SHAPER  9.12.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NPlaneGCSSolver_ToolsConverter tools
 CAngleDirectionsUsed to store info about angle
 CBuildAPI_CompoundInterface for Compound feature
 CBuildAPI_CompSolidInterface for CompSolid feature
 CBuildAPI_EdgeInterface for Edge feature
 CBuildAPI_FaceInterface for Face feature
 CBuildAPI_FillingInterface for Filling feature
 CBuildAPI_InterpolationInterface for Interpolation feature
 CBuildAPI_PolylineInterface for Polyline feature
 CBuildAPI_ShellInterface for Shell feature
 CBuildAPI_SolidInterface for Solid feature
 CBuildAPI_SubShapesInterface for SubShapes feature
 CBuildAPI_VertexInterface for Vertex feature
 CBuildAPI_WireInterface for Wire feature
 CBuildPlugin_CompoundFeature for creation of compound from different kinds of shapes
 CBuildPlugin_CompSolidFeature for creation of compsolid from solids or compsolids
 CBuildPlugin_EdgeFeature for creation of edge from sketch edge or existing edges
 CBuildPlugin_FaceFeature for creation of face from sketch edges or existing wires
 CBuildPlugin_FillingFeature for creation of face from list of edges (1D objects)
 CBuildPlugin_InterpolationFeature for creation of interpolation curve from set of points
 CBuildPlugin_PluginThe main class for management the build features as plugin
 CBuildPlugin_PolylineFeature for creation of polyline from set of points
 CBuildPlugin_ShapeBase class containing common methods for shape creating operations
 CBuildPlugin_ShellFeature for creation of shell from faces and shells
 CBuildPlugin_SolidFeature for creation of solid from faces or shells
 CBuildPlugin_SubShapesFeature for adding or removing sub-shapes from shape
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForBuildA validator for selection base shapes for build features
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForFaceA validator for selection base shapes for face
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForSolidsA validator for selection base shapes for solid
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForVertexA validator for selection of Vertex feature
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorBaseForWireA validator for selection base shapes for wire
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorExpressionValidator for the expression of parameter
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorFillingSelectionA validator for selection of Filling feature
 CBuildPlugin_ValidatorSubShapesSelectionA validator for selection sub-shapes for SubShape feature
 CBuildPlugin_VertexFeature for creation of vertex from sketch vertex or existing vertices
 CBuildPlugin_WireFeature for creation of wire from sketch edges or existing wires
 CCollectionAPI_Field\inField CPPHighAPI
 CCollectionAPI_GroupInterface for Group feature
 CCollectionAPI_GroupAdditionInterface for Group Addition feature
 CCollectionAPI_GroupIntersectionInterface for Group Intersection feature
 CCollectionAPI_GroupShapeInterface for Group Shape feature
 CCollectionAPI_GroupSubstractionInterface for Group Intersection feature
 CCollectionPlugin_FieldFeature for selection of sub-shapes of some shapes and assigning data on them
 CCollectionPlugin_FieldValidatorValidator for the field
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupFeature for selection of sub-shapes of some shapes
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupAdditionMerge several groups of same shape type into single group
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupIntersectionMerge several groups of same shape type into single group
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupMergeMerge several groups of same or different shape type, \the validator being used for the shape type
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupOperationBase class for operations on groups
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupOperationAttributeValidatorValidator for the parameters of operation on groups
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupSelectionValidatorValidator for prevent adding whole group in other group
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupShapeMerge several groups of different shape type into a single shape
 CCollectionPlugin_GroupSubstractionRemove all elements in "objects" groups which contain in "tools" groups
 CCollectionPlugin_PluginThe main class for management the 3D features as plugin
 CCollectionPlugin_WidgetCreatorInterface to WidgetCreator which can create specific widgets by type
 CConfig_AttributeMessageClass to pass an attribute's (widget's) entry info extracted from xml file
 CConfig_DataModelReaderClass that reads data model definition XML for further processing in the XGUI_DataModel
 CConfig_FeatureMessageClass to pass a feature entry extracted from xml file
 CConfig_FeatureReaderClass to process feature's xml definition
 CConfig_ModuleReaderClass to process plugins.xml - definition of plugins (scripts, libraries)
 CConfig_PluginMessageInformation that plugin is started to load
 CConfig_PointerMessageA general class to pass pointers over the event loop
 CConfig_PropClass which describes a one property
 CConfig_PropManagerClass which let to register properties
 CConfig_TranslatorThe definition provides collection and writing of missed translations
 CConfig_TSReaderClass for reading translations from TS files (an XML format)
 CConfig_ValidatorMessageTransmits info about created validator on "ValidatorLoaded" event
 CConfig_ValidatorReaderBase class for all libxml readers. Provides high-level API for all xml operations
 CConfig_WidgetAPIProvides low-level API for WidgetFactory for reading xml definitions of widgets
 CConfig_WidgetReaderClass that dumps xml definitions of widgets for further processing in the WidgetFactory
 CConfig_XMLReaderBase class for all libxml readers. Provides high-level API for all xml operations
 CConstructionAPI_AxisInterface for Axis feature
 CConstructionAPI_PlaneInterface for Plane feature
 CConstructionAPI_PointInterface for Point feature
 CConstructionPlugin_AxisFeature for creation of the new axis in PartSet
 CConstructionPlugin_PlaneFeature for creation of the new planar surface in PartSet
 CConstructionPlugin_PluginThe main class for management the construction features as plugin
 CConstructionPlugin_PointFeature for creation of the new part in PartSet
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorAxisTwoNotParallelPlanesA validator for selection two parallel planes
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorNotFeatureA validator for selection of a result but not a feature
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneLinePointA validator for selection line and point for plane
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneThreePointsA validator for selection three points for plane
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPlaneTwoParallelPlanesA validator for selection two parallel planes
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointEdgeAndPlaneNotParallelA validator for selection edge and plane for point by intersection
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointLinesA validator for selection lines for point by intersection
 CConstructionPlugin_ValidatorPointThreeNonParallelPlanesA validator for selection three non parallel planes
 CCustomLineEditCustomization of Line edit control
 CCustomListWidgetCustomization of a List Widget to make it to be placed on full width of container
 CEvents_IDIdentifier of the event kind
 CEvents_InfoMessageAn event message for sending a string message which has to be translated
 CEvents_ListenerBase interface for any event listener
 CEvents_LongOpInforms the application that the long operation is performed
 CEvents_LoopBase class that manages the receiving and sending of all not Qt-events in the application
 CEvents_MessageMessage for communication between sender and listener of event
 CEvents_MessageBoolAn event message for sending a message with a boolean value
 CEvents_MessageGroupMessage that allows to group messages and send them later as a group of messages
 CExchangeAPI_ExportInterface for Export feature
 CExchangeAPI_ImportInterface for Import feature
 CExchangeAPI_Import_ImageInterface for Import feature
 CExchangePlugin_DumpStore full model as a Python script
 CExchangePlugin_ExportFeatureFeature for export shapes to the external files in CAD formats
 CExchangePlugin_ExportFormatValidatorValidator for the export format
 CExchangePlugin_ExportPartFeature for export some results of a Part to the binary format for the further import
 CExchangePlugin_FormatValidatorValidator for the imported formats checking
 CExchangePlugin_ImportFeatureFeature for import shapes from the external files in CAD formats
 CExchangePlugin_ImportFormatValidatorValidator for the import format
 CExchangePlugin_ImportPartFeature for import the structure of Part into the current document
 CExchangePlugin_InHistoryValidatorCheck the selected result is in history (avoid Origin and coordinate axes and planes)
 CExchangePlugin_PluginThe main class for management import and export operations as plugin
 CExchangePlugin_ToolsInternal tools for the ExchangePlugin
 CExpressionEditorA multi-line text editor which lets to input formula and provides a list of completion strings
 CFeaturesAPI_BooleanCommonInterface for Boolean Common feature
 CFeaturesAPI_BooleanCutInterface for Boolean Cut feature
 CFeaturesAPI_BooleanFillInterface for Boolean Fill feature
 CFeaturesAPI_BooleanFuseInterface for Boolean Fuse feature
 CFeaturesAPI_BooleanSmashInterface for Boolean Smash feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ChamferInterface for Chamfer feature
 CFeaturesAPI_CopyInterface for Copy feature
 CFeaturesAPI_DefeaturingInterface for the Defeaturing feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ExtrusionInterface for Extrusion feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ExtrusionBooleanInterface for ExtrusionBoolean feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ExtrusionCutInterface for ExtrusionCut feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ExtrusionFuseInterface for ExtrusionFuse feature
