SHAPER  9.13.0
C++ High API

C++ API for using fetures concentrated in plugins. More...

Data Structures

class  PythonAPI.model.dump.DumpAssistant.DumpAssistant
 Collect information about features that may be dumped and stores the model as a Python script. More...
class  BuildAPI_Compound
 Interface for Compound feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_CompSolid
 Interface for CompSolid feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Edge
 Interface for Edge feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Face
 Interface for Face feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Filling
 Interface for Filling feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Interpolation
 Interface for Interpolation feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Polyline
 Interface for Polyline feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Shell
 Interface for Shell feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Solid
 Interface for Solid feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_SubShapes
 Interface for SubShapes feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Vertex
 Interface for Vertex feature. More...
class  BuildAPI_Wire
 Interface for Wire feature. More...
class  CollectionAPI_Group
 Interface for Group feature. More...
class  CollectionAPI_GroupAddition
 Interface for Group Addition feature. More...
class  CollectionAPI_GroupIntersection
 Interface for Group Intersection feature. More...
class  CollectionAPI_GroupShape
 Interface for Group Shape feature. More...
class  CollectionAPI_GroupSubstraction
 Interface for Group Intersection feature. More...
class  ConstructionAPI_Axis
 Interface for Axis feature. More...
class  ConstructionAPI_Plane
 Interface for Plane feature. More...
class  ConstructionAPI_Point
 Interface for Point feature. More...
class  ExchangeAPI_Export
 Interface for Export feature. More...
class  ExchangeAPI_Import
 Interface for Import feature. More...
class  ExchangeAPI_Import_Image
 Interface for Import feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_BooleanCommon
 Interface for Boolean Common feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_BooleanCut
 Interface for Boolean Cut feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_BooleanFill
 Interface for Boolean Fill feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_BooleanFuse
 Interface for Boolean Fuse feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_BooleanSmash
 Interface for Boolean Smash feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_NormalToFace
 Interface for NormalToface feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Chamfer
 Interface for Chamfer feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Copy
 Interface for Copy feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Defeaturing
 Interface for the Defeaturing feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Extrusion
 Interface for Extrusion feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_ExtrusionBoolean
 Interface for ExtrusionBoolean feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_ExtrusionCut
 Interface for ExtrusionCut feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_ExtrusionFuse
 Interface for ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Fillet
 Interface for Fillet feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Fillet1D
 Interface for Fillet1D feature - fillet on vertices of a wire. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Fillet2D
 Interface for Fillet feature - fillet edges on a solid. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_FusionFaces
 Interface for FusionFaces feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_GlueFaces
 Interface for Glue Faces feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_ImportResult
 Interface for ImportResult feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Intersection
 Interface for Intersection feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_LimitTolerance
 Interface for LimitTolerance feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Loft
 Interface for Loft feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_MultiRotation
 Interface for Translation feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_MultiTranslation
 Interface for Translation feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Partition
 Interface for Partition feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Pipe
 Interface for Pipe feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Placement
 Interface for Placement feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_PointCloudOnFace
 Interface for PointCloudOnFace feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Recover
 Interface for Recover feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_RemoveResults
 Interface for RemoveResults feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_RemoveSubShapes
 Interface for RemoveSubShapes feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Revolution
 Interface for Revolution feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_RevolutionBoolean
 Interface for RevolutionBoolean feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_RevolutionCut
 Interface for RevolutionCut feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_RevolutionFuse
 Interface for RevolutionFuse feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Rotation
 Interface for Rotation feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Scale
 Interface for Scale feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Sewing
 Interface for Sewing feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_SharedFaces
 Interface to find shared faces. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Symmetry
 Interface for Symmetry feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Translation
 Interface for Translation feature. More...
class  FeaturesAPI_Union
 Interface for Union feature. More...
class  FiltersAPI_Argument
 Argument of the Filter. More...
class  FiltersAPI_Feature
 Interface for the list of filters. More...
class  FiltersAPI_Filter
 Interface for the Filter. More...
class  FiltersAPI_Selection
 Interface for the selection of filters. More...
class  GDMLPlugin_ConeSegment
 Interface for primitive ConeSegment feature. More...
class  GDMLAPI_Ellipsoid
 Interface for primitive Ellipsoid feature. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Double
 Class for filling ModelAPI_AttributeDouble. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Dumper
 Dump engine for the model. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage
 Storage for the dumped data. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorageGeom
 Process selection attributes to be dumped by geometric properties. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorageWeak
 Process selection attributes to be dumped by weak naming. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_FeatureStore
 Allows to compare the original and the dumped/executed feature. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Folder
 Class for filling ModelAPI_Folder. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Integer
 Class for filling ModelAPI_AttributeInteger. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Interface
 Base class for feature interfaces. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_RefAttr
 Class for filling ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Reference
 Class for filling ModelAPI_AttributeReference. More...
class  ModelHighAPI_Selection
 Class for filling ModelAPI_AttributeSelection. More...
class  ParametersAPI_Parameter
 Interface for Parameter feature. More...
class  PartSetAPI_Part
 Interface for Part feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Box
 Interface for primitive Box feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Cone
 Interface for primitive Cone feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Cylinder
 Interface for primitive Cylinder feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Sphere
 Interface for primitive Sphere feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Torus
 Interface for primitive Torus feature. More...
class  PrimitivesAPI_Tube
 Interface for primitive Tube feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Arc
 Interface for Arc feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_BSpline
 Interface for BSpline feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_BSplinePeriodic
 Interface for BSplinePeriodic feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Circle
 Interface for Circle feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Constraint
 Interface for Constraint feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_ConstraintAngle
 Interface for ConstraintAngle feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Ellipse
 Interface for Ellipse feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_EllipticArc
 Interface for Elliptic Arc feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_IntersectionPoint
 Interface for IntersectionPoint feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Line
 Interface for Line feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_MacroArc
 Interface for Arc feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_MacroCircle
 Interface for Circle feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_MacroEllipse
 Interface for Ellipse feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_MacroEllipticArc
 Interface for Elliptic Arc feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_MacroMiddlePoint
 Interface for Middle Point feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Mirror
 Interface for Mirror feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Offset
 Interface for Offset feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Point
 Interface for Point feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Projection
 Interface for Projection feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Rectangle
 Interface for Rectangle feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Rotation
 Interface for Rotation feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_Sketch
 Interface for Sketch feature. More...
class  SketchAPI_SketchEntity
 Base class for Sketch feature interfaces. More...
class  SketchAPI_Translation
 Interface for Translation feature. More...


