Feature to glue duplicated faces. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_GroupSharedFaces |
Feature to check the shared faces of solid. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_ImportResult |
The Import Result feature allows the user to import one or several results from another Part. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_InspectBoundingBox |
Feature to view the Bounding Box. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_InspectNormalToFace |
Feature to view the normal to face. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Intersection |
Intersection feature takes a list of shapes as objects and list of shapes as tools. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_LimitTolerance |
Feature to limit the tolerance on selected shapes. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Loft |
Feature for creation of extrusion along a path. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Measurement |
Feature for calculation metrics. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_MultiRotation |
Feature that rotaes object around an axis an number of times. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_MultiTranslation |
Feature for movement objects along one or two axes an arbitary number of times, making a copy every time. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_NormalToFace |
Persistence feature to construct normal to face. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Partition |
Feature for applying of Partition operations on Shapes. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Pipe |
Feature for creation of extrusion along a path. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Placement |
Feature for applying of placement operation: relative movement of Solid. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management the 3D features as plugin. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_PointCloudOnFace |
Persistence feature to construct normal to face. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_PointCoordinates |
Feature to view point coordinates. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Recover |
Feature for display of concealed attributes of some feature. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_RemoveResults |
AN internal, hidden feature for results removal. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_RemoveSubShapes |
Feature for removing sub-shapes from collections(wire, shell, compsolid, compound). More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Revolution |
Feature for creation of revolution from the planar face. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_RevolutionBoolean |
Interface for the composite revolution feature. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_RevolutionCut |
This feature allows to create sketch, revol faces from this sketch and cut result from other objects in a single operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_RevolutionFuse |
This feature allows to create sketch, revol faces from this sketch and fuse result with other objects in a single operation. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Rotation |
Feature for rotation objects around the axis. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Scale |
Feature for changing the scale of an object. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Sewing |
Feature to perform sewing operation on objects. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_SharedFaces |
Feature to check the shared faces of compsolid or compound. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Symmetry |
Feature that performs reflection with respect to a point, axis, or plane. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Translation |
Feature for translation objects along the axis. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_Union |
Feature for applying of Union operations on Shapes. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_VersionedBoolean |
Feature controls a version of Boolean operations. More... | |
class | FeaturesPlugin_VersionedChFi |
Base feature for the Fillet and the Chamfer operations which supports versioning. More... | |
class | GeomValidators_Plugin |
Interface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager. More... | |
class | GDMLPlugin_ConeSegment |
Interface for primitive ConeSegment feature. More... | |
class | GDMLPlugin_Ellipsoid |
Feature for creation of a GDML Ellipsoid solid. More... | |
class | GDMLPlugin_Plugin |
The main class managing GDML Features as plugins. More... | |
class | GeomAPI_ShapeHierarchy |
Storage for the hierarchy of shapes and their parents (compounds or compsolids) More... | |
class | InitializationPlugin_EvalListener |
Class which process the events from the event loop. More... | |
class | InitializationPlugin_Plugin |
This class is represents a plugin. More... | |
class | InitializationPlugin_PyInterp |
Helper class for using Python interpreter. More... | |
class | ParametersPlugin_EvalListener |
Class which process the events from the event loop. More... | |
class | ParametersPlugin_Parameter |
Feature for parameter. More... | |
class | ParametersPlugin_ParametersMgr |
A macro feature which manages list of parameters in the current document. More... | |
class | ParametersPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management of parameter evaluation operations as plugin. More... | |
class | PartSetPlugin_Duplicate |
Duplicates the active part (not root). More... | |
class | PartSetPlugin_Part |
Feature for creation of the new part in PartSet. More... | |
class | PartSetPlugin_Plugin |
The main class for management the part set operations as plugin. More... | |
class | PartSetPlugin_Remove |
Feature for creation of the new part in PartSet. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Box |
Feature for creation of a box primitive using various methods. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Cone |
Feature for creation of a cone. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Cylinder |
Feature for creation of a cylinder. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Plugin |
The main class managing Primitive Features as plugins. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Sphere |
Feature for creation of a sphere primitive using various methods. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Torus |
Feature for creation of a torus. More... | |
class | PrimitivesPlugin_Tube |
Feature for creation of a tube primitive using various methods. More... | |
class | SamplePanelPlugin_Feature |
Sample feature to be filled by the panel. More... | |
class | SamplePanelPlugin_Plugin |
Interface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Arc |
Feature for creation of the new arc of circle in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_BSpline |
Feature for creation of the B-spline curve in the sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_BSplineBase |
Base class for B-spline curves in the sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_BSplinePeriodic |
Feature for creation of the periodic B-spline curve in the sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Circle |
Feature for creation of the new circle in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintAngle |
Feature for creation of a new constraint fix angle between two lines. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintBase |
Feature for creation of a new constraint between other features. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines equivalence of two points. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidenceInternal |
Internal coincidence constraint not applicable for the end user. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintCollinear |
Feature for creation of a new constraint collinearity of two lines. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintDistance |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a distance between a point and another feature (point, line, plane or face) More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceAlongDir |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a distance along direction. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceHorizontal |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a horizontal distance between two points. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceVertical |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a vertical distance between two points. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintEqual |
Feature for creation of a new constraint specifying equality of lengths of two lines or equality of radii of two circular arcs (full circles) More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintHorizontal |
Feature for creation of a new constraint horizontality of a line. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a length of a line segment. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintMiddle |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which places a point in the middle of a line. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintMirror |
Feature for creation of a new constraint mirroring a list of objects regarding to a given line. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintParallel |
Feature for creation of a new constraint parallelism of two lines. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintPerpendicular |
Feature for creation of a new constraint for perpendicularity of two lines. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintRadius |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines a radius of a circle or an arc of circle. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintRigid |
Feature for creation of a new constraint which defines immovable object. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintTangent |
Feature for creation of a new constraint tangency between line and arc or between two circular arcs. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_ConstraintVertical |
Feature for creation of a new constraint verticality of a line. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_CurveFitting |
Feature for creation of the new B-spline curve in sketch as an interpolation or an approximation of a list of points. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Ellipse |
Feature for creation of the new ellipse in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_EllipticArc |
Feature for creation of the new elliptic arc in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Feature |
Feature for creation of the new feature in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Fillet |
Feature for creation of a new arc filleting two objects which have coincident point. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_IntersectionPoint |
Feature for creation of external point as an intersection between external edge and a plane of the sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Line |
Feature for creation of the new part in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroArc |
Feature for creation of the new arc of circle in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroBSpline |
Feature for creation of the new B-spline in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroBSplinePeriodic |
Feature for creation of the new periodic B-spline in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroCircle |
Feature for creation of the new circle in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroEllipse |
Feature for creation of the new ellipse in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MacroEllipticArc |
Feature for creation of the new elliptic arc in Sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MultiRotation |
Feature for creation of a number of rotated copies of a list of objects. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation |
Feature for creation of a number of shifted copies of a list of objects. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Offset |
Builds offset curves in the sketch. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Plugin |
Interface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Point |
Feature for creation of a new point. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Projection |
Feature for creation of external feature as a projection onto the sketch plane. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Sketch |
Feature for creation of the new part in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_SketchCopy |
Feature for copy of a sketch and all its sub-features to the same plane. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_SketchDrawer |
Feature for creation of a sketch on selected base object and plane. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_SketchEntity |
Sketch Entity for creation of the new feature in PartSet. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Split |
Feature for creation of a new constraint splitting object. More... | |
class | SketchPlugin_Trim |
Feature for creation of a new constraint trimming object. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_AttributeBuilder |
Converts ModelAPI_Attribute to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_EntityBuilder |
API to convert data model entity to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_EntityDestroyer |
Collect entities of PlaneGCS solver which should be removed. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_FeatureBuilder |
Converts SketchPlugin_Feature to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_Storage |
Contains all necessary data in PlaneGCS format to solve a single group of constraints. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_Update |
Send events to listeners about changing a feature. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_UpdateCoincidence |
Send events to listeners about changing a constraint. More... | |
class | PlaneGCSSolver_UpdateFeature |
Send events to listeners about changing a feature. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_Constraint |
Converts SketchPlugin constraint to the constraint applicable for solver. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintAngle |
Convert Agnle constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintCoincidence |
Convert coincidence constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintCollinear |
Converts collinear constraint to the constraint applicable for solver. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintDistance |
Convert distance constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintEqual |
Convert equality constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintFixed |
Stores data of the Fixed constraint. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintLength |
Convert length constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMiddle |
Converts middle-point constraint to the constraint applicable for solver. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMirror |
Convert fillet constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMovement |
Stores data to the Fixed constraint for the moved feature only. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti |
Common base class for the Multi constraints. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation |
Convert rotated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation |
Convert translated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintOffset |
Convert offset to the solver's data model. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintPerpendicular |
Convert perpendicularity constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_ConstraintTangent |
Convert tangency constraint to SolveSpace structure. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_Error |
Collects all sketch solver error' codes as inline static functions. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_Group |
Keeps the group of constraints which placed in the same sketch. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_Manager |
Listens the changes of SketchPlugin features and transforms the Constraint feature into the format understandable by sketch solver. More... | |
class | SketchSolver_Storage |
Interface to map SketchPlugin features to the entities of corresponding solver. More... | |
class | SolveSpaceSolver_Builder |
Create bridges between SketchPlugin constraints and SolveSpace constraints. More... | |
class | SolveSpaceSolver_Solver |
Performs high-level operations to solve sketch in SolveSpace. More... | |
class | SolveSpaceSolver_Storage |
Contains all necessary data in SolveSpace format to solve a single group of constraints. More... | |
Implementation of specific features of the application is concentrated in plugins.
The C++ and Python features implementations are located in plugins: specially organized libraries and configuration files that allows to define the user interface and specific algorithms. There are many plugins that should be extended with the development of the application. The names of plugin-packages are ended with "Plugin" string: PartSetPlugin, ConstructionPlugin, SketchPlugin, FeaturesPlugins, etc.