 CFeaturesAPI_FilletInterface for Fillet feature
 CFeaturesAPI_Fillet1DInterface for Fillet1D feature - fillet on vertices of a wire
 CFeaturesAPI_Fillet2DInterface for Fillet feature - fillet edges on a solid
 CFeaturesAPI_FusionFacesInterface for FusionFaces feature
 CFeaturesAPI_GlueFacesInterface for Glue Faces feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ImportResultInterface for ImportResult feature
 CFeaturesAPI_IntersectionInterface for Intersection feature
 CFeaturesAPI_LimitToleranceInterface for LimitTolerance feature
 CFeaturesAPI_LoftInterface for Loft feature
 CFeaturesAPI_MultiRotationInterface for Translation feature
 CFeaturesAPI_MultiTranslationInterface for Translation feature
 CFeaturesAPI_NormalToFaceInterface for NormalToface feature
 CFeaturesAPI_PartitionInterface for Partition feature
 CFeaturesAPI_PipeInterface for Pipe feature
 CFeaturesAPI_PlacementInterface for Placement feature
 CFeaturesAPI_PointCloudOnFaceInterface for PointCloudOnFace feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RecoverInterface for Recover feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RemoveResultsInterface for RemoveResults feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RemoveSubShapesInterface for RemoveSubShapes feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RevolutionInterface for Revolution feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RevolutionBooleanInterface for RevolutionBoolean feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RevolutionCutInterface for RevolutionCut feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RevolutionFuseInterface for RevolutionFuse feature
 CFeaturesAPI_RotationInterface for Rotation feature
 CFeaturesAPI_ScaleInterface for Scale feature
 CFeaturesAPI_SewingInterface for Sewing feature
 CFeaturesAPI_SharedFacesInterface to find shared faces
 CFeaturesAPI_SymmetryInterface for Symmetry feature
 CFeaturesAPI_TranslationInterface for Translation feature
 CFeaturesAPI_UnionInterface for Union feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanFeature for applying of Boolean operations on Solids
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanCommonFeature for applying of Boolean Common operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanCutFeature for applying of Boolean Cut operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanFillFeature for applying of Boolean Fill operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanFuseFeature for applying of Boolean Fuse operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_BooleanSmashFeature for applying of Boolean Smash operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_BoundingBoxPersistence feature to create the bounding box
 CFeaturesPlugin_BoundingBoxBaseBase feature to inspect properties of bounding box and create that box for the selected shape
 CFeaturesPlugin_ChamferFeature for applying the Chamfer operations on Solids
 CFeaturesPlugin_CommonSharedFacesFeature to check the shared faces of solid
 CFeaturesPlugin_CompositeBooleanInterface for the composite boolean feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_CompositeSketchInterface for the composite sketch feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_CopyThis feature copies the selected results and sub-results (for the whole feature selected all results of this feature are copied)
 CFeaturesPlugin_DefeaturingFeature for the removal of the unwanted parts or features from the model
 CFeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionFeature for creation of extrusion from the planar face
 CFeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionBooleanInterface for the composite extrusion feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionCutThis feature allows to create sketch, extrude faces from this sketch and cut result from other objects in a single operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ExtrusionFuseThis feature allows to create sketch, extrude faces from this sketch and fuse result with other objects in a single operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_FilletFeature for applying the Fillet operations on Solids
 CFeaturesPlugin_Fillet1DFeature for appling fillet on vertices of 3D wire
 CFeaturesPlugin_FusionFacesFeature for fusion of connected faces
 CFeaturesPlugin_GeometryCalculationFeature for geometry calculation
 CFeaturesPlugin_GlueFacesFeature to glue duplicated faces
 CFeaturesPlugin_GroupSharedFacesFeature to check the shared faces of solid
 CFeaturesPlugin_ImportResultThe Import Result feature allows the user to import one or several results from another Part
 CFeaturesPlugin_InspectBoundingBoxFeature to view the Bounding Box
 CFeaturesPlugin_InspectNormalToFaceFeature to view the normal to face
 CFeaturesPlugin_IntersectionIntersection feature takes a list of shapes as objects and list of shapes as tools
 CFeaturesPlugin_IntersectionSelectionVerifies the selected object for intersection feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_LimitToleranceFeature to limit the tolerance on selected shapes
 CFeaturesPlugin_LoftFeature for creation of extrusion along a path
 CFeaturesPlugin_MeasurementFeature for calculation metrics
 CFeaturesPlugin_MultiRotationFeature that rotaes object around an axis an number of times
 CFeaturesPlugin_MultiTranslationFeature for movement objects along one or two axes an arbitary number of times, making a copy every time
 CFeaturesPlugin_NormalToFacePersistence feature to construct normal to face
 CFeaturesPlugin_PartitionFeature for applying of Partition operations on Shapes
 CFeaturesPlugin_PipeFeature for creation of extrusion along a path
 CFeaturesPlugin_PlacementFeature for applying of placement operation: relative movement of Solid
 CFeaturesPlugin_PluginThe main class for management the 3D features as plugin
 CFeaturesPlugin_PointCloudOnFacePersistence feature to construct normal to face
 CFeaturesPlugin_PointCoordinatesFeature to view point coordinates
 CFeaturesPlugin_RecoverFeature for display of concealed attributes of some feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_RemoveResultsAN internal, hidden feature for results removal
 CFeaturesPlugin_RemoveSubShapesFeature for removing sub-shapes from collections(wire, shell, compsolid, compound)
 CFeaturesPlugin_RevolutionFeature for creation of revolution from the planar face
 CFeaturesPlugin_RevolutionBooleanInterface for the composite revolution feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_RevolutionCutThis feature allows to create sketch, revol faces from this sketch and cut result from other objects in a single operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_RevolutionFuseThis feature allows to create sketch, revol faces from this sketch and fuse result with other objects in a single operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_RotationFeature for rotation objects around the axis
 CFeaturesPlugin_ScaleFeature for changing the scale of an object
 CFeaturesPlugin_SewingFeature to perform sewing operation on objects
 CFeaturesPlugin_SharedFacesFeature to check the shared faces of compsolid or compound
 CFeaturesPlugin_SymmetryFeature that performs reflection with respect to a point, axis, or plane
 CFeaturesPlugin_TranslationFeature for translation objects along the axis
 CFeaturesPlugin_UnionFeature for applying of Union operations on Shapes
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGenerationA validator for selection base for generation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGenerationSketchOrSketchObjectsValidator for the base objects for generation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanArgumentsValidates that boolean operation have enough arguments
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanCommonArgumentsValidates that boolean operation have enough arguments
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanCommonSelectionVerifies the selected object for boolean common feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanFuseArgumentsValidates that boolean operation have enough arguments
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanFuseSelectionVerifies the selected object for boolean fuse feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanSelectionValidates selection for boolean operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBooleanSmashSelectionVerifies the selected object for boolean smash feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorCircularVerifies the selected object is circular edge or cylindrical face
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorCompositeLauncherA validator for selection at composite feature start
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorConcealedResultValidator for the "Recover" feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorDefeaturingSelectionValidates selection for fillet operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorExtrusionBoundaryFaceA validator for extrusion from/to face attribute
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorExtrusionDirA validator for extrusion direction attribute
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorFillet1DSelectionValidates selection for 1d-fillet operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorFilletSelectionValidates selection for fillet operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorGlueFacesSelectionValidates selection for glue faces operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorImportResultsA validator for selection of objects that may be imported: from another part, result bodies
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorLoftSameTypeShapeValidator for the same type of shape
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPartitionSelectionValidates selection for partition
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipeLocationsA validator for selection pipe locations