CompoundPtr addCompound (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Compound feature. More...
CompSolidPtr addCompSolid (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create CompSolid feature. More...
EdgePtr addEdge (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool theComputeIntersection=false)
 Create Edge feature. More...
EdgePtr addEdge (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFirstPoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSecondPoint)
 Create Edge feature. More...
FacePtr addFace (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Face feature. More...
FillingPtr addFilling (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Filling feature. More...
FillingPtr addFilling (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const std::string &theOrientCorrection, const int theMinDegree=BuildPlugin_Filling::MINIMAL_DEGREE_DEFAULT(), const int theMaxDegree=BuildPlugin_Filling::MAXIMAL_DEGREE_DEFAULT(), const int theNbIter=BuildPlugin_Filling::NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS_DEFAULT(), const double theTolerance2D=BuildPlugin_Filling::TOLERANCE_2D_DEFAULT(), const double theTolerance3D=BuildPlugin_Filling::TOLERANCE_3D_DEFAULT(), const bool theApproximate=BuildPlugin_Filling::APPROXIMATION_DEFAULT())
 Create Filling feature. More...
InterpolationPtr addInterpolation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool theIsClosed=false, const bool theIsToReorder=false)
 Create Interpolation feature. More...
InterpolationPtr addInterpolation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theStartTangent, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theEndTangent, const bool theIsClosed=false, const bool theIsToReorder=false)
 Create Interpolation feature using tangents. More...
InterpolationPtr addInterpolation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theXTexpression, const std::string &theYTexpression, const std::string &theZTexpression, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theMinT, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theMaxT, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theNbStep)
 Create Interpolation feature using tangents. More...
PolylinePtr addPolyline3D (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool theIsClosed=false)
 Create Polyline feature. More...
ShellPtr addShell (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Shell feature. More...
SolidPtr addSolid (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Solid feature. More...
SubShapesPtr addSubShapes (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBaseShape, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theSubShapes)
 Create SubShapes feature. More...
VertexPtr addVertex (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects)
 Create Vertex feature. More...
VertexPtr addVertex (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool theDoIntersect)
 Create Vertex feature. More...
WirePtr addWire (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool theComputeIntersections=false)
 Create Wire feature. More...
GroupPtr addGroup (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theGroupList, const bool theShareSameTopology=false)
 Create Group feature. More...
GroupPtr addGroup (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theSelectionType, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theGroupList, const bool theShareSameTopology=false)
 Create Group with the additional selection type for case the whole result selected. More...
GroupAdditionPtr addGroupAddition (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theGroupsList)
 Create Group Addition feature. More...
GroupIntersectionPtr addGroupIntersection (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theGroupsList)
 Create Group Intersection feature. More...
GroupShapePtr addGroupShape (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theGroupsList)
 Create Group Shape feature. More...
GroupSubstractionPtr addGroupSubstraction (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theObjectsList, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theToolsList)
 Create Group Substraction feature. More...
void exportToGEOM (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart)
 Export to GEOM. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject2)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theZ)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDZ)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOffset1, const bool theReverseOffset1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane2, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOffset2, const bool theReverseOffset2)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane2, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOffset2, const bool theReverseOffset2)
 Create Axis feature. More...
AxisPtr addAxis (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOffset1, const bool theReverseOffset1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane2)
 Create Axis feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFace, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDistance, const bool theIsReverse, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theNbCopy=ModelHighAPI_Integer(1))
 Create Plane feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theA, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theB, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theC, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theD)
 Create Plane feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint2, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint3)
 Create Plane feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theLine, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint, const bool theIsPerpendicular)
 Create Plane feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject2)
 Create Plane feature. More...
PlanePtr addPlane (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePlane, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theNbCopy=ModelHighAPI_Integer(1))
 Create Plane feature. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theZ)
 Create Point feature. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theEdge, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOffset, const bool theUseRatio=false, const bool theReverse=false)
 Create Point feature. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject2)
 Create Point feature as an intersection of selected plane (or planar face) and edge. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject2, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDistanceValue, const bool theReverse=false)
 Create Point feature as an intersection of selected plane (or planar face) and edge with positive distance from the plane and flag to reverse the offset direction. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject2, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject3)
 Create Point feature as an intersection of selected planes. More...
PointPtr addPoint (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject, const bool theIsCircularEdge=false)
 Create Point feature as a geometrical property. More...
PointPtr addPointXYZ (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject)
 Create Point feature by coordinates using the selected vertex. More...
ExportPtr exportToFile (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theSelectionList, const std::string &theFileFormat=std::string())
 Export to file. More...
ExportPtr exportToXAO (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const std::string &theAuthor=std::string(), const std::string &theGeometryName=std::string(), const std::string &theShapeFilePath=std::string())
 Exports to XAO file all results of the current document. More...
ExportPtr exportToSTL (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSelectedShape, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDeflectionRelative, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDeflectionAbsolute, const bool theIsRelative, const bool theIsASCII)
 Exports to STL file the result of the current document. More...
ExportPtr exportToXAO (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSelectedShape, const std::string &theAuthor=std::string(), const std::string &theGeometryName=std::string(), const std::string &theShapeFilePath=std::string())
 Exports to XAO file the selected result with groups parts related to it only. More...
PyObject * exportToXAOMem (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSelectedShape, const std::string &theAuthor=std::string(), const std::string &theGeometryName=std::string())
 Exports to XAO format buffer the selected result with groups parts related to it only. More...
void exportPart (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theSelected=std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >())
 Export selected features or the whole part to the binary file. More...
ImportPtr addImport (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath)
 Create Import feature. More...
ImportPtr addImportXAOMem (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, PyObject *theBuffer)
 Create Import feature to import XAO data from bytes buffer. More...
ImportPtr addImportSTEP (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const bool theScalInterUnits, const bool theMaterials, const bool theColor)
 Create Import Step feature. More...
void importPart (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theFilePath, const ModelHighAPI_Reference &theAfterThis=ModelHighAPI_Reference())
 Import features from the file to the document after the current feature (or to the end). More...
BooleanCommonPtr addCommon (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &tools=std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >(), const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Boolean Common feature. More...
BooleanCutPtr addCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theToolObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Boolean Cut feature. More...
BooleanFillPtr addSplit (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theToolObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Boolean Fill feature. More...
BooleanFusePtr addFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const std::pair< std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >, bool > &tools=std::pair< std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >, bool >(std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >(), false), const bool removeEdges=false, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Boolean Fuse feature. More...
BooleanSmashPtr addSmash (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theToolObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Boolean Smash feature. More...
BoundingBoxPtr getBoundingBox (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject)
 get the bounding Box More...
ChamferPtr addChamfer (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const bool performDistances, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theVal1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theVal2, const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Chamfer feature. More...
CopyPtr addCopy (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theObjects, const int theNumber)
 Create Copy feature. More...
DefeaturingPtr addDefeaturing (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theFaces)
 Create Defeaturing feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize)
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize)
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize)
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize, const std::string &theSelectionType=std::string())
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset)
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::string &theSelectionType=std::string())
 Create Extrusion feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionCut feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToSize, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromSize, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theDirection, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create ExtrusionFuse feature. More...
FilletPtr addFillet (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius2=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1.0), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Fillet feature. More...
FusionFacesPtr addFusionFaces (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBase)
 Create FusionFaces feature. More...
std::list< double > getGeometryCalculation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject)
 get the geometry calculation (length, Surface area, volume) More...
GlueFacesPtr addGlueFaces (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theTolerance, const bool theKeepNonSolids)
 Create Glue Faces feature. More...
ImportResultPtr addImportResult (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theObjects)
 Create ImportResult feature. More...
IntersectionPtr addIntersection (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Intersection feature. More...
LimitTolerancePtr addLimitTolerance (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theMainObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theTolerance)
 Create LimitTolerance feature. More...
LoftPtr addLoft (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFirstObject, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSecondObject)
 Create Loft feature. More...
double measureLength (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theEdge)
 Calculate length of the edge. More...
double measureDistance (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFrom, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theTo)
 Calculate distance between objects. More...
double measureRadius (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject)
 Calculate radius of circular edge, cylindrical surface or sphere. More...
std::list< double > measureAngle (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFrom, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theTo)
 Calculate angle(s) between edges. More...
double measureAngle (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint1, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint2, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint3)
 Calculate angle by 3 points. More...
double shapeProximity (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFrom, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theTo)
 Calculate maximum of all distances between objects. More...
MultiRotationPtr addMultiRotation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theStep, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theNumber=ModelHighAPI_Integer(L""), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create MultiRotation feature. More...
MultiTranslationPtr addMultiTranslation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFirstAxisObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFirstStep, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theFirstNumber, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSecondAxisObject=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const ModelHighAPI_Double &theSecondStep=ModelHighAPI_Double(), const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theSecondNumber=ModelHighAPI_Integer(), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create MultiTranslation feature. More...
NormalPtr getNormal (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBaseFace, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theOptionalPoint)
 Create normal to a face feature. More...
NormalPtr getNormal (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBaseFace)
 Create normal to a face feature. More...
PartitionPtr addPartition (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Partition feature. More...
PipePtr addPipe (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePath)
 Create Pipe feature. More...
PipePtr addPipe (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePath, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBiNoramal)
 Create Pipe feature. More...
PipePtr addPipe (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePath, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theLocations)
 Create Pipe feature. More...
PlacementPtr addPlacement (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theStartShape, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theEndShape, const bool reverse=false, const bool centering=false, const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Placement feature. More...
PointCloudPtr makeVertexInsideFace (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFace, const ModelHighAPI_Integer &theNumber)
 Create point cloud on a face feature. More...
std::list< double > getPointCoordinates (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &thePoint)
 Get the point coordinates. More...
RecoverPtr addRecover (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Reference &theBaseFeature, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theRecoveredList, const bool theRecoverCompound=false)
 Create Recover feature. More...
RemoveResultsPtr addRemoveResults (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theResults)
 Create RemoveResults feature. More...
RemoveSubShapesPtr addRemoveSubShapes (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBase)
 Create RemoveSubShapes feature. More...
RevolutionPtr addRevolution (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle)
 Create Revolution feature. More...
RevolutionPtr addRevolution (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToAngle, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromAngle, const std::string &theSelectionType=std::string())
 Create Revolution feature. More...
RevolutionPtr addRevolution (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::string &theSelectionType=std::string())
 Create Revolution feature. More...
RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionCut feature. More...
RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionCut feature. More...
RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToAngle, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromAngle, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionCut feature. More...
RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionCut feature. More...
RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionFuse feature. More...
RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionFuse feature. More...
RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToAngle, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromAngle, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionFuse feature. More...
RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theToObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theToOffset, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFromObject, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theFromOffset, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBooleanObjects)
 Create RevolutionFuse feature. More...
RotationPtr addRotation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &axis=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &angle=std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double >(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &center=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &start=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &end=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Rotation feature. More...
ScalePtr addScale (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theCenterPoint, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theScaleFactorX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theScaleFactorY=ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0), const ModelHighAPI_Double &theScaleFactorZ=ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Scale feature. More...
SewingPtr addSewing (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theMainObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theTolerance, const bool allowNonManifold, const bool alwaysCreateResult)
 Create Sewing feature. More...
SharedFacesPtr getSharedFaces (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theObject, const std::string &theNameGroup)
 Create a group of shared faces in a compsolid or a compound. More...
SymmetryPtr addSymmetry (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &basis, const bool keepOriginal=true, const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Symmetry feature. More...
TranslationPtr addTranslation (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &part, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &objects, const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &deprecated1=std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double >(), const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &deprecated2=std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double >(), const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &deprecated3=std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double >(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &axis=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const ModelHighAPI_Double &distance=ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0), const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Double > &vector=std::list< ModelHighAPI_Double >(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &startPoint=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const ModelHighAPI_Selection &endPoint=ModelHighAPI_Selection(), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Translation feature. More...
UnionPtr addUnion (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &theBaseObjects, const ModelHighAPI_Double &fuzzyParam=ModelHighAPI_Double(-1), const bool keepSubResults=false)
 Create Union feature. More...
ConeSegmentPtr addConeSegment (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMin1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMax1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMin2, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMax2, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theZ, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theStartPhi, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDeltaPhi)
 Create GDML ConeSegment feature. More...
EllipsoidPtr addEllipsoid (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theBY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theCZ)
 Create GDML Ellipsoid feature. More...
EllipsoidPtr addEllipsoid (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theBY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theCZ, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theZCut1, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theZCut2)
 Create GDML Ellipsoid feature. More...
std::shared_ptr< ModelHighAPI_FolderaddFolder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &theDoc)
 Create empty Folder feature. More...
std::shared_ptr< ModelHighAPI_FolderaddFolder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &theDoc, const ModelHighAPI_Reference &theFirstFeature, const ModelHighAPI_Reference &theLastFeature)
 Create Folder feature. More...
void removeFolder (std::shared_ptr< ModelHighAPI_Folder > &theFolder)
 Removes Folder feature. More...
ParameterPtr addParameter (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::string &theName, const std::string &theExpression, const std::wstring &theComment=std::wstring())
 Create Parameter feature. More...
void removeParameter (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ParameterPtr &theParameter)
 Remove Parameter feature and substitute it by the value in referred features. More...
PartPtr addPart (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePartSet)
 Create Part feature. More...
PartPtr duplicatePart (const ModelHighAPI_Interface &thePart)
 Duplicate Part feature. More...
void removePart (const ModelHighAPI_Interface &thePart)
 Remove Part feature. More...
BoxPtr addBox (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDx, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDy, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theDz)
 Create primitive Box feature. More...
BoxPtr addBox (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theFirstPoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theSecondPoint)
 Create primitive Box feature. More...
BoxPtr addBox (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOx, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOy, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theOz, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHalfLengthX, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHalfLengthY, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHalfLengthZ)
 Create primitive Box feature. More...
ConePtr addCone (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBasePoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theBaseRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theTopRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight)
 Create primitive Cone feature. More...
ConePtr addCone (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theBaseRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theTopRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight)
 Create primitive Cone feature. More...
CylinderPtr addCylinder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBasePoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight)
 Create primitive Cylinder feature. More...
CylinderPtr addCylinder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBasePoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle)
 Create primitive Cylinder feature. More...
CylinderPtr addCylinder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight)
 Create primitive Cylinder feature. More...
CylinderPtr addCylinder (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theAngle)
 Create primitive Cylinder feature. More...
SpherePtr addSphere (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theCenterPoint, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius)
 Create primitive Sphere feature. More...
SpherePtr addSphere (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius)
 Create primitive Sphere feature. More...
SpherePtr addSphere (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMin, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMax, const ModelHighAPI_Double &thePhiMin, const ModelHighAPI_Double &thePhiMax, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theThetaMin, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theThetaMax)
 Create primitive Sphere feature. More...
TorusPtr addTorus (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theBasePoint, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theAxis, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRingRadius)
 Create primitive Torus feature. More...
TorusPtr addTorus (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRadius, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRingRadius)
 Create primitive Torus feature. More...
TubePtr addTube (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMin, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theRMax, const ModelHighAPI_Double &theHeight)
 Create primitive Tube feature. More...
SketchPtr addSketch (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Ax3 > &thePlane)
 Create Sketch feature. More...
SketchPtr addSketch (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const ModelHighAPI_Selection &theExternal)
 Create Sketch feature. More...
SketchPtr addSketch (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const std::wstring &theExternalName)
 Create Sketch feature. More...
SketchPtr addSketch (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Object > thePlaneObject)
 Create Sketch feature. More...
SketchPtr copySketch (const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &thePart, const SketchPtr &theSketch)
 Copy sketch with all its sub-features. More...