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipeLocationsNumberValidator for the pipe locations
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePathA validator for selection pipe path
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorRemoveSubShapesResultValidator for the Remove Sub-Shapes feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorRemoveSubShapesSelectionValidates selection for "Remove Sub-Shapes" feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorSewingSelectionValidates selection for sewing operation
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorTransformA validator of selection
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionArgumentsValidator for the "Union" feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionSelectionValidates selection for "Union" feature
 CFeaturesPlugin_VersionedBooleanFeature controls a version of Boolean operations
 CFeaturesPlugin_VersionedChFiBase feature for the Fillet and the Chamfer operations which supports versioning
 CFiltersAPI_ArgumentArgument of the Filter
 CFiltersAPI_FeatureInterface for the list of filters
 CFiltersAPI_FilterInterface for the Filter
 CFiltersAPI_SelectionInterface for the selection of filters
 CFiltersPlugin_BelongsToFilter for objects which are part of specified objects
 CFiltersPlugin_ContinuousFacesFilter for face with specific area
 CFiltersPlugin_EdgeSizeFilter for edges with specific size
 CFiltersPlugin_ExternalFacesFilter for faces not shared between solids in compsolid
 CFiltersPlugin_FaceSizeFilter for face with specific area
 CFiltersPlugin_FeatureEdgesFilter for edges with feature angle
 CFiltersPlugin_HorizontalFaceFilter for horizontal faces only
 CFiltersPlugin_OnGeometryFilter for objects which have the same underlying geometry as specified objects
 CFiltersPlugin_OnLineFilter for objects which belong to selected lines
 CFiltersPlugin_OnPlaneFilter for objects which belong to selected planes
 CFiltersPlugin_OnPlaneSideFilter for objects which lying on the side of selected plane
 CFiltersPlugin_OppositeToEdgeFilter for edges of quadrangular faces opposite to the selected edge
 CFiltersPlugin_RelativeToSolidFilter for objects inside/outside/on the selected solid
 CFiltersPlugin_SelectionAn interface for working with filters in the feature
 CFiltersPlugin_ShapeTypeValidatorValidates selection of "On geometry" filter to select only the shapes specified by the group type
 CFiltersPlugin_VerticalFaceFilter for vertical faces only
 CFiltersPlugin_VolumeSizeFilter for solid with specific volume
 CGDMLAPI_EllipsoidInterface for primitive Ellipsoid feature
 CGDMLPlugin_ConeSegmentInterface for primitive ConeSegment feature
 CGDMLPlugin_EllipsoidFeature for creation of a GDML Ellipsoid solid
 CGDMLPlugin_PluginThe main class managing GDML Features as plugins
 CGEOMAlgo_AlgoToolsAuxiliary tools for Algorithms
 CGEOMAlgo_BuilderShapeRoot class for algorithms that has shape as result
 CGeomAlgoAPI_BooleanAllows to perform of boolean operations
 CGeomAlgoAPI_BoxAllows to create Box Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ChamferPerform chamfer
 CGeomAlgoAPI_Circ2dBuilderCreates circle in 2D space satisfying combination of the following constraints:
 CGeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilderAllows to create face-shapes by different parameters
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ConeAllows to create Cone Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ConeSegmentAllows to create Cone Segment GDML Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_CopyDuplication of a shape
 CGeomAlgoAPI_CurveBuilderAllows to create a curve by the list of point
 CGeomAlgoAPI_CylinderAllows to create Cylinder Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_DefeaturingPerform Defeaturing algorithm
 CGeomAlgoAPI_DFLoaderDefines several static methods useful for Data Framework filling
 CGeomAlgoAPI_EdgeBuilderAllows to create face-shapes by different parameters
 CGeomAlgoAPI_EllipsoidAllows to create Ellipsoid GDML Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ExceptionManage exceptions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_FaceBuilderAllows to create face-shapes by different parameters
 CGeomAlgoAPI_FilletPerform fillet
 CGeomAlgoAPI_Fillet1DPerform fillet on vertices of a wire
 CGeomAlgoAPI_FillingPerform building face by the set of edges/wires
 CGeomAlgoAPI_GlueFacesAllows the elimination of coincident (duplicated) faces from a set of separate topological elements
 CGeomAlgoAPI_InfoValueKeeps values of different possible types, used in python shapeInfo
 CGeomAlgoAPI_IntersectionPerforms the intersection operations
 CGeomAlgoAPI_LimitToleranceAllows changing the tolerance in the shape and all of its sub shapes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_LoftAllows to create loft of two objects with same type
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeInterface to the root class of all topological shapes constructions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeCustomInterface to the root class of all topological shapes constructions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeListList of topological shapes constructions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeSetSet of independent topological shapes constructions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeSweepThe abstract class MakeSweep is the root class of swept primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MakeVolumePerform building solid (compsolid) from a list of faces
 CGeomAlgoAPI_MapShapesAndAncestorsPerform mapping specified types of sub-shapes of given shape
 CGeomAlgoAPI_NExplodeSort shapes by their centers of mass, using formula X*999 + Y*99 + Z*0.9
 CGeomAlgoAPI_NonPlanarFaceCreates non planar faces
 CGeomAlgoAPI_NormalToFaceAllows to create normal to face-shapes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_OffsetPerform 3D offset for the shape
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PartitionAllows to perform of partition operations
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PaveFillerFinds the common parts from the list of shapes and breaks it to shapes with shared subshapes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PipeAllows to create extrusion of objects along a path
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PlacementCreates the copied object which sub-element is placed on the given element
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PointBuilderAllows to create vertex-shapes by different parameters
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PointCloudOnFaceAllows to create a cloud of points on face
 CGeomAlgoAPI_PrismAllows to create the prism based on a given face and bounding planes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ProjectionProject curve onto a plane
 CGeomAlgoAPI_RevolutionAllows to create the revolution based on a given face, angles and bounding planes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_RotationCreates a copy of the object by rotating it around the axis
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ScaleCreates a copy of the object by performing a scale operation by a factor or by dimensions
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SewingAllows creation of connected topology (shells) from a set of separate topological elements (faces)
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ShapeAPIAllows to access the direct API
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ShapeBuilderAllows to add or remove subshapes from a shape
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ShapeInfoProvides information about shapes in textual (HTML for Information Panel) or a list of parameters order (for python "shapeInfo" command)
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ShapeToolsUseful tools for working with shapes
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilderCreates planar faces based on the list of Sketch features
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SolidClassifierClassify shape according to the given solid
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SortListOfShapesPerforms sorting of shapes according to geometric properties
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SphereAllows to create Sphere Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_SymmetryCreates a copy of the object by performing a symmetry operation by a point, by an axis or by a plane
 CGeomAlgoAPI_ThroughAllCuts a prism by all given objects, throw away end pieces
 CGeomAlgoAPI_TorusAllows to create Torus Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_TransformCreates a copy of the object by transformating it
 CGeomAlgoAPI_TranslationCreates a copy of the object by moving it along the axis
 CGeomAlgoAPI_TubeAllows to create Tube Primitives
 CGeomAlgoAPI_UnifySameDomainThis tool tries to unify faces and edges of the shape which lies on the same geometry
 CGeomAlgoAPI_WireBuilderAllows to create wire-shapes by different parameters
 CGeomAPI_AISObjectInterface for AIS_InteractiveObject
 CGeomAPI_AngleBuild an angle
 CGeomAPI_Angle2dBuild an angle in plane
 CGeomAPI_Ax1The class represents an axis in 3D space
 CGeomAPI_Ax2The class represents an axis in 3D space
 CGeomAPI_Ax3The class represents a coordinate plane which is 2d plane with X and Y directions and origin
 CGeomAPI_BoxBox in 3D
 CGeomAPI_BSplineB-spline in 3D
 CGeomAPI_BSpline2dB-spline curve in 2D
 CGeomAPI_CircCircle in 3D
 CGeomAPI_Circ2dCircle in 2D
 CGeomAPI_ConeConical surface in 3D
 CGeomAPI_CurveInterface to the generic curve object
 CGeomAPI_CylinderCylindrical surface in 3D
 CGeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeMapOfShapesDataMap of Shape - Map of Shapes defined by TopoDS_Shapes
 CGeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeShapeDataMap of Shape - Shape defined by TopoDS_Shapes
 CGeomAPI_Dir3D direction defined by three normalized coordinates
 CGeomAPI_Dir2d2D direction defined by three normalized coordinates
 CGeomAPI_EdgeInterface to the edge object