Detailed Description

C++ API for using fetures concentrated in plugins.

The API intendend to be wrapped by SWIG and used in Python.

Function Documentation

◆ addCompound()

CompoundPtr addCompound ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Compound feature.

◆ addCompSolid()

CompSolidPtr addCompSolid ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create CompSolid feature.

◆ addEdge() [1/2]

EdgePtr addEdge ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  theComputeIntersection = false 

Create Edge feature.

◆ addEdge() [2/2]

EdgePtr addEdge ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFirstPoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSecondPoint 

Create Edge feature.

◆ addFace()

FacePtr addFace ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Face feature.

◆ addFilling() [1/2]

FillingPtr addFilling ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Filling feature.

◆ addFilling() [2/2]

FillingPtr addFilling ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const std::string &  theOrientCorrection,
const int  theMinDegree = BuildPlugin_Filling::MINIMAL_DEGREE_DEFAULT(),
const int  theMaxDegree = BuildPlugin_Filling::MAXIMAL_DEGREE_DEFAULT(),
const int  theNbIter = BuildPlugin_Filling::NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS_DEFAULT(),
const double  theTolerance2D = BuildPlugin_Filling::TOLERANCE_2D_DEFAULT(),
const double  theTolerance3D = BuildPlugin_Filling::TOLERANCE_3D_DEFAULT(),
const bool  theApproximate = BuildPlugin_Filling::APPROXIMATION_DEFAULT() 

Create Filling feature.

◆ addInterpolation() [1/3]

InterpolationPtr addInterpolation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  theIsClosed = false,
const bool  theIsToReorder = false 

Create Interpolation feature.

◆ addInterpolation() [2/3]

InterpolationPtr addInterpolation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theStartTangent,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theEndTangent,
const bool  theIsClosed = false,
const bool  theIsToReorder = false 

Create Interpolation feature using tangents.

◆ addInterpolation() [3/3]

InterpolationPtr addInterpolation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theXTexpression,
const std::string &  theYTexpression,
const std::string &  theZTexpression,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theMinT,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theMaxT,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theNbStep 

Create Interpolation feature using tangents.

◆ addPolyline3D()

PolylinePtr addPolyline3D ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  theIsClosed = false 

Create Polyline feature.

◆ addShell()

ShellPtr addShell ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Shell feature.

◆ addSolid()

SolidPtr addSolid ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Solid feature.

◆ addSubShapes()

SubShapesPtr addSubShapes ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBaseShape,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theSubShapes 

Create SubShapes feature.

◆ addVertex() [1/2]

VertexPtr addVertex ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects 

Create Vertex feature.

◆ addVertex() [2/2]

VertexPtr addVertex ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  theDoIntersect 

Create Vertex feature.

◆ addWire()

WirePtr addWire ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  theComputeIntersections = false 

Create Wire feature.

◆ addGroup() [1/2]

GroupPtr addGroup ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theGroupList,
const bool  theShareSameTopology = false 

Create Group feature.

◆ addGroup() [2/2]

GroupPtr addGroup ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theSelectionType,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theGroupList,
const bool  theShareSameTopology = false 

Create Group with the additional selection type for case the whole result selected.

◆ addGroupAddition()

GroupAdditionPtr addGroupAddition ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theGroupsList 

Create Group Addition feature.

◆ addGroupIntersection()

GroupIntersectionPtr addGroupIntersection ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theGroupsList 

Create Group Intersection feature.

◆ addGroupShape()

GroupShapePtr addGroupShape ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theGroupsList 

Create Group Shape feature.

◆ addGroupSubstraction()

GroupSubstractionPtr addGroupSubstraction ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theObjectsList,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theToolsList 

Create Group Substraction feature.

◆ exportToGEOM()

void exportToGEOM ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart)

Export to GEOM.

◆ addAxis() [1/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject2 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [2/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [3/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theZ 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [4/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDZ 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [5/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOffset1,
const bool  theReverseOffset1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane2,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOffset2,
const bool  theReverseOffset2 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [6/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane2,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOffset2,
const bool  theReverseOffset2 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addAxis() [7/7]

AxisPtr addAxis ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOffset1,
const bool  theReverseOffset1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane2 

Create Axis feature.

◆ addPlane() [1/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFace,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDistance,
const bool  theIsReverse,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theNbCopy = ModelHighAPI_Integer(1) 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPlane() [2/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theA,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theB,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theC,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theD 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPlane() [3/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint2,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint3 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPlane() [4/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theLine,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint,
const bool  theIsPerpendicular 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPlane() [5/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject2 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPlane() [6/6]

PlanePtr addPlane ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePlane,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theNbCopy = ModelHighAPI_Integer(1) 

Create Plane feature.