 CGeomAPI_EllipseEllipse in 3D
 CGeomAPI_Ellipse2dEllipse in 2D
 CGeomAPI_FaceInterface to the face object
 CGeomAPI_ICustomPrsInterface of a class which can provide specific customization of object presentation
 CGeomAPI_InterfaceGeneral base class for all interfaces in this package
 CGeomAPI_IPresentableA class which defines an interface of object which is able to create its own presentation
 CGeomAPI_IScreenParamsA class which defines an interface of object which has to be provided with current screen parameters
 CGeomAPI_LinLine in 3D
 CGeomAPI_Lin2dLine in 2D
 CGeomAPI_PlanarEdgesInterface to the set of edges located in one plane
 CGeomAPI_Pln3D point defined by three coordinates
 CGeomAPI_Pnt3D point defined by three coordinates
 CGeomAPI_Pnt2d2D point defined by two coordinates
 CGeomAPI_ShapeInterface to the topological shape object
 CGeomAPI_ShapeExplorerThis class is used to explore subshapes on shape
 CGeomAPI_ShapeHierarchyStorage for the hierarchy of shapes and their parents (compounds or compsolids)
 CGeomAPI_ShapeIteratorIterates on the underlying shape underlying a given GeomAPI_Shape object, providing access to its component sub-shapes
 CGeomAPI_ShellInterface to the shell object
 CGeomAPI_SolidInterface to the solid object
 CGeomAPI_SphereSpherical surface in 3D
 CGeomAPI_ToolsProvides auxiliary methods for shapes processing
 CGeomAPI_TorusToroidal surface in 3D
 CGeomAPI_TrsfKeep the transformation matrix coefficients
 CGeomAPI_VertexInterface to the vertex object
 CGeomAPI_WireInterface to the wire object
 CGeomAPI_WireExplorerThis class is used to explore edges of wire in the order of connectivity
 CGeomAPI_XY2 coordinates: they may represent vector or point or something else
 CGeomAPI_XYZ3 coordinates: they may represent vector or point or something else
 CGeomData_DirAttribute that contains direction
 CGeomData_PointAttribute that contains 3D point
 CGeomData_Point2DAttribute that contains 2D point
 CGeomData_Point2DArrayAttribute that contains an array of 2D points
 CGeomDataAPI_DirAttribute that contains 3D direction coordinates
 CGeomDataAPI_PointAttribute that contains 3D point coordinates
 CGeomDataAPI_Point2DAttribute that contains 2D point coordinates
 CGeomDataAPI_Point2DArrayAttribute that contains array of 2D point coordinates
 CGEOMImpl_Fillet1dGEOMImpl_Fillet1d is 1D fillet algorithm on two planar edges with given radius
 CGEOMImpl_Fillet1dPointGEOMImpl_Fillet1dPoint is an internal class for 1D fillet algorithm to store and compare computed solutions on edges
 CGeomValidators_BodyShapesGeneric validator for any attribute of a feature
 CGeomValidators_ConstructionCompositeA validator of selection
 CGeomValidators_DifferentValidates that attributes are not the same
 CGeomValidators_DifferentShapesGeneric validator for any attribute of a feature
 CGeomValidators_FaceA validator of selection
 CGeomValidators_FeatureKindGeneric validator for any attribute of a feature
 CGeomValidators_FiniteA validator for finite objects
 CGeomValidators_GlobalSelectionCheck the Selection/SelectionList attribute for result selected
 CGeomValidators_GreaterOrEqualValidates that the integer/double attribute is greater or equal to another attribute values
 CGeomValidators_IntersectedValidates that selected shapes are intersected
 CGeomValidators_LessOrEqualValidates that the integer/double attribute is less or equal to another attribute values
 CGeomValidators_MinObjectsSelectedValidates number of objects in selection list
 CGeomValidators_NotSelfIntersectedValidates that selected shapes are not self intersected
 CGeomValidators_PluginInterface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager
 CGeomValidators_PositiveValidates that the double attribute is greater than 1.e-5
 CGeomValidators_ShapeTypeA validator for shape types, such as vertex, line, circe or arc
 CGeomValidators_ZeroOffsetValidates that bounding planes not the same or both offsets are not 0
 CInitializationPlugin_EvalListenerClass which process the events from the event loop
 CInitializationPlugin_PluginThis class is represents a plugin
 CInitializationPlugin_PyInterpHelper class for using Python interpreter
 CIsEqualAuxiliary class used in std::find_if
 CMapEntitiesInternal structure to keep relation between sub-elements of old and new sketch
 CModel_ApplicationRealization of Open CASCADE application abstraction
 CModel_AttributeBooleanAttribute that contains real value with double precision
 CModel_AttributeDocRefAttribute that contains reference to another document
 CModel_AttributeDoubleAttribute that contains real value with double precision
 CModel_AttributeDoubleArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several double in the array inside
 CModel_AttributeImageAPI for the attribute that contains image inside
 CModel_AttributeIntArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several integers in the array inside
 CModel_AttributeIntegerAttribute that contains integer
 CModel_AttributeRefAttrAttribute that contains reference to an attribute of a feature (located in the same document)
 CModel_AttributeRefAttrListAttribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document) or references to attributes of the features (list of AttributeRefAttr)
 CModel_AttributeReferenceAttribute that contains reference to feature (located in the same document)
 CModel_AttributeRefListAttribute that contains list of references to features, may be located in different documents
 CModel_AttributeSelectionAttribute that contains reference to the sub-shape of some result, the selected shape
 CModel_AttributeSelectionListAttribute that contains list of references to the sub-shapes with possibility to manage them
 CModel_AttributeStringAttribute that contains std (null terminated) string
 CModel_AttributeStringArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several strings in the array inside
 CModel_AttributeTablesAPI for the attribute that contains tables of some values type
 CModel_AttributeValidatorThe geneneric validator for the attribute
 CModel_BodyBuilderExtra API for the ResultBody that allows to work with naming
 CModel_DataGeneral object of the application that allows to get/set attributes from the document and compute result of an operation
 CModel_DocumentDocument for internal data structure of any object storage
 CModel_EventCreatorAllows to create ModelAPI messages
 CModel_ExpressionImplementation of ModelAPI_Expression
 CModel_ExpressionDoubleImplementation of ModelAPI_ExpressionDouble
 CModel_ExpressionIntegerImplementation of ModelAPI_ExpressionInteger
 CModel_FeatureValidatorThe geneneric validator for the whole feature
 CModel_FiltersFactoryManages registering of filters
 CModel_ObjectDeletedMessageMessage that feature was deleted (used for Object Browser update)
 CModel_ObjectsManager of objects of the document
 CModel_ObjectUpdatedMessageMessage that feature was changed (used for Object Browser update): moved, updated and deleted
 CModel_OrderUpdatedMessageMessage that feature was deleted (used for Object Browser update)
 CModel_ResultBodyThe body (shape) result of a feature
 CModel_ResultConstructionThe construction element result of a feature
 CModel_ResultFieldThe fields result
 CModel_ResultGroupThe groups result
 CModel_ResultParameterResult of parameter expression
 CModel_ResultPartThe Part document, result of a creation of new part feature
 CModel_SelectionInPartFeatureFeature that is used for selection in the Part document by the external request
 CModel_SessionObject that knows (from the initial XML file) which plugin contains which feature, loads and stores reference to loaded plugins by the feature functionality request
 CModel_ToolsA collection of methods useful for different parts of data model
 CModel_UpdateUpdates the results of features when it is needed
 CModel_ValidatorsFactoryManages the registered validators
 CModelAPI_AttributeGeneric attribute of the Object
 CModelAPI_AttributeBooleanAttribute that contains boolean value
 CModelAPI_AttributeDocRefAttribute that contains reference to another document
 CModelAPI_AttributeDoubleAttribute that contains real value with double precision
 CModelAPI_AttributeDoubleArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several double in the array inside
 CModelAPI_AttributeEvalMessageMessage that attribute text should be evaluated in the attribute value
 CModelAPI_AttributeImageAPI for the attribute that contains binary data
 CModelAPI_AttributeIntArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several integers in the array inside
 CModelAPI_AttributeIntegerAPI for the attribute that contains integer (int)
 CModelAPI_AttributeRefAttrAttribute that contains reference to an attribute of a feature or reference to a feature (switchable)
 CModelAPI_AttributeRefAttrListAttribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document) or references to attributes of the features (list of AttributeRefAttr)
 CModelAPI_AttributeReferenceAttribute that contains reference to feature (located in the same document)
 CModelAPI_AttributeRefListAttribute that contains list of references to features (located in the same document)
 CModelAPI_AttributeSelectionAttribute that contains reference to the sub-shape of some result, the selected shape
 CModelAPI_AttributeSelectionListAttribute that contains list of references to the sub-shapes with possibility to manage them
 CModelAPI_AttributeStringAPI for the attribute that contains std (null terminated) string
 CModelAPI_AttributeStringArrayAPI for the attribute that contains several strings in the array inside
 CModelAPI_AttributeTablesAPI for the attribute that contains tables of some values type
 CModelAPI_AttributeValidatorGeneric validator for any attribute of a feature
 CModelAPI_BodyBuilderExtra API for the ResultBody that allows to work with naming
 CModelAPI_CheckConstraintsMessageMessage that sends the constraints to check or remove
 CModelAPI_CompositeFeatureFeature that consists of other features: like sketcher with edges inside
 CModelAPI_ComputePositionsMessageMessage to ask compute the positions of parameters in the expression