◆ addPoint() [1/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theZ 

Create Point feature.

◆ addPoint() [2/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theEdge,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOffset,
const bool  theUseRatio = false,
const bool  theReverse = false 

Create Point feature.

◆ addPoint() [3/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject2 

Create Point feature as an intersection of selected plane (or planar face) and edge.

◆ addPoint() [4/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject2,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDistanceValue,
const bool  theReverse = false 

Create Point feature as an intersection of selected plane (or planar face) and edge with positive distance from the plane and flag to reverse the offset direction.

◆ addPoint() [5/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject2,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject3 

Create Point feature as an intersection of selected planes.

◆ addPoint() [6/6]

PointPtr addPoint ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject,
const bool  theIsCircularEdge = false 

Create Point feature as a geometrical property.

◆ addPointXYZ()

PointPtr addPointXYZ ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject 

Create Point feature by coordinates using the selected vertex.

◆ exportToFile()

ExportPtr exportToFile ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theSelectionList,
const std::string &  theFileFormat = std::string() 

Export to file.

◆ exportToXAO() [1/2]

ExportPtr exportToXAO ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const std::string &  theAuthor = std::string(),
const std::string &  theGeometryName = std::string(),
const std::string &  theShapeFilePath = std::string() 

Exports to XAO file all results of the current document.

◆ exportToSTL()

ExportPtr exportToSTL ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSelectedShape,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDeflectionRelative,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDeflectionAbsolute,
const bool  theIsRelative,
const bool  theIsASCII 

Exports to STL file the result of the current document.

◆ exportToXAO() [2/2]

ExportPtr exportToXAO ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSelectedShape,
const std::string &  theAuthor = std::string(),
const std::string &  theGeometryName = std::string(),
const std::string &  theShapeFilePath = std::string() 

Exports to XAO file the selected result with groups parts related to it only.

◆ exportToXAOMem()

PyObject* exportToXAOMem ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSelectedShape,
const std::string &  theAuthor = std::string(),
const std::string &  theGeometryName = std::string() 

Exports to XAO format buffer the selected result with groups parts related to it only.

◆ exportPart()

void exportPart ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theSelected = std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >() 

Export selected features or the whole part to the binary file.

◆ addImport()

ImportPtr addImport ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath 

Create Import feature.

◆ addImportXAOMem()

ImportPtr addImportXAOMem ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
PyObject *  theBuffer 

Create Import feature to import XAO data from bytes buffer.

◆ addImportSTEP()

ImportPtr addImportSTEP ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const bool  theScalInterUnits,
const bool  theMaterials,
const bool  theColor 

Create Import Step feature.

◆ importPart()

void importPart ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theFilePath,
const ModelHighAPI_Reference theAfterThis = ModelHighAPI_Reference() 

Import features from the file to the document after the current feature (or to the end).

◆ addCommon()

BooleanCommonPtr addCommon ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  tools = std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >(),
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Boolean Common feature.

◆ addCut()

BooleanCutPtr addCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theToolObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Boolean Cut feature.

◆ addSplit()

BooleanFillPtr addSplit ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theToolObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Boolean Fill feature.

◆ addFuse()

BooleanFusePtr addFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const std::pair< std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >, bool > &  tools = std::pair< std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >, bool >(std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection >(), false),
const bool  removeEdges = false,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Boolean Fuse feature.

◆ addSmash()

BooleanSmashPtr addSmash ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theToolObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Boolean Smash feature.

◆ getBoundingBox()

BoundingBoxPtr getBoundingBox ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject 

get the bounding Box

thePartthe part
theobjectthe object selected

◆ addChamfer()

ChamferPtr addChamfer ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const bool  performDistances,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theVal1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theVal2,
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Chamfer feature.

◆ addCopy()

CopyPtr addCopy ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theObjects,
const int  theNumber 

Create Copy feature.

◆ addDefeaturing()

DefeaturingPtr addDefeaturing ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theFaces 

Create Defeaturing feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [1/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [2/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [3/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [4/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize,
const std::string &  theSelectionType = std::string() 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [5/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusion() [6/6]

ExtrusionPtr addExtrusion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::string &  theSelectionType = std::string() 

Create Extrusion feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [1/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [2/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [3/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [4/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [5/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [6/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [7/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionCut() [8/8]

ExtrusionCutPtr addExtrusionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionCut feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [1/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [2/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [3/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [4/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [5/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [6/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToSize,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromSize,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [7/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addExtrusionFuse() [8/8]

ExtrusionFusePtr addExtrusionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theDirection,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create ExtrusionFuse feature.

◆ addFillet()

FilletPtr addFillet ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius2 = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1.0),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Fillet feature.

◆ addFusionFaces()

FusionFacesPtr addFusionFaces ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBase 

Create FusionFaces feature.

◆ getGeometryCalculation()

std::list<double> getGeometryCalculation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject 

get the geometry calculation (length, Surface area, volume)

◆ addGlueFaces()

GlueFacesPtr addGlueFaces ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theTolerance,
const bool  theKeepNonSolids 

Create Glue Faces feature.

◆ addImportResult()

ImportResultPtr addImportResult ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theObjects 

Create ImportResult feature.

◆ addIntersection()

IntersectionPtr addIntersection ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Intersection feature.