 CModelAPI_DataGeneral object of the application that allows to get/set attributes from the document and compute result of an operation
 CModelAPI_DocumentDocument for internal data structure of any object storage
 CModelAPI_DocumentCreatedMessageMessage that document (Part, PartSet) was created
 CModelAPI_EntityRepresents a common parent class for Objects and documents
 CModelAPI_EventCreatorAllows to create ModelAPI messages
 CModelAPI_EventReentrantMessageMessage that style of visualization of parameter is changed
 CModelAPI_ExpressionExpression for calculated values
 CModelAPI_ExpressionDoubleExpression for calculated double values
 CModelAPI_ExpressionIntegerExpression for calculated integer values
 CModelAPI_FeatureFeature function that represents the particular functionality of this operation
 CModelAPI_FeatureCopyInterfaceAn interface for performing special copy actions
 CModelAPI_FeaturesLicenseValidMessageMessage that sends the features which license is checked and valid
 CModelAPI_FeatureStateMessageContains the state information about the feature: is it enabled or disabled
 CModelAPI_FeatureValidatorThe geneneric validator for the whole feature
 CModelAPI_FiltersArgsDefinition of arguments of filters: id of the argument to attributes
 CModelAPI_FiltersFactoryManages registering of filters
 CModelAPI_FiltersFeatureAn interface for working with filters in the feature
 CModelAPI_FolderFolder feature (groups the features)
 CModelAPI_IReentrantInterface of a class which can process specific messages
 CModelAPI_ObjectRepresents any object in the data model and in the object browser
 CModelAPI_ObjectDeletedMessageMessage that feature was deleted (used for Object Browser update)
 CModelAPI_ObjectMovedMessageMessage sent when feature or attribute has been moved
 CModelAPI_ObjectRenamedMessageMessage that the object is renamed
 CModelAPI_ObjectUpdatedMessageMessage that feature was changed (used for Object Browser update): moved, updated and deleted
 CModelAPI_OrderUpdatedMessageMessage that order changed (used for Object Browser update)
 CModelAPI_ParameterEvalMessageMessage that parameter feature expression should be evaluated: value and error producing
 CModelAPI_PluginInterface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager
 CModelAPI_ReplaceParameterMessageMessage that the parameter should be replaced with its value
 CModelAPI_ResultThe result of a feature
 CModelAPI_ResultBodyThe body (shape) result of a feature
 CModelAPI_ResultConstructionThe construction element result of a feature
 CModelAPI_ResultFieldThe fields result
 CModelAPI_ResultGroupThe groups result
 CModelAPI_ResultParameterThe construction element result of a feature
 CModelAPI_ResultPartThe Part document, result of a creation of new part feature
 CModelAPI_SessionObject that knows (from the initial XML file) which plugin contains which feature, loads and stores reference to loaded plugins by the feature functionality request
 CModelAPI_ShapesFailedMessageMessage that sends the failed vertices of 1D-fillet to highlight them in 3D viewer
 CModelAPI_SolverFailedMessageMessage that sends the sketch solver and sketcher GUI processes to show in the property panel
 CModelAPI_ValidatorAllows to validate the attribute value of a feature or the whole feature
 CModelAPI_ValidatorsFactoryManages the registered validators
 CModelAPI_ViewFilterA general interface class filters definition
 CModelHighAPI_DoubleClass for filling ModelAPI_AttributeDouble
 CModelHighAPI_DumperDump engine for the model
 CModelHighAPI_FeatureStoreAllows to compare the original and the dumped/executed feature
 CModelHighAPI_FolderClass for filling ModelAPI_Folder
 CModelHighAPI_IntegerClass for filling ModelAPI_AttributeInteger
 CModelHighAPI_InterfaceBase class for feature interfaces
 CModelHighAPI_RefAttrClass for filling ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr
 CModelHighAPI_ReferenceClass for filling ModelAPI_AttributeReference
 CModelHighAPI_SelectionClass for filling ModelAPI_AttributeSelection
 CModuleBase_ArrowPrsA presentation class for displaying a direction of edge
 CModuleBase_BRepOwnerA redefinition of standard BRep Owner in order to provide specific selection of CompSolid objects
 CModuleBase_ChoiceCtrlA Choice control
 CModuleBase_DialogA dialog box which is used for modal dialog box feature interface
 CModuleBase_DoubleSpinBoxAn extension and customization of QDoubleSpinBox class
 CModuleBase_FilterThis object is assigned by the name in the XML file to the specific attribute or to the whole feature
 CModuleBase_FilterItemA widget which reperesents a one filter item in filters list Also it includes filter GUI if it exists
 CModuleBase_FilterStarterAn object which lets to start a Filters operation as a sub-operation of the current one
 CModuleBase_FilterValidatedA filter which provides filtering of selection in 3d viewer
 CModuleBase_IconFactoryThis is a class which provides icons of objects for object browser
 CModuleBase_IErrorMgrAn interface to Errors manager object
 CModuleBase_IModuleInterface to a module
 CModuleBase_IntSpinBoxEnhanced version of the Qt's int spin box
 CModuleBase_IPrefMgrAn interface class which provides incapsulation of SUIT_PreferenceMgr class instance It is used in order to make common interface to Preference manager in Salome and this application
 CModuleBase_IPropertyPanelA class for Property panel object definition
 CModuleBase_ISelectionA class which provides access to selection
 CModuleBase_ISelectionActivateA class which provides interface of activation/deactivate selection modes and using selection filters
 CModuleBase_IViewerA Base object for definition of connector object to Salome Viewer
 CModuleBase_IViewWindowInterface to ViewWindow object which contains 3d scene
 CModuleBase_IWidgetCreatorInterface to WidgetCreator which can create specific widgets by type
 CModuleBase_IWorkshopClass which provides access to Workshop object services
 CModuleBase_LabelValueImplementation of model widget for a label control
 CModuleBase_ListViewAn extension of QListWidget to provide Undo/Redo functionality
 CModuleBase_ModelDialogWidgetWidget for dialog
 CModuleBase_ModelWidgetAn abstract custom widget class
 CModuleBase_OperationBase class for all operations
 CModuleBase_OperationFeatureBase class for all operations
 CModuleBase_PagedContainerThis is an abstract interface to be used for not model container widget such as switch or tool box
 CModuleBase_ParamIntSpinBoxAn extension of a double spin box which let to use parameters and expressions for value definition
 CModuleBase_ParamSpinBoxAn extension of a double spin box which let to use parameters and expressions for value definition
 CModuleBase_PreferencesClass for manipulation with preferences in the application
 CModuleBase_PreferencesDlgDialog box for preferences editing
 CModuleBase_PreferencesMgrManager of preferences
 CModuleBase_PrefMgrImplementation of preferences manager interface
 CModuleBase_ResultPrsA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide specific behaviour for wire presentations based in a one plane
 CModuleBase_SelectionValidatorA validator of selection
 CModuleBase_ShapeDocumentFilterA filter which provides filtering of selection in 3d viewer
 CModuleBase_ShapeInPlaneFilterA filter which provides filtering of selection in 3d viewer
 CModuleBase_ToolBoxAn extension of QFrame object
 CModuleBase_WidgetActionImplementation of widget for feature action (tool button)
 CModuleBase_WidgetBoolValueImplementation of widget for boolean input (check box)
 CModuleBase_WidgetChoiceImplementation of model widget for choice widget definition (combo box) It can be defined as following:
 CModuleBase_WidgetConcealedObjectsImplementation of model widget for table of concealed objects
 CModuleBase_WidgetCreatorFactoryA class for creation of widgets instances in for property panel using XML deskription of a feature
 CModuleBase_WidgetDoubleValueA class of property panel widget for double value input It can be defined with "doublevalue" keyword
 CModuleBase_WidgetEditorCustom widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetExprEditorA Widget which provides an input of an expression
 CModuleBase_WidgetFactoryA class for creation of widgets instances in for property panel using XML deskription of a feature
 CModuleBase_WidgetFeatureSelectorImplementation of widget for feature selection
 CModuleBase_WidgetFileSelectorImplementation of model widget for open file widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetIntValueA class of property panel widget for integer value input It can be defined with "integervalue" keyword
 CModuleBase_WidgetLabelImplementation of model widget for a label control
 CModuleBase_WidgetLabelValueImplementation of model widget for a label control
 CModuleBase_WidgetLineEditImplementation of model widget for line edit widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetMultiSelectorImplementation of widget for shapes selection
 CModuleBase_WidgetOptionalBoxImplements a model widget for switch as a container widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetSelectionFilterA widget for selection by filters
 CModuleBase_WidgetSelectorImplementation of widget for selection
 CModuleBase_WidgetSelectorStoreProvides for an attribute backup of values
 CModuleBase_WidgetShapeSelectorImplementation of widget for shapes selection
 CModuleBase_WidgetSwitchImplements a model widget for switch as a container widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetToolboxImplements a model widget for switch as a container widget
 CModuleBase_WidgetUndoLabelImplementation of model widget for a label control
 CModuleBase_WidgetValidatedImplementation of widget with validators and filters processing
 CModuleBase_WidgetValidatorImplementation of widget with validators and filters processing
 CParametersAPI_ParameterInterface for Parameter feature
 CParametersPlugin_EvalListenerClass which process the events from the event loop
 CParametersPlugin_ExpressionValidatorValidator for the expression of parameter