◆ addLimitTolerance()

LimitTolerancePtr addLimitTolerance ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theMainObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theTolerance 

Create LimitTolerance feature.

◆ addLoft()

LoftPtr addLoft ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFirstObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSecondObject 

Create Loft feature.

◆ measureLength()

double measureLength ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theEdge 

Calculate length of the edge.

◆ measureDistance()

double measureDistance ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFrom,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theTo 

Calculate distance between objects.

◆ measureRadius()

double measureRadius ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject 

Calculate radius of circular edge, cylindrical surface or sphere.

◆ measureAngle() [1/2]

std::list<double> measureAngle ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFrom,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theTo 

Calculate angle(s) between edges.

◆ measureAngle() [2/2]

double measureAngle ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint1,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint2,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint3 

Calculate angle by 3 points.

◆ shapeProximity()

double shapeProximity ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFrom,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theTo 

Calculate maximum of all distances between objects.

◆ addMultiRotation()

MultiRotationPtr addMultiRotation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theStep,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theNumber = ModelHighAPI_Integer(L""),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create MultiRotation feature.

◆ addMultiTranslation()

MultiTranslationPtr addMultiTranslation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFirstAxisObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFirstStep,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theFirstNumber,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSecondAxisObject = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const ModelHighAPI_Double theSecondStep = ModelHighAPI_Double(),
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theSecondNumber = ModelHighAPI_Integer(),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create MultiTranslation feature.

◆ getNormal() [1/2]

NormalPtr getNormal ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBaseFace,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theOptionalPoint 

Create normal to a face feature.

thePartthe part
theBaseFacethe selected face
theOptionalPointthe selected point

◆ getNormal() [2/2]

NormalPtr getNormal ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBaseFace 

Create normal to a face feature.

thePartthe part
theBaseFacethe selected face

◆ addPartition()

PartitionPtr addPartition ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Partition feature.

◆ addPipe() [1/3]

PipePtr addPipe ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePath 

Create Pipe feature.

◆ addPipe() [2/3]

PipePtr addPipe ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePath,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBiNoramal 

Create Pipe feature.

◆ addPipe() [3/3]

PipePtr addPipe ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePath,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theLocations 

Create Pipe feature.

◆ addPlacement()

PlacementPtr addPlacement ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theStartShape,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theEndShape,
const bool  reverse = false,
const bool  centering = false,
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Placement feature.

◆ makeVertexInsideFace()

PointCloudPtr makeVertexInsideFace ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFace,
const ModelHighAPI_Integer theNumber 

Create point cloud on a face feature.

thePartthe part
theFacethe selected face
theNumberOfPointsthe selected point

◆ getPointCoordinates()

std::list<double> getPointCoordinates ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection thePoint 

Get the point coordinates.

◆ addRecover()

RecoverPtr addRecover ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Reference theBaseFeature,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theRecoveredList,
const bool  theRecoverCompound = false 

Create Recover feature.

◆ addRemoveResults()

RemoveResultsPtr addRemoveResults ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theResults 

Create RemoveResults feature.

◆ addRemoveSubShapes()

RemoveSubShapesPtr addRemoveSubShapes ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBase 

Create RemoveSubShapes feature.

◆ addRevolution() [1/3]

RevolutionPtr addRevolution ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle 

Create Revolution feature.

◆ addRevolution() [2/3]

RevolutionPtr addRevolution ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToAngle,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromAngle,
const std::string &  theSelectionType = std::string() 

Create Revolution feature.

◆ addRevolution() [3/3]

RevolutionPtr addRevolution ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::string &  theSelectionType = std::string() 

Create Revolution feature.

◆ addRevolutionCut() [1/4]

RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionCut feature.

◆ addRevolutionCut() [2/4]

RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionCut feature.

◆ addRevolutionCut() [3/4]

RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToAngle,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromAngle,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionCut feature.

◆ addRevolutionCut() [4/4]

RevolutionCutPtr addRevolutionCut ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionCut feature.

◆ addRevolutionFuse() [1/4]

RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionFuse feature.

◆ addRevolutionFuse() [2/4]

RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionFuse feature.

◆ addRevolutionFuse() [3/4]

RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToAngle,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromAngle,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionFuse feature.

◆ addRevolutionFuse() [4/4]

RevolutionFusePtr addRevolutionFuse ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theToObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theToOffset,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFromObject,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theFromOffset,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBooleanObjects 

Create RevolutionFuse feature.

◆ addRotation()

RotationPtr addRotation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection axis = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &  angle = std::pair< ModelHighAPI_SelectionModelHighAPI_Double >(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection center = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection start = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection end = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Rotation feature.

◆ addScale()

ScalePtr addScale ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theCenterPoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theScaleFactorX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theScaleFactorY = ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0),
const ModelHighAPI_Double theScaleFactorZ = ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Scale feature.

◆ addSewing()

SewingPtr addSewing ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theMainObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theTolerance,
const bool  allowNonManifold,
const bool  alwaysCreateResult 

Create Sewing feature.

◆ getSharedFaces()

SharedFacesPtr getSharedFaces ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theObject,
const std::string &  theNameGroup 

Create a group of shared faces in a compsolid or a compound.

thePartthe part
theObjectthe selected object
theNameGroupthe group name

◆ addSymmetry()

SymmetryPtr addSymmetry ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection basis,
const bool  keepOriginal = true,
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Symmetry feature.