 CParametersPlugin_ParameterFeature for parameter
 CParametersPlugin_ParametersMgrA macro feature which manages list of parameters in the current document
 CParametersPlugin_PluginThe main class for management of parameter evaluation operations as plugin
 CParametersPlugin_VariableValidatorValidator for the variable name of parameter
 CParametersPlugin_WidgetCreatorInterface to WidgetCreator which can create specific widgets by type
 CPartSet_AngleSelectionA class to validate a selection for Angle constraints operation
 CPartSet_BSplineWidgetRepresent a content of the property panel to show/modify parameters of B-spline curve
 CPartSet_CenterPrsA presentation class for displaying of centers of external curcular objects in a sketch
 CPartSet_CirclePointFilterA filter which provide filtering of selection in 3d viewer
 CPartSet_CoincidentAttrValidator to check whether there is a coincident constraint between the attribute and attribute of argument
 CPartSet_CoincidentSelectionA class to validate a selection for coincedence constraint operation
 CPartSet_CollinearSelectionA class to validate a selection for Collinear constraints operation
 CPartSet_CustomPrsThis is the module custom presentation, which manage an AIS presentation, that can be filled by a feature and visualized in the viewer additionally to usual workshop objects
 CPartSet_DifferentObjectsValidatorA validator which checks that objects selected for feature attributes are different (not the same)
 CPartSet_DifferentPointsValidatorA validator which checks that Point2D selected for feature attributes are different (not the same) It iterates by the feature ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr attributes, finds GeomDataAPI_Point2D attribute in value or attribute of the attributes and if the point of the given attribute is geometrical equal to a point of another attribute, returns false
 CPartSet_DistanceSelectionA class to validate a selection for Distance constraint operation
 CPartSet_EqualSelectionA class to validate a selection for Equal constraints operation
 CPartSet_ExternalObjectsMgrCustomosation of ModuleBase_WidgetShapeSelector in order to provide working with sketch specific objects
 CPartSet_ExternalPointsMgrA class to manage display of presentations of center points of circular edges outside of a current sketcher
 CPartSet_FeatureFolderNodeA base class for root folders
 CPartSet_FieldStepPrsA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide specific behaviour for wire presentations based in a one plane
 CPartSet_FilletSelectionA class to validate a selection for Fillet constraints operation
 CPartSet_FilterInfiniteA class which filters AIS objects with the true infinite state
 CPartSet_FolderNodeImplementation of aFolder node in data tree
 CPartSet_GlobalFilterA class which filters groups object in addition to documents (see issue #310)
 CPartSet_HVDirSelectionA class to validate a selection for Horizontal and Vertical constraints operation
 CPartSet_IconFactoryThis is a class is redefined in order to provide icons of objects for object browser specific for PartSetModule
 CPartSet_IntersectionSelectionA class to validate a selection for intersection operation
 CPartSet_LengthSelectionA class to validate a selection for Length constraint operation
 CPartSet_MenuMgrA class for management of module specific menu
 CPartSet_MiddlePointSelectionA class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation
 CPartSet_ModuleImplementation of Partset module
 CPartSet_MouseProcessorThis is an interface to allow processing of mouse events
 CPartSet_MultyTranslationSelectionA class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation
 CPartSet_ObjectFolderNodeImplementation of a folder which corresponds to ModelAPI_Folder object
 CPartSet_ObjectNodeImplementation of a node for object repesentation
 CPartSet_OperationPrsA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide colored presentation of a list of shapes
 CPartSet_OverconstraintListenerA class for processing overconstraint situation
 CPartSet_ParallelSelectionA class to validate a selection for Parallel constraint operation
 CPartSet_PartRootNodeImplementation of Root node of a Part document in data tree
 CPartSet_PerpendicularSelectionA class to validate a selection for Perpendicular constraint operation
 CPartSet_PreviewPlanesA class to show/hide sketch preview planes
 CPartSet_PreviewSketchPlaneA class to show/hide sketch preview plane
 CPartSet_ProjectionSelectionA class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation
 CPartSet_RadiusSelectionA class to validate a selection for Radius constraint operation
 CPartSet_ResultGroupNameFilterA class which filters results with groupName() result in filter parameters
 CPartSet_ResultSketchPrsA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide specific behaviour for wire presentations based in a one plane
 CPartSet_RigidSelectionA class to validate a selection for Rigid constraint operation
 CPartSet_RootNodeImplementation of Root node in data tree
 CPartSet_SketcherMgrA class for management of sketch operations At the time of the sketcher operation active, only the sketch sub-feature results are displayed in the viewer
 CPartSet_SketcherReentrantMgrIt provides reentrant create operations in sketch, that is when all inputs are valid, automatic validation of the creation and switch the created entity to edit mode ('internal' edit operation), with the ability to simultaneously create the next entity of same type (re-entrance of the operation)
 CPartSet_SplitSelectionA class to validate a selection for Middle point constraints operation
 CPartSet_StepNodeImplementation of a node for compsolid representation
 CPartSet_TangentSelectionA class to validate a selection for Tangential constraints operation
 CPartSet_ToolsThe operation for the sketch feature creation
 CPartSet_TreeNodeImplementation of base node for the module data tree
 CPartSet_WidgetBSplinePointsImplementation of model widget to provide widget to input a list of 2D poles of B-spline curve in association with weights In XML can be defined as following:
 CPartSet_WidgetEditorCustomization of ModuleBase_WidgetEditor in order to do not show the editor value if the mouse cursor is not over the OCC window
 CPartSet_WidgetFeaturePointSelectorCustomosation of PartSet_WidgetFeaturePointSelector in order to visualize sub-shape by mouse move over shape in the viewer
 CPartSet_WidgetFileSelectorCustomization of ModuleBase_WidgetFileSelector in order to write format of exported file
 CPartSet_WidgetMultiSelectorCustomosation of ModuleBase_WidgetMultiSelector in order to provide working with sketch specific objects and creation of external objects
 CPartSet_WidgetPoint2DImplementation of model widget to provide widget to input point 2d In XML can be defined as folloung:
 CPartSet_WidgetPoint2DFlyoutImplementation of usual point 2d widget with a condition that it can not accept the focus when the AIS presentation is not visualized in the viewer
 CPartSet_WidgetShapeSelectorCustomosation of ModuleBase_WidgetShapeSelector in order to provide working with sketch specific objects and external objects
 CPartSet_WidgetSketchCreatorA widget which allow creation of a sketch in another operation
 CPartSet_WidgetSketchLabelA model widget implementation for a label which provides specific behaviour for sketcher starting and launching operations
 CPartSetAPI_PartInterface for Part feature
 CPartSetPlugin_DuplicateDuplicates the active part (not root)
 CPartSetPlugin_PartFeature for creation of the new part in PartSet
 CPartSetPlugin_PluginThe main class for management the part set operations as plugin
 CPartSetPlugin_RemoveFeature for creation of the new part in PartSet
 CPlaneGCSSolver_AngleWrapperWrapper providing operations with angular parameters in PlaneGCS
 CPlaneGCSSolver_AttributeBuilderConverts ModelAPI_Attribute to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver
 CPlaneGCSSolver_BooleanWrapperWrapper providing storage for boolean values
 CPlaneGCSSolver_ConstraintWrapperWrapper providing operations with PlaneGCS constraints
 CPlaneGCSSolver_EdgeWrapperWrapper providing operations with PlaneGCS entities (lines, circles and arcs)
 CPlaneGCSSolver_EntityBuilderAPI to convert data model entity to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver
 CPlaneGCSSolver_EntityDestroyerCollect entities of PlaneGCS solver which should be removed
 CPlaneGCSSolver_EntityWrapperWrapper providing operations with entities regardless the solver
 CPlaneGCSSolver_FeatureBuilderConverts SketchPlugin_Feature to the entity applicable for PlaneGCS solver
 CPlaneGCSSolver_PointArrayWrapperWrapper providing operations with arrays of PlaneGCS points
 CPlaneGCSSolver_PointWrapperWrapper providing operations with PlaneGCS points
 CPlaneGCSSolver_ScalarArrayWrapperWrapper providing operations with array of PlaneGCS scalars
 CPlaneGCSSolver_ScalarWrapperWrapper providing operations with PlaneGCS scalars
 CPlaneGCSSolver_SolverThe main class that performs the high-level operations for connection to the PlaneGCS
 CPlaneGCSSolver_StorageContains all necessary data in PlaneGCS format to solve a single group of constraints
 CPlaneGCSSolver_UpdateSend events to listeners about changing a feature
 CPlaneGCSSolver_UpdateCoincidenceSend events to listeners about changing a constraint
 CPlaneGCSSolver_UpdateFeatureSend events to listeners about changing a feature
 CPostponeMessageQtEventClass of event to send application events in multi thread environment
 CPrimitivesAPI_BoxInterface for primitive Box feature
 CPrimitivesAPI_ConeInterface for primitive Cone feature
 CPrimitivesAPI_CylinderInterface for primitive Cylinder feature
 CPrimitivesAPI_SphereInterface for primitive Sphere feature
 CPrimitivesAPI_TorusInterface for primitive Torus feature
 CPrimitivesAPI_TubeInterface for primitive Tube feature
 CPrimitivesPlugin_BoxFeature for creation of a box primitive using various methods
 CPrimitivesPlugin_ConeFeature for creation of a cone
 CPrimitivesPlugin_CylinderFeature for creation of a cylinder
 CPrimitivesPlugin_PluginThe main class managing Primitive Features as plugins
 CPrimitivesPlugin_SphereFeature for creation of a sphere primitive using various methods
 CPrimitivesPlugin_TorusFeature for creation of a torus
 CPrimitivesPlugin_TubeFeature for creation of a tube primitive using various methods
 CSamplePanelPlugin_FeatureSample feature to be filled by the panel
 CSamplePanelPlugin_ModelWidgetCreatorInterface to WidgetCreator which can create specific widgets by type
 CSamplePanelPlugin_PluginInterface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager
 CSamplePanelPlugin_WidgetCreatorInterface to WidgetCreator which can create specific widgets by type
 CSelector_AlgoWithSubsKind of selection algorithm: generic algorithm that contains sub-algorithms inside
 CSelector_ContainerKind of selection algorithm: selected shape is a container of sub-shapes that must be named one by one
 CSelector_FilterByNeighborsKind of selection algorithm: selected shape is identified by neighbor faces of the same type
 CSelector_IntersectKind of selection algorithm: sub-shape is intersection of higher level objects
 CSelector_ModifyKind of selection algorithm: sub-shape is modification of primitive at some final stage
 CSelector_NameGeneratorAn interface for generation of the naming name basing on the current selection and document information
 CSelector_NExplodeSort shapes by their centers of mass, using formula X*999 + Y*99 + Z*0.9
 CSelector_PrimitiveKind of selection algorithm: exact referencing to alone shape in the data structure
 CSelector_SelectorBase class for all kinds of selection algorithms
 CSelector_WeakNameKind of selection algorithm: if other algorithms fail, this stores the geometrical index of the selected shape
 CSHAPERGUIAn implementation of SALOME connector class for implementation of XGUI functionality as a module of SALOME
 CSHAPERGUI_DataModelA Data Model class provides a connection of SALOME data structure and OpenParts application data model
 CSHAPERGUI_OCCSelectorRedefinition of standard OCC selector in order to adapt it to SHAPER needs
 CSHAPERGUI_PrefMgrClass for preferences management
 CSHAPERGUI_SalomeViewA class for providing access of SHAPERGUI functionality to SALOME view window functionality
 CSHAPERGUI_SalomeViewerA class for providing access of SHAPERGUI functionality to SALOME viewer functionality
 CSHAPERGUI_ToolbarItemsDlgA dialog box for editing of toolbar items
 CSHAPERGUI_ToolbarsDlgA dialog box for toolbars management
 CSketchAPI_ArcInterface for Arc feature
 CSketchAPI_BSplineInterface for BSpline feature
 CSketchAPI_BSplinePeriodicInterface for BSplinePeriodic feature
 CSketchAPI_CircleInterface for Circle feature
 CSketchAPI_ConstraintInterface for Constraint feature
 CSketchAPI_ConstraintAngleInterface for ConstraintAngle feature
 CSketchAPI_EllipseInterface for Ellipse feature
 CSketchAPI_EllipticArcInterface for Elliptic Arc feature
 CSketchAPI_IntersectionPointInterface for IntersectionPoint feature
 CSketchAPI_LineInterface for Line feature
 CSketchAPI_MacroArcInterface for Arc feature
 CSketchAPI_MacroCircleInterface for Circle feature
 CSketchAPI_MacroEllipseInterface for Ellipse feature
 CSketchAPI_MacroEllipticArcInterface for Elliptic Arc feature
 CSketchAPI_MacroMiddlePointInterface for Middle Point feature
 CSketchAPI_MirrorInterface for Mirror feature
 CSketchAPI_OffsetInterface for Offset feature
 CSketchAPI_PointInterface for Point feature
 CSketchAPI_ProjectionInterface for Projection feature
 CSketchAPI_RectangleInterface for Rectangle feature
 CSketchAPI_RotationInterface for Rotation feature
 CSketchAPI_SketchInterface for Sketch feature
 CSketchAPI_SketchEntityBase class for Sketch feature interfaces
 CSketchAPI_TranslationInterface for Translation feature
 CSketcherPrs_AngleA class for representation of angle constraint
 CSketcherPrs_CoincidentA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of coincident constraint
 CSketcherPrs_CollinearA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of Equal constraint
 CSketcherPrs_DimensionStyleListenerA class for representation of linear dimension constraint
 CSketcherPrs_EqualA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of Equal constraint
 CSketcherPrs_FactoryClass which creates constraints presentations
 CSketcherPrs_HVDirectionA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of parallel constraint
 CSketcherPrs_LengthDimensionA class for representation of linear dimension constraint
 CSketcherPrs_MiddleA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of Equal constraint
 CSketcherPrs_MirrorA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of mirror constraint
 CSketcherPrs_OffsetA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide presentation of Equal constraint
 CSketcherPrs_ParallelA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of parallel constraint
 CSketcherPrs_PerpendicularA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of perpendicular constraint
 CSketcherPrs_PositionMgrA class Position Manager which manages position of constraints symbols along a source object line
 CSketcherPrs_RadiusA class for representation of radius constraint
 CSketcherPrs_RigidA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of parallel constraint
 CSketcherPrs_SensitivePointThis sensitive point is done in order to optimize process of the sinzitive area update It referes on point array directly and this lets to avoid procedure of the point synchronisation
 CSketcherPrs_SymbolArrayRedefinition of OpenGl_Element
 CSketcherPrs_SymbolPrsA base class of constraint presentation which is represented by an icon
 CSketcherPrs_TangentA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of tangent constraint
 CSketcherPrs_TransformationA redefinition of standard AIS Interactive Object in order to provide
presentation of parallel constraint
 CSketchPlugin_ArcFeature for creation of the new arc of circle in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_ArcEndPointIntersectionValidatorValidator for the end point of MacroArc feature
 CSketchPlugin_ArcEndPointValidatorValidator for the end point of MacroArc feature
 CSketchPlugin_ArcTangentPointValidatorValidator for the point where the tangent arc is building
 CSketchPlugin_ArcTransversalPointValidatorValidator for the point where the transversal arc is building
 CSketchPlugin_BSplineFeature for creation of the B-spline curve in the sketch
 CSketchPlugin_BSplineBaseBase class for B-spline curves in the sketch
 CSketchPlugin_BSplinePeriodicFeature for creation of the periodic B-spline curve in the sketch
 CSketchPlugin_BSplineValidatorValidator for checking poles/weights of B-spline curve
 CSketchPlugin_CircleFeature for creation of the new circle in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_CirclePassedPointValidatorValidator for passed point of MacroCircle feature
 CSketchPlugin_CoincidenceAttrValidatorValidator for the coincidence constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintAbstract interface to the SketchPlugin_ConstraintBase For more info see: SketchPlugin_ConstraintBase.h
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintAngleFeature for creation of a new constraint fix angle between two lines
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintBaseFeature for creation of a new constraint between other features
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidenceFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines equivalence of two points
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidenceInternalInternal coincidence constraint not applicable for the end user
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintCollinearFeature for creation of a new constraint collinearity of two lines
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a distance between a point and another feature (point, line, plane or face)
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceAlongDirFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a distance along direction
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceHorizontalFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a horizontal distance between two points
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintDistanceVerticalFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a vertical distance between two points
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintEqualFeature for creation of a new constraint specifying equality of lengths of two lines or equality of radii of two circular arcs (full circles)
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintHorizontalFeature for creation of a new constraint horizontality of a line
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintLengthFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a length of a line segment
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintMiddleFeature for creation of a new constraint which places a point in the middle of a line
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintMirrorFeature for creation of a new constraint mirroring a list of objects regarding to a given line
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintParallelFeature for creation of a new constraint parallelism of two lines
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintPerpendicularFeature for creation of a new constraint for perpendicularity of two lines
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintRadiusFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines a radius of a circle or an arc of circle
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintRigidFeature for creation of a new constraint which defines immovable object
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintTangentFeature for creation of a new constraint tangency between line and arc or between two circular arcs
 CSketchPlugin_ConstraintVerticalFeature for creation of a new constraint verticality of a line
 CSketchPlugin_CopyValidatorValidator for the constraints which create features
 CSketchPlugin_CurveFittingFeature for creation of the new B-spline curve in sketch as an interpolation or an approximation of a list of points