◆ addTranslation()

TranslationPtr addTranslation ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  part,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  objects,
const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &  deprecated1 = std::pair< ModelHighAPI_SelectionModelHighAPI_Double >(),
const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &  deprecated2 = std::pair< ModelHighAPI_SelectionModelHighAPI_Double >(),
const std::pair< ModelHighAPI_Selection, ModelHighAPI_Double > &  deprecated3 = std::pair< ModelHighAPI_SelectionModelHighAPI_Double >(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection axis = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const ModelHighAPI_Double distance = ModelHighAPI_Double(0.0),
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Double > &  vector = std::list< ModelHighAPI_Double >(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection startPoint = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const ModelHighAPI_Selection endPoint = ModelHighAPI_Selection(),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Translation feature.

◆ addUnion()

UnionPtr addUnion ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::list< ModelHighAPI_Selection > &  theBaseObjects,
const ModelHighAPI_Double fuzzyParam = ModelHighAPI_Double(-1),
const bool  keepSubResults = false 

Create Union feature.

◆ addConeSegment()

ConeSegmentPtr addConeSegment ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMin1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMax1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMin2,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMax2,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theZ,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theStartPhi,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDeltaPhi 

Create GDML ConeSegment feature.

◆ addEllipsoid() [1/2]

EllipsoidPtr addEllipsoid ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theBY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theCZ 

Create GDML Ellipsoid feature.

◆ addEllipsoid() [2/2]

EllipsoidPtr addEllipsoid ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theBY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theCZ,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theZCut1,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theZCut2 

Create GDML Ellipsoid feature.

◆ addFolder() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr<ModelHighAPI_Folder> addFolder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  theDoc)

Create empty Folder feature.

◆ addFolder() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr<ModelHighAPI_Folder> addFolder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  theDoc,
const ModelHighAPI_Reference theFirstFeature,
const ModelHighAPI_Reference theLastFeature 

Create Folder feature.

◆ removeFolder()

void removeFolder ( std::shared_ptr< ModelHighAPI_Folder > &  theFolder)

Removes Folder feature.

◆ addParameter()

ParameterPtr addParameter ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::string &  theName,
const std::string &  theExpression,
const std::wstring &  theComment = std::wstring() 

Create Parameter feature.

◆ removeParameter()

void removeParameter ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ParameterPtr &  theParameter 

Remove Parameter feature and substitute it by the value in referred features.

◆ addPart()

PartPtr addPart ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePartSet)

Create Part feature.

◆ duplicatePart()

PartPtr duplicatePart ( const ModelHighAPI_Interface thePart)

Duplicate Part feature.

◆ removePart()

void removePart ( const ModelHighAPI_Interface thePart)

Remove Part feature.

◆ addBox() [1/3]

BoxPtr addBox ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDx,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDy,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theDz 

Create primitive Box feature.

◆ addBox() [2/3]

BoxPtr addBox ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theFirstPoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theSecondPoint 

Create primitive Box feature.

◆ addBox() [3/3]

BoxPtr addBox ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOx,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOy,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theOz,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHalfLengthX,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHalfLengthY,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHalfLengthZ 

Create primitive Box feature.

◆ addCone() [1/2]

ConePtr addCone ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBasePoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theBaseRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theTopRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight 

Create primitive Cone feature.

◆ addCone() [2/2]

ConePtr addCone ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theBaseRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theTopRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight 

Create primitive Cone feature.

◆ addCylinder() [1/4]

CylinderPtr addCylinder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBasePoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight 

Create primitive Cylinder feature.

◆ addCylinder() [2/4]

CylinderPtr addCylinder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBasePoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle 

Create primitive Cylinder feature.

◆ addCylinder() [3/4]

CylinderPtr addCylinder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight 

Create primitive Cylinder feature.

◆ addCylinder() [4/4]

CylinderPtr addCylinder ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theAngle 

Create primitive Cylinder feature.

◆ addSphere() [1/3]

SpherePtr addSphere ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theCenterPoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius 

Create primitive Sphere feature.

◆ addSphere() [2/3]

SpherePtr addSphere ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius 

Create primitive Sphere feature.

◆ addSphere() [3/3]

SpherePtr addSphere ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMin,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMax,
const ModelHighAPI_Double thePhiMin,
const ModelHighAPI_Double thePhiMax,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theThetaMin,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theThetaMax 

Create primitive Sphere feature.

◆ addTorus() [1/2]

TorusPtr addTorus ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theBasePoint,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theAxis,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRingRadius 

Create primitive Torus feature.

◆ addTorus() [2/2]

TorusPtr addTorus ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRadius,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRingRadius 

Create primitive Torus feature.

◆ addTube()

TubePtr addTube ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMin,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theRMax,
const ModelHighAPI_Double theHeight 

Create primitive Tube feature.

◆ addSketch() [1/4]

SketchPtr addSketch ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::shared_ptr< GeomAPI_Ax3 > &  thePlane 

Create Sketch feature.

◆ addSketch() [2/4]

SketchPtr addSketch ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const ModelHighAPI_Selection theExternal 

Create Sketch feature.

◆ addSketch() [3/4]

SketchPtr addSketch ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const std::wstring &  theExternalName 

Create Sketch feature.

◆ addSketch() [4/4]

SketchPtr addSketch ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Object thePlaneObject 

Create Sketch feature.

◆ copySketch()

SketchPtr copySketch ( const std::shared_ptr< ModelAPI_Document > &  thePart,
const SketchPtr &  theSketch 

Copy sketch with all its sub-features.