 CSketchPlugin_CurveFittingValidatorValidator for the selected vertices for the curve fitting feature
 CSketchPlugin_DifferentPointReferenceValidatorValidator for attributes of a sketch feature
 CSketchPlugin_DifferentReferenceValidatorValidator for attributes of a sketch feature
 CSketchPlugin_DistanceAttrValidatorValidator for the distance input
 CSketchPlugin_EllipseFeature for creation of the new ellipse in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_EllipticArcFeature for creation of the new elliptic arc in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_EqualAttrValidatorValidator for the equal constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_ExternalValidatorValidator for the points selection
 CSketchPlugin_FeatureFeature for creation of the new feature in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_FilletFeature for creation of a new arc filleting two objects which have coincident point
 CSketchPlugin_FilletVertexValidatorValidator for the point for fillet creation
 CSketchPlugin_HasNoConstraintValidator for checking whether the feature has constraint
 CSketchPlugin_IntersectionPointFeature for creation of external point as an intersection between external edge and a plane of the sketch
 CSketchPlugin_IntersectionValidatorValidator for the attribute to be intersected with the sketch plane
 CSketchPlugin_LineFeature for creation of the new part in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_MacroArcFeature for creation of the new arc of circle in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_MacroArcReentrantMessageMessage that style of visualization of parameter is changed
 CSketchPlugin_MacroBSplineFeature for creation of the new B-spline in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_MacroBSplinePeriodicFeature for creation of the new periodic B-spline in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_MacroCircleFeature for creation of the new circle in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_MacroEllipseFeature for creation of the new ellipse in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_MacroEllipticArcFeature for creation of the new elliptic arc in Sketch
 CSketchPlugin_MiddlePointAttrValidatorValidator for the middle point constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_MirrorAttrValidatorValidator for the mirror constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_MultiRotationFeature for creation of a number of rotated copies of a list of objects
 CSketchPlugin_MultiRotationAngleValidatorValidator for checking whether the angle of MultiRotation is in range [0, 360]
 CSketchPlugin_MultiTranslationFeature for creation of a number of shifted copies of a list of objects
 CSketchPlugin_NotFixedValidatorValidator for the rigid constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_OffsetBuilds offset curves in the sketch
 CSketchPlugin_PerpendicularAttrValidatorValidator for the perpendicular constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_PluginInterface common for any plugin: allows to use plugin by the plugins manager
 CSketchPlugin_PointFeature for creation of a new point
 CSketchPlugin_ProjectionFeature for creation of external feature as a projection onto the sketch plane
 CSketchPlugin_ProjectionValidatorValidator for the attribute to be projected onto the sketch plane
 CSketchPlugin_ReplicationReferenceValidatorValidator checking that the replications features (Mirror, Multi-Rotation, Mutli-Translation) do not refer to the shapes they produce
 CSketchPlugin_SketchFeature for creation of the new part in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_SketchCopyFeature for copy of a sketch and all its sub-features to the same plane
 CSketchPlugin_SketchDrawerFeature for creation of a sketch on selected base object and plane
 CSketchPlugin_SketchEntitySketch Entity for creation of the new feature in PartSet
 CSketchPlugin_SketchFeatureValidatorValidator for checking whether the feature referred by attribute is a sketch feature
 CSketchPlugin_SolverErrorValidatorValidator for the solver error
 CSketchPlugin_SplitFeature for creation of a new constraint splitting object
 CSketchPlugin_SplitValidatorValidator for the entity of the following type:
 CSketchPlugin_TangentAttrValidatorValidator for the tangent constraint input
 CSketchPlugin_ThirdPointValidatorValidator for the third point of MacroCircle feature
 CSketchPlugin_TrimFeature for creation of a new constraint trimming object
 CSketchPlugin_TrimValidatorValidator for the entity of the following type:
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintConverts SketchPlugin constraint to the constraint applicable for solver
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintAngleConvert Agnle constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintCoincidenceConvert coincidence constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintCollinearConverts collinear constraint to the constraint applicable for solver
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintDistanceConvert distance constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintEqualConvert equality constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintFixedStores data of the Fixed constraint
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintLengthConvert length constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMiddleConverts middle-point constraint to the constraint applicable for solver
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMirrorConvert fillet constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMovementStores data to the Fixed constraint for the moved feature only
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMultiCommon base class for the Multi constraints
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotationConvert rotated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslationConvert translated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintOffsetConvert offset to the solver's data model
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintPerpendicularConvert perpendicularity constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ConstraintTangentConvert tangency constraint to SolveSpace structure
 CSketchSolver_ErrorCollects all sketch solver error' codes as inline static functions
 CSketchSolver_GroupKeeps the group of constraints which placed in the same sketch
 CSketchSolver_ManagerListens the changes of SketchPlugin features and transforms the Constraint feature into the format understandable by sketch solver
 CSketchSolver_StorageInterface to map SketchPlugin features to the entities of corresponding solver
 CSolveSpaceSolver_BuilderCreate bridges between SketchPlugin constraints and SolveSpace constraints
 CSolveSpaceSolver_ConstraintWrapperWrapper providing operations with SovleSpace constraints
 CSolveSpaceSolver_EntityWrapperWrapper providing operations with SolveSpace entities
 CSolveSpaceSolver_ParameterWrapperWrapper providing operations with parameters in SolveSpace
 CSolveSpaceSolver_SolverPerforms high-level operations to solve sketch in SolveSpace
 CSolveSpaceSolver_StorageContains all necessary data in SolveSpace format to solve a single group of constraints
 CThreePointsUsed to store info about angle point and state
 CXGUI_ActionsMgrClass XGUI_ActionsMgrA class for management of actions (features) activation/deactivation
 CXGUI_ActiveControlMgrInterface of providing only one active control for workshop
 CXGUI_ActiveControlSelectorInterface to have an active control and process selection by the control
 CXGUI_ActiveDocLblImplementation of root label in Object Browser
 CXGUI_ColorDialogA class of dialog to chose a color
 CXGUI_CompressFilesThe class implements static methods for compressing/uncompressing files
 CXGUI_ContextMenuMgrA class wihich provides managent of context menu
 CXGUI_DataModelThis is a data model for Object Browser (QTreeView)
 CXGUI_DataTreeImplementation of Data Tree object for Object Browser
 CXGUI_DeflectionDialogA class of dialog to chose a deflection value
 CXGUI_ErrorDialogA class of dialog to show error message
 CXGUI_ErrorMgrClass of Errors manager object
 CXGUI_FacesPanelA Hide Faces panel for making it possible to hide faces in the 3D view
 CXGUI_FacesPanelSelectorProcessing selection by the faces panel
 CXGUI_HistoryMenuExtends regular QToolButton of QAction with HistoryMenu (stack of actions)
 CXGUI_InspectionPanelA class which represents an inspection panel: to show content of currently selected objects
 CXGUI_MenuGroupA class for management of menu actions (features)
 CXGUI_MenuMgrA class for management of menu actions (features)
 CXGUI_MenuWorkbenchA class for management of menu actions (features)
 CXGUI_ModuleConnectorImplementation of IWorkshop interface which provides access to Workshop services at module level
 CXGUI_ObjectsBrowserObject browser window object
 CXGUI_OperationMgrOperation manager
 CXGUI_PropertyDialogA dialog that contains property widget and accept/reject buttons
 CXGUI_PropertyPanelRealization of Property panel object
 CXGUI_PropertyPanelSelectorProcessing selection by the property panel
 CXGUI_SalomeConnectorAn interface which provides a connection of XGUI functionality with functionality of SALOME module interface
 CXGUI_SelectionImplementation of ModuleBase_ISelection interface
 CXGUI_SelectionActivateA class which implements activation/deactivate selection modes and using selection filters
 CXGUI_SelectionMgrSelection manager
 CXGUI_ShortCutListenerProcesses "Delete" key event of application
 CXGUI_TransparencyWidgetA class of a widget to chose transparency
 CXGUI_TreeViewItemDelegateTree item delegate for definition of data in column items editor
 CXGUI_ViewerProxyProxy class which repersents or AppElements_Viewer or Salome Viewer dependently on current launching environment
 CXGUI_WorkshopClass which defines a configuration of the application (Workshop) and launches it
 CXGUI_WorkshopListenerClass which process the events from the event